Chapter 17 - Trust Me, Baby

1859 Words
“Hey... I told you not to come,” she greeted. Lia scratch her neck, feeling anxious as she was not done yet cleaning the living room. He might think that she’s not organized or what and that’s something she doesn’t want to happen. “I’m here...” Simeon lifted the two plastics bags on both of his hands. “It’s too late now and even if you told me, I will still come.” Her upper lip rose up. “Stubborn.” He shrugged his shoulders and made his way inside. Lia has no choice but to closed the door and followed him to the kitchen where he placed the items on the table. “I’ll spend the night here with you.” Her jaw drop on the floor. “What? What do you mean?” He stopped, then looked at her. Raising his brows, he smirked. “I’m going to sleep over here, Lia.” She blinked twice. Again, her heart beat like a rotor due to nervousness. Lia swallowed hard and turned her back from him, feeling so red. How can he say that casually? She was not feeling comfortable about it as she haven’t had someone sleep with her. She has no friends to sleep over to their big house, she was alone since she witnessed these beautiful mess world. But to be honest, she felt uncomfortable. She didn’t expect him to say that either. Sure, she like him to the extent. But not to this point... And yes, he didn’t even mention sleeping with her, as in have s*x or just simply sleep beside her. But knowing that someone’s here while she asleep... The thought made her feel uneasy. “I think I have to reject your idea...” She faced him seriously. “I mean, it feels uncomfortable, on my part, Simeon. Like I’m okay having you here, with me, alone in these four walls but sleeping together?” Lia shook her head. “That would make me feel uncomfortable... Sorry.” She bit her lower lip. Lia was just being honest. “Hey, don’t feel about it.” Pursing her lips, she lowered her head. “I’m... I kinda felt guilty for turning you down but that’s my opinion. I’m not really comfortable.” “I was just testing you...” He walked closer to her then, held her hands. Simeon was five inches taller so she had to raised her head a bit to meet his eyes. To her surprise, he was smiling genuinely. Like he was not pissed for not giving him what he wanted. Like she didn’t turn him down. “I was just kidding, okay?” He smiled. “I know you’re still adjusting to my presence, Lia. I respect you being a little bit distant to me. And I’m here with you in every step you take to get closer... Little by little, I know the slight doubt you have in your heart would fade away.” Her eyes moisten a bit. Did she mention how lucky she was for meeting Simeon? For the past weeks, he has been helping her get over through her past breakdowns. She has flaws... Yet despite knowing it, he still stayed and has tried to lift up her spirit. Simeon... Lia was certain that he’s good to her mental health. Little by little, she know she would get through this. With him by her side and honestly, even though she doesn’t want to be dependent to anyone in terms of her mental health, she thought it’s too late to get away from that thought. As days passed, she felt like everything revolves around him. Even her happiness... It’s scary to think. She watched and read a lot of stories, a romance that ended up breaking the woman. But she promised before him... She promised not to let anyone break her in any ways. “Thank you...” She leaned on his broad chest. “I don’t know what to do without you, Simeon. I just felt lucky that you’re here with me, uplifting me. I know we just met weeks ago but the connections... I felt like we have built a strong bond in just a short period of time.” She felt his hand caressing her long and straight black hair, while his other hand was moving back and forth to her back. Closing her eyes, she sighed deeply. She could feel his heartbeat... It was slow and weak. But she didn’t bother it. Lia just savor the moment. Feeling the warmth of his skin. She was not able to feel him for days, hug him this tight and she kinda missed the feeling of his skin on hers. “Thank you so much, Simeon...” She sniffed. “I couldn’t thank you enough.” He chuckled. “Just pay me back soon.” “In what way?” She raised her head to look at him. “Tell me what you want, then. I’ll try to fulfill it so I could pay you back.” Simeon hummed slightly. Then lower his head down, meeting her eyes. And as usual, she was mesmerized by his black chinky eyes. It brought her peace and silence... It was so soft she thought she was jumping in clouds. She likes his eyes... So much. It was the first thing she noticed when they first met. “I guess I’ll keep it to myself for now. I don’t want to pressure you.” She pouted. “How big that could me to pressure me?” “Big enough that you’d end up giving up.” Eventually, Simeon helped her finished cleaning the living room after eating the dinner he brought for them. Then, they later set up her television and let him chose the movie. Of course, he chose a medical series which she didn’t mind. She has a little knowledge about it but Simeon... She can now really see a future with him! Alright... She admit. Lia wanted to end up with someone who has the same field as hers. The only thing that would make her parents proud of her is going to a med school. She like the program she’s planning to take in college. Lia’s on the last year of senior high and had been preparing for college admission tests. It is the only thing that she and her parents won’t argue. Also, aside from the fact that they also wanted to marry her off to someone whose medically inclined... But she doubt that they would accept Simeon. They not only want a doctor. But also someone who has a high position in large hospitals. Simeon, on the other hand, is not qualified to their likings. Even she wanted to introduce him to them, to be his girlfriend, she can’t. She would lose everything. They will probably stop funding her. She may have savings but that’s not enough to proceeds to graduate school and stuff. Lia was still sane to give up her dreams. She won’t give them a reason to abandon her. Not when she’s still financially dependent to them. She look at their locked hands. Surely, her feelings would grow if this continues. Nevertheless, she won’t let it ruin her. She was too young for love. This is far from reality. They were both just enjoying this phase of their lives. It has an end too, she thought. Everything between them would end soon. For now, they enjoy their company’s. “Your hands perfectly fit in mine,” he commented as the end credits crawls on the screen. “I won’t get tired holding your hands like this, Lia. So tight that you won’t be able to run away from me.” “I’ll find reason not to,” she told him straight. “Even if I have to let go, someday... I will still find the reason to stay, Simeon.” “I’ll not get tried giving you reasons to stay with me, Lia. A million reason not to let go of my hand.” She bit her lower lip. Now thinking about them, she couldn’t help but ask. “Why did He let us found something real when we can’t have each other?” She cried. It’s just unfair... She can’t be with him to their next level of relationship because of restriction. “I’m bound to marry someone, Simeon...” she uttered wearily. “Arrange marriage is common in our family. My grandparents, even my parents went through that. They were both okay with it... I was okay with it, too. But now, I don’t know. I’m having the urges to stop it. To break it...” She could feel his thumb caressing her skin. Lia knew it was too early for them to say such things, to threw words like promises... They just met but it was not the real problem. They can’t. Even if they wanted to, they can’t be together. “They want someone who could bring success to our family. Who could give my parents the positions they both desires in the industry we are in.” Her heart breaks at the thought. She couldn’t imagine her life living with a man whom she doesn’t even have feelings for. As she have said, she was okay with it until Simeon came. Wordlessly, she wanted to break it. To not let the history happened again because she doesn’t want to live in a big house where love is not present. That’s what her parents are. They stayed together for decades because they had the same goal. They don’t believe in real love either. They were each other’s first and might be the last. Sadly, the presence of love was not there. “I don’t want to live like my parents...” she said. “I realized that when I had you. I want something real, a home to call as my own, someone whom I could lean on every time I’m at the lowest point of my life.” “We could make that happen...” He gently squeezed her hands. “We’ll fight for this, Lia. We will. You’re not alone in this battle. I’m with you...” Shaking her head, a tear left her eye. “How could we make that possible, Simeon? You are someone my parents warned me about.” He brought her hand to his lips, showering it with assuring kisses while looking at her eyes. “We will prove them wrong, Lia. We will... Just trust me, okay? All I want you to do is stay with me until the end.” She shook her head again. This is something she could not foresee nor imagine in her sleep. “What you’re asking is not possible,” she replied. He hushed her by putting his forefinger to her lips. “Just trust me, baby...”
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