Chapter 6 - The Forgotten Yesterday

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When morning came, my body felt numb and I couldn't get up from the bed. My hand automatically went to my belly and a smile made its way to my lips. Another day, another hope. "Good morning, baby..." I whispered. "Baby Sloan..." My smile widened in delight. Sloan... A warrior. That will be his name. I sat on the bed and like a flash, I felt like something hit my brain which made me a bit confused and uncomfortable. For some reason, I felt like I forgot something from yesterday. Closing my eyes, I tried to recall everything that has happened recently. I could only remember knowing my baby's gender, shopping with Emory, Seiji's car, and... nothing. I opened my eyes having this feeling that I forgot a happy yet sad memory from yesterday but, nothing special happened. All I can remember was the time that I was in the hospital and going back home after Seiji picked me up from the mall. Gosh... Maybe I was too tired that I ended up imagining things and now having a hard time recalling the event from yesterday's time. Frowning, I chose to clean myself and went down to cook for breakfast. Since I don't have plans for today, I spent my day doing light household chores. A housekeeper comes every week to my house to do the laundry and clean the whole house so, I don't really do much. Just like now... I didn't notice that it was already the seventh day of the week if she didn't come. So we ended up having a snack in the living room when she had things done. "Seeing your son born was completely terrifying. You'd get to see this little person that your body has protected for forty weeks. You are immediately filled with feelings of love, joy, and relief that they are healthy and safe. It's you know... A complete panic, fear, and relief. But at the end of the day, everything is worth it. The waiting, pain, and even the expenses... All worth it." I smiled genuinely as I listened to her story when she had her first child. Peering at my tummy, my heart filled with happiness. I could relate to everything she said. Even now, I couldn't contain the happiness that was slowly building inside my heart. However, a part of me was not completely happy. If he's here, we would probably create a lively and big family. Sadly, Simeon died. Yet I'm still thankful as he left a child that would fill the gap in my heart. "I would be the best mom and a father to my son, Nana..." I promised. "Our child will get everything he needs. I'll shower him with the love and care he deserves that he couldn't ask for more." She nodded. "He will be blessed with a great mom, Lia. I'm sure, your son will only experience the best with you. He'll be lucky to have you as both of his parents. A mom and a dad..." "I hope so, Nana..." Honestly, I'm kinda scared at the thought that I might fail as a mother. But despite the negativities going in my mind, I still chose to overpower my fear with positives and reminded myself that all is worth it. We ended our talk with laughter talking about kids. I was thankful that she stayed for hours to keep me entertained. Nana was there from day one... She was our family's servant before but when I left home, she left and chose to attend to me. I was grateful for her as she took and made sure that I'm okay. Once she left, the uncomfortable feeling came back. I almost throw the plate away from me as I eat dinner alone at a six seaters table, feeling frustrated. This is the worst case ever. Trying to recall something I don't even remember. "Gosh... This is annoying!" I set aside the plate and just bowed my head down the table, slamming my forehead. For the nth time, I forced my mind to remember everything about yesterday but it just gives me a headache. I want to cry out of frustration. I felt like something important happened yesterday that I can't remember. Or maybe I'm just imagining things again. Assuming that something special happened yesterday when there is not. Eventually, I decided to divert my attention by baking brownies. It was already late but it didn't just end up baking. I made myself a juice but ended up filling almost half of the glass jar. Putting everything on the tray, I was about to go upstairs and rest when I heard my doorbell. I frowned. I'm not expecting anyone. Instead of ignoring it, I checked my phone and saw a message from Aamon, my husband's cousin. "Oh, they're here..." Why? They don't usually come at times like this. Sighing, I walked towards the door and opened the hatch for them. There, I saw Emory with her cousin, Mallory together with their boyfriends. Well, I'm not sure about Mal. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked, confused. "Did something happen outside? Or maybe you two were planning to sleep over here in my house?" "Vampires happened," Ry answered nonchalantly. "Just this afternoon, vampires started attacking humans again in the airport. I don't have any idea why! We had an agreement yet..." She looked terrified. The news made fear sipped through my system. Vampires... I thought everything was fine? We had an agreement. We'll supply them blood in exchange for peace as they were out killing innocent humans before and now... What the hell is going on? "We were trying to contact the guild's leader," Ry's boyfriend named Azarius talked. "We'll go back and join forces to know the reasons behind. For now, just stay at home and be alert, okay?" His gaze went to her. "Alright..." Pursing her lips, she threw herself to him which made Mal hissed beside me. "Take care of yourself and come back here, unscathed." "I'll try to..." "Ry, your boyfriend isn't an ordinary man. Even if the enemy tries to attract your vampire boyfriend, the cut will quickly heal." There was a hint of bitterness in Mallory's voice. I shook my head. "Go and bid goodbye to your not-so-called-boyfriend," I teased her. "Shut up, Lia." She gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Let's get inside, Ry. Lia might catch a cold." I rolled my eyes when I heard her excuse. "Using me to get away with him, huh?" We went inside the house first and Mal was still blurting out something only she can understand. I can't help but shook my head in dismay. The two have known each other for years yet, there's no progress in their relationship. Also, I couldn't understand why she still settles for less. The woman was obviously beautiful. And a huntress, as well as Ry. The Du Marais family was full of vampire hunters. Even Ry's brother, Simeon... However, they stopped years ago. "Don't be too obvious, Mal..." I commented. "Stop chasing someone who's clear as the sky shows no interest in you. You are wasting your time making an effort to have him notice you. A lot of people were waiting in line to reach you yet you're settling with someone like Alaric." "It's hard to do that, Lia..." she said wearily. "You will never understand my struggle unless you walk in my shoes." I kept my mouth shut and never bothered to talk again. Of course, I understand the struggle of letting go of someone you love. "I'm sorry..." she uttered. "I was kinda pissed, Lia. Sorry about that." "It's fine," I assured her. People tend to mutter words if they're in pain. We both turned our heads when Emory talked behind us. "Vampires are stressing the hell out of me," she said annoyingly. “They dare to break the agreement between us. Are they really up for war? Do they want to take over humans and rule the whole world? Gosh… Annoying.” When she saw my belly, her eyes lit up a bit. I almost took a step backward when she dropped on her knees and hugged my tummy with gentleness. Then lean her ear against my belly as if she would hear my son talk inside. "You startled me, Ry!" I put my palm above my chest where my heart is located. "Sorry, mom..." She giggled. "Baby, push yourself out of your mommy's tummy. Tita Ry badly wants to see and hold you, baby boy." "I told you to make one with your boyfriend," I reminded her again. "Happiness is different if it's your own child you're expecting, Ry." "Heh!" She stood up and went to the long sofa then sat there lazily. "My nephew is enough, Lia. Don't push it... I might follow your advice." She smirked, raising her brows up and down. "Crazy..." I sat on the single sofa. "I'll just go to the kitchen," Mal made her way to the kitchen. Silence filled the whole room. "Now that vampires have started to attack us again, I think it's better to give birth here..." I told her, sighing deeply. "It's too dangerous outside, Ry. I don't want to risk it." "We're here, Lia..." She positions herself properly. "We could bring you to the safest hospital in the country for you to deliver the baby safely. We'll not leave you behind." I wet my lower lip. "I'm just worried for my son. What if vampires would attack us on the day I give birth, huh? It's better if I stay here and wait for the day. I'll have someone to help me, Ry. The doctor and I know you won't leave me alone. I'm scared for our lives..." Vampires were no joke. They kill without mercy and I don't want to be their victim. I know I'm kind of out of my mind thinking that they might attack us but there's a low chance! "I think Ry is right, Lia." Mallory went out of the kitchen with the tray I had prepared for myself earlier. "If you're worried about the situation outside, we will keep you and the baby safe. And I'm sure that this won't last, right? Everything will get back to normal." I saw Ry nodded. But I don't know... I trust them, the whole family but, something inside me is telling me no. God... Please, I just don't want to risk anything.
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