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❌ Do not copy or share on any platform ❌ “King Rehoboth! Come out and address the mob!!" Alfred said. King Rehoboth walked out of the palace with two of his guards. He was in his regalia and holding his staff of office. He stepped on the exalted ground and faced the crowd. “I am deeply sorry for the death of three noble men from this kingdom. From the outset, our country and her States were known to be restful. All of a sudden, we are faced with crises and wars, killings everywhere. We have placated the Lord of the Water to make our land peaceful again, but it has not yielded any positive result. Gilbert is a lion's heart, but unfortunately, he has passed on. We need a savior!” King Rehoboth addressed the mob. “Yes, we do!!” the crowd said. “Do we still have brave men? We need a company of strong-hearted men, we need the braves to maneuver these eyesores,” King Rehoboth said. “I am Alfred and everyone knows. We need extraordinary powers to get over these messes. I think I can render some help,” Alfred said. “Really? Do you want to disclose anything to us?” King Rehoboth said. “I read a historical book about the Lord of the Moon. The Lord of the Moon is endowed with earth-bending, air-bending and water-bending skills. Moreover, he has magical powers too. We can go to him for help,” Alfred said. “That’s great news for everyone! How do we meet the Lord of the moon?” King Rehoboth said. “We have to go to space; he lives inside half of the moon,” Alfred said. “Who do we nominate?” King Rehoboth said, perturbed. “I need three men with me; we shall go on an adventure to the half moon,” Alfred said. “I said weeks back that I needed a lead warrior for a war ahead; I think I have found one. Today, I choose Alfred as the lead warrior. Get me regalia,” king Rehoboth said. Alfred was clothed in royal clothing and there was a clapping ovation. Alfred cleared his throat and spoke. “Well, I am honored. As the lead warrior of this kingdom, I hereby nominate Raphael, Smith and Brown for the adventure. Please, come forward,” Alfred said. Raphael, Smith and Brown left the crowd. They walked in Alfred's direction and stood beside him. “I am thrilled today; at least, I have brave men who can undertake tasks. Alfred, what’s the next phase of actions?” King Rehoboth said. “Let’s go home and rest. In a few days, we shall visit the Lord of the Moon. Sacrifice has to be made in order to facilitate the adventure,” Alfred, now the lead warrior, said. “We shall gather at the bank of the river two days from now, where we shall offer sacrifice to the Lord of the Water,” King Rehoboth said. “That’s acceded to, king,” Alfred said. “Long live the king!!” the crowd said. AT ALFRED'S HOUSE “Dad, I heard you are going to the moon,” Davies, Alfred’s 7-year-old son, said. “Yes, Davies. We want to save our country, or do you like the way things are in this country?” Alfred said. “No, dad; the country has no security. Please dad, can I follow you to the moon?” Davies said. “No! You are young for such a journey. Someday, you can go when you are old enough,” Alfred said, and touched Davies on the back. “Alright, dad. I am in anticipation,” Davies said. “That’s why I am raising you up into a brave and fearless young man,” Alfred said. “Thanks dad for all you do; you are the best,” Davies said, and sat on his father’s lap. “I love you, Davies. Someday, you will save the United States of America too,” Alfred said. “Okay, dad,” Davies said and smiled. Helena sauntered to the sitting room and could see Davies smiling. “Father and son, what’s behind the smiles?" Helena said and sat down. “Mum, dad said I would go to the Lord of the Moon,” Davies said exuberantly. “Oh my goodness! You are too young for such a journey; I won’t allow you to go,” Helena said. “Don’t mind the little kid; I said he would go to the Lord of the Moon when he has come of age,” Alfred said. “That’s much better. I shall be going to Sarah's house in the evening to sympathize with her on the death of her husband,” Helena said quietly. “I almost forgot; that is mandatory. Can we go together?” Alfred said. “In that case, we shall go there in the evening,” Helena said. “That’s acceded to. Davies, you can go to your room now; I want to discuss some relevances with your mum,” Alfred said. “Alright, dad,” Davies said and walked away.
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