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❌ Do not copy or share on any platform ❌ The entire palace was silent except the murmur coming from the chiefs who were gathered in the palace. King Rehoboth walked to the inner chamber to meet his chiefs. “Long live the king!!” the chiefs said. “May the ancestors bless you all!!” King Rehoboth said. “Our king! What’s going on within the palace?” Easton said. “I am confused. Could you shed more light?” King Rehoboth said. “Thank you, my king. We heard that you have chased your first wife, queen Mackenzie, away. A snake doesn’t crawl in the day without any reason. So we are gathered here today to hear from you,” Easton said. “Well, you all know from the outset that Mackenzie has been my greatest headache so far. When I married her, she was well-cultured; all of a sudden, she changed into the otherwise. Mackenzie was known for her promiscuous nature and her wickedness. She talks to me and queen Caroline anyhow,” King Rehoboth said. “But my king, you have endured for a long time. So why did you chase her away at this time?” Easton said. “We all know that my second wife and daughter have been enslaved. Instead of Mackenzie being sad and praying the duo get liberty, she becomes euphoric . So I reprimanded her and she talked back at me. Let’s take kingship aside; can anyone take disrespect from his wives? I don’t think any sensible man would take that,” King Rehoboth said. “Let’s look at it from another angle, my king, what if she dies of pain?” Cooper said. “Chief Cooper, are you the one talking like this? Let Mackenzie die!! As if I care,” King Rehoboth said. “I support the king; we are all witnesses to queen Mackenzie's misdeeds. She has been nefarious-natured, rude, pompous. The king has taken a decision, so let it stand!” Emmett said. “Thank you, Chief Emmett; you are always full of wisdom. You can all hear what Chief Emmett said, so you can all go and rest in your homes and stop using drugs for another person's sickness,” King Rehoboth said. “Long live the king!!” the chiefs said. “Theodore, make sure the citizens gather here by noon,” King Rehoboth said. “Okay, my king,” Theodore said. “In the absence of no further conversation, I think you have to excuse me,” King Rehoboth said. In the afternoon, the Americans gathered at the king's palace. Sadness, pain and fear were written on their faces. The king, in the company of his guard, Dean, walked out to meet the crowd. “Long live the king!!” the crowd chorused. “May your ancestors remember you this day! I am sorry for the pains you have gone through, I am sorry for the calamities too,” king Rehoboth said grimly. “You haven’t offended us, our king,” a commoner, Jackson said. “Don’t say that, I have offended you all greatly. The memories of your lost relatives are lingering on. I have failed you, the government has failed you, the country has failed you,” King Rehoboth said with a teary voice. “We are Nicholas, my king. Truly, we have experienced pain as an individual and country, yet, we have been tolerant. We know there is light at the end of a tunnel,” Asher said. “Yes, there is light! My king, we know that when our saviors return, our wounds will be nursed, our hearts will be mended, our coasts will be enlarged and we will have a reason to call ourselves Nicholas,” Beau said. “I can see a beam of hope for us all. The time of refreshment is near,” Diego said. “I am somewhat happy with your words. I know our land will be healed,” King Rehoboth said. “My king, I heard you have chased your first wife, queen Mackenzie, away; what has she done?” Mia said. “The mention of Mackenzie makes me belligerent. I think this is a question for another day!” King Rehoboth said. “I am sorry, my king; I was just being concerned,” Mia said. “I can see that. My wife and daughter have been enslaved! What shall I do?” King Rehoboth said. “Greetings, my king. We are aware that your wife and daughter have been enslaved. We are deeply sorry for that,” Vivian said. “Now, I am left childless and wifeless. The Hellenes have done me bad,” King Rehoboth said with a teary voice. “The Hellenes will be destroyed someday, the queen and her daughter will be saved. So my king, you have to exercise a little patience,” Mia said. “I like your words, woman. You are a wise woman,” King Rehoboth said. “Thank you, my humble king,” Mia said. “I think I have to release you now,” King Rehoboth said. "Nicholas!! Nicholas!! Nicholas!!” the crowd said and walked away.
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