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I never saw him sad, or mad, or angry, or happy. Since I can remember he barely expresses his emotions. May be I was a good kid that he never raised his voice at me, he never showed me he is angry at me. There was a little smile that lights for a fraction of second when ever I did or say something silly and that made me feel immeasurably happy. I remember he was hated and criticized by the public for being humble for wearing normal, for not living expensive and for not using his position properly. I used to wonder why people aren't friendly with him so I asked him and he said people aren't accepted when they live simple, specially in extravagant kind of environment. The funniest thing is the people didn't like the guys same at my fathers position who abused their powers either. I didn't understood then. I still don't understand why. Anyways People are weird. Dad was trying to not a***e their taxes. He was judged for living how he lived even at our chuch. Yeah I noticed that early and I started hating on people early. However how I know my dad is when he helped me to work my homework, when we go to chuch, when he deeply worship at the church, when he came home from work and he showed me emotionless face, when he made me meal and proved himself he was the best cook I ever knew. When he dropped me to school after making me lovely breakfast. God I love my dad. I miss him everyday. However the next day of my 12th birthday my dad was found at his car. Dead! I heared the news just like the rest of the people that didn't liked him at all. I couldn't imagine a single disease that could kill him such an in instant way. He hasn't had no good friend, or a friend at all. He hasn't had that much money and I couldn't survive with his savings more than 2 months living in the most expensive city. Addis Ababa. The capital of the horn of Africa. Both my parents and I was born and raised in Addis so even if I wanted to live somewhere cheaper and calmer, I didn't know anyone who would help me. So at 12th the street life welcomed me. Street people are also weird but less weirder. They are friendly with every other street people. Which helped me to adapt the environment very quickly. About 5 weeks later making peace with living on the streets, loosing everything my father had and losing my precious dad I heared my dad's forensic results show he was poisoned. And yeah that's when my life started. I then understand my father was wrong about telling me life is enjoyable when we are forgiving and praying. For me life become enjoyable when I start to fight back and make people pay for their deeds here on earth. In fact a simple death wasn't enough but I think Jesus got it after that. I wasn't learning and I was spending the day watching everyone at my father's work place. Specially the people that replace my fathers position. I was young and I wanted to start exercising so my future self would be muscular and strong but I couldn't exercise more than I day because as a street boy I couldn't replace my energy cause there wasn't enough to eat. In fact somedays there wasn't anything to eat let alone a food that replace the exercise sweat. So

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