Chapter 6 - Just a tip ...

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Star “My beautiful Star. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He frowned. “Because I am shy and didn’t understand what was happening, and I was scared and … And I wasn’t sure if I wanted it.” I started rambling. “And now?” He looked worried. “Now, I am sure.” Looking into his eyes after confessing that not only was I a virgin, but I knew absolutely nothing about my own body except for having periods. I was nervous. Nobody had ever told me anything about the birds and the bees all the way through to conception. I didn’t know what to do with my arms, my hands, how to hold him, how to move. I had only seen some things on television, movies or the internet, but then I got shy and looked away. Taking his lollipop into my mouth was just a natural reaction. He pinned my arms above me. “Don’t move babe, okay?” I gave him a nod, not knowing he was actually going to ravage me from top to bottom. He moved down to my vag.ina. I wasn’t sure what to call it. A medical term? A cute term? Star! Concentrate! I yelped and jumped up as I felt him suck on me. “Calm down babe. I am going to do it again, okay?” I gave him a nervous nod, he did it again and I moaned. It felt so good, and that wetness was rushing out of me again. “Don’t!” It was as if he knew I was going to run for the bathroom. He slid a finger inside me and I fell back onto the bed. The feeling was indescribable. Every muscle in my lower body pulled together, even my butt cheeks! “Your is so perfect.” Luc smiled. I looked up at him, wondering why he was moving his finger in and out, but not complaining about how it felt. “, I like that name.” I let it roll over my tongue, moving my hand down to feel what his hand was doing. “I want to learn.” I told him. He smacked my hand away. “OW!” “No,” He said angrily. “No touching yourself. Only me. I am the only one allowed to touch your, understand?” He sounded very strict. “Yes. I understand.” I said, although I didn’t really. He sucked on my again, and I arched closer to his mouth. It felt so good, his finger still moved in and out. He slid a second finger in and it hurt a little. “Oh, babe, you are very tight. There is no way I will fit into you yet.” He sounded almost disappointed. “Why?” I asked. Surely, all men and women are the same size, aren’t they? “Because of this.” He made me feel myself. “This will be the only time you can feel yourself.” He said, letting my fingers feel his two fingers inside me. They were tight and couldn’t both fit inside me without hurting me terribly. He had me put my thumb and index finger around to feel the size. “Now feel this.” He put my hand on his and did the same measurement. I couldn’t fit my fingers around. I had to use my middle finger to fit. “Oh.” I looked wide-eyed. “Now what? I am ready, now you won’t fit? Do you need to find another mate that fits?” I asked, on the verge of tears. I finally found the man I would give my virginity to, and he didn’t fit inside me! I was about to burst into tears. After all that and I was broken! “No, my babe! You are going nowhere. You are staying right here until we have you stretched a little.” He grinned. “Stretched??!!” I asked, shocked, and he sucked on my and shushed me instantly. His two fingers moved in and out little by little, pushing further and further inside me. It was pleasurable pain. He fit both in and kept on moving them only a little faster. He held my pelvis down with his free hand, sucking and fingering me. My world started spinning out of control and my muscles pulled tight around his fingers. He sucked really hard, keeping his fingers deep inside me. I felt my inside go warm with liquid, my pulsated and twitched. I was sure I peed myself!! “You taste like bubblegum cupcakes.” He licked his lips. Lay down beside me, and pulled me tight against his still hard d**k. “What was that?” I asked him. “Oral sex.” He smiled. “And what I felt and what my body did?” I tried looking at him, but he was not letting me move. “You had your first orgasm. And if you rest now, I will let you have another in a couple of minutes.” He said, still smiling. “WHAT?” I asked and he shushed me. I put my head down on the pillow. His arm was underneath my neck and his other around my waist. One hand held a breast, turning, twisting and pulling at my n****e in such a way that I had no other option but to see what he was doing. He moved one of his legs in between mine and started grinding his against my back. “Are you sure you can’t … Put that inside me yet?” I whispered, as if someone could hear us. “It will hurt badly, and it is not a that. It is, as you refer to, as a, shaft, or p***s, whichever you choose to use. My personal favourite being penis.” He sounded like a teacher! “p***s,” I repeated the word as if I was a kid learning to talk for the first time. “I want you to put your pe.nis into my” I said innocently, and he stopped playing with my breasts. Oh cr@p, I have said something wrong. I am such an i***t! I knew about organizing things. Working as an assistant and here I was with this gorgeous man, sounding like a three-year-old! I needed to get a laptop. “You want me to put my pe.nis into your, huh?” He asked, turning me around to face him. He kissed me before I could answer. There was no stopping him when he got up, sat between my legs, put a pillow underneath my ass, pe.nis in his one hand he opened my lips a little, and I was even wetter than before. It was finally going to happen. I was no longer going to be a virgin. I was throbbing being opened up like that for him to see. He put the tip inside me and I knew it was just the tip, because it was hardly inside when I screamed. “Babe!” He was by my side like lightning. His pe.nis hung like it had died. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have. I know better.” He climbed off the bed, pacing around with his hands in his blond hair. I stood on the bed on my knees and held out my arms to him. “Luc, please come here.” He hesitated for a minute and then walked into my arms. All pain is immediately forgotten. I moved my hand down to his pe.nis and started moving my hand up and down. “I might be small now, but you will fix that. In the meantime, let me help you.” I whispered. “But I just hurt you, babe.” He said with sadness flickering over his eyes. “But I asked you. I wanted to feel what it would feel like.” I was guessing this was how it worked after the way he had moved his fingers in and out of me. “Ugh.” He moaned, growing hard in my hand. He gave in, guiding me when he wanted me to do something different, panting when I picked up the pace like he did with his fingers. I held my hand a bit tighter, like my muscles would pull him tighter, hearing him moan. I kissed him passionately, continuing moving my hand. The tip of his pe.nis touched the tip of my with each thrust. The ache started building up inside me again when he put his hands on my hips to steady himself. “Stop, stop babe.” He moaned, but I felt him twitch and move my lower body up close underneath his pe.nis. He came all over me, shaking as he pumped out everything into my and legs. He grabbed me by my hair, careful not to pull too hard and kissed me, exploring my mouth with his tongue. He pushed me back onto the bed, following me and sliding his fingers back in one move. I was wet and pulled tight already. He lay beside me sucking one of my breasts, leaving a love-bite next to my nip.ple, nibbled on the tip, making me moan. His fingers slowly slid deeper and deeper as I stretched. I arched my back each time he slid them in. My tip touched his thumb. “Please do that again.” I begged. “Do what, babe? You need to be more specific.” He stopped sucking on my breast and looked up at me. “Touching the front of my” I whispered. He started exploring, his wet finger tracing the outside. “Here?” “No, no, the tip.” I was out of breath. He pulled at the tip. “Oh, you mean your” I almost jumped out of my skin. “Yes that!” He pulled at it again, making me shake. “Nice, huh?” He grinned. “I know what you need now.” He smiled at me. Oh, Brother!! He slid down my body to that same position, sucking on that very sensitive spot. It was mind-blowing. My back arched, my nip.ples were erect. My pushed up against him, while my hand gripped his hair trying to push him closer. He sucked harder and harder. I felt him slide a third finger inside me, the pain of pleasure made me scream with delight. “Babe! Don’t stop!” I moaned when he started fingering me with three fingers while sucking my I was twitching, feeling the heat buildup inside me. “Cu.m for me, babe.” He said, and the wetness shot out of me like a tap opening. My was all sensitive and sore, throbbing, tingly, and he went back to sucking. “No, I can’t.” I stopped him. He moved up and pulled me tight against him. “Good girl.” He stood up and returned with a bottle of water for me to drink. “Now go to sleep. You need some rest.” He climbed into bed behind me and pulled me closer. I had no idea of time, but I didn’t worry at this stage, maybe having a mate wouldn’t be that bad. His pe.nis in my was my last thought before sleep took over. I woke up with his heavy arm around my waist. I seriously needed a shower and wanted to go get some food, but how to sneak out without him finding out? I grabbed two pillows, placed one behind my back, so I could move forward a little, then I was out. The water that ran down my skin felt different, almost as if it was feeding my skin, kissing it. Then this big pair of warm hands found their way around my waist, making me jump when he placed a kiss right between my neck and my shoulder. I couldn’t help but giggle. He had found that ticklish spot and was clear not going to stop. “Hey, babe. Why did you leave me?” He asked in a hoarse voice which sounded so sexy. “Hey lover. I needed a shower and food.” So, I tried everything I always heard and saw and thought I might want to try one day, because it sounded or looked sexy. He hummed, taking the washing cloth out of my hand. He moved it over my shoulder behind my neck, over to my other shoulder. Down my back down to my He gave me one hard smack which made me cry out in pain. When he was done with my back, he turned me around, started at my collarbone, down to my bre.asts, taking his time cleaning every millimetre. He dropped the cloth when he reached my, slipping one finger inside me, which made me moan. “Do you want to try the tip again?” He whispered in my ear, and I was hesitant, remembering the terrible pain the first time around. I really wanted to please him though, and I really wanted to know what it felt like.
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