Chapter 17 - Flowers and romance.

2155 Words

Star We reached my room and Sarah was scared at first. She told me that the seekers looked like Vampires to her. Only with shining lights. They looked like they moved just as fast and appeared in front of you without warning. They didn’t have real emotion most of the time. What if they drank from her or dragged her to their dungeon when I was not looking? Sarah clung to me more and more each day. When we were at the office in Giselle’s house she was scared to death of the wolves, even in their human form. She only knew the wolves she saw that were part of Williams' pack. Red-eyed, half-rotten, cruel wolves that snapped at you for no reason at all. I really loved Sarah, but it was getting difficult to do my work with her around, since she didn’t want to physically leave my side. Lorelei

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