Chapter 9 - Finding Luc - Crossover chapter

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Star I woke up the next morning in the same clothes I wore yesterday. I had been so tired I just flopped down on my bed when I got back. I probably cried myself to sleep asleep somewhere between tears. Jumping up from the bed, I remembered that Meg was back. I ran around the room looking for my phone. What if I overslept or she was looking for me and I missed it! I found the phone, and breathed a sigh of relief when it was only five am and there were no missed calls. I didn’t know if I felt sad or relieved that she hadn’t called yet. I took a quick shower and stood in front of my cupboard. My clothes looked like those of a little girl and I didn’t know what to wear. My hair was no longer a unicorn colour. It was still cut in a funky shorter style, longer on the right than the left. A sort of pixie type style, but I am a red head now. I took out the most grown-up dress I could find and put it on. When I sat in front of the mirror at the dressing table, I looked at myself without all the colourful make-up. Wow, I must have looked like a circus clown with all those colours. I put on eyeliner, mascara and soft pink lip gloss. There was no need to stand out. In fact, I would prefer it if I could just blend into the background from now on. I walked down to Lorelei’s where Patrick gave me a big hug when I walked into the kitchen. “Coffee?” He asked, before Lorelei could ask if I wanted tea and I couldn’t help but giggle. They had become like parents to me, and I had grown to love them like parents. “Just a little one, I have to prepare the pack's paperwork if Alpha wants to work on them when she returns.” I smiled shyly. Lorelei turned and looked at me for the first time since I walked in. “Who are you? I hear Star, but you aren’t her!” She actually looked shocked and not the pretend kind. “Little girl, what have you done to my beautiful shining Star?” She asked, sounding a little angry. “That little girl had to grow up at some point, Lorelei.” I shrugged, feeling sad. “Well, then if this is, grown-up Star, she doesn’t look that bad. She actually looks great.” Lorelei smiled. I guess she had to make a fuss like she usually did. “I will take my coffee to the study if you don’t mind. There is a lot to get done before Alpha arrives.” I excused myself, hoping they would not ask too many questions. Some of the paperwork was still there and hadn’t been moved to Giselle’s house yet. “Patrick, Leo was right! That girl is going to die of heart break if I don’t get some food into her.” Even Lorelei looked concerned, as I heard her say on my way out of the kitchen. I spent the morning going through what needed to be done, as I did every morning, and put aside the things that Meg had to pay attention to. We couldn’t do much about the territory at the moment. Scouts came back telling us that it had been claimed by rouges. Meg and Anthony decided to take care of that once the fight against William was won. They weren’t ready to move back yet. When the head of the snake was cut off, the snake would die and the rogue problem could be sorted out. We didn’t have to face attacks from two sides. In the meantime, I made sure that I could keep up as much of the maintenance as possible, keep security and warriors around the main-house and pack-house territory so that the rogues didn’t tear our homes apart. The daily reports were sounding better and better, which might mean that things were getting worse and worse for the battle. I needed to remember to tell them about this development when we had pack meeting. Finally, Megan and everyone arrived and everything went so fast. There were introductions and meetings in the council chambers. Time stopped. My heart stopped! He was called as my mate for council and pack matters, but he had sort of rejected me, hadn’t he? He had just not said it out loud. Finally, I was released from the painful experience. Time went into super-speed again, and my broken heart made me feel as if everything was happening around me. I couldn’t stop it from running away. The second I could grab hold of time and stop it from spinning, I excused myself and went back to my room. Facing them knowing what a failure I was, was just too much for me to deal with. The stupid frail human who couldn’t satisfy her wolf mate. I was thinking of returning to the city and leaving all of it behind. Starting on a new page. I still had the money in my bank account for emergencies. Surely, they would understand. Ugh. I was tired. I fell down on my bed and sleep overtook me quickly. Megan Luc’s scent was still strong in the seeker's house. He couldn’t have left too long ago. But why would he have gone in the opposite direction of the homeland’s border? His scent led us through a clearing, a small stream, a tree line, where there were many other scents, including some with rage. It took a while before we could find his, leaving the tree line, we moved towards the mountain. The scent was starting to disappear bit by bit. Had he been attacked by William? “We have to find out where he is!” I was speaking in my Alpha voice. It was a long run before we found all his belongings hidden inside a cave. There were scents of rage mixed with his, making us run that little bit faster. The scent turned up into the mountains, and we didn’t even see or feel time passing, all we focussed on was that one smell that we had to follow before we lost it. Halfway up the mountain, the scent of rage got stronger, making Storm growl as she took over and picked up the pace, nearly leaving our warriors behind completely. Storm was furious. If William took Luc, we were going to kill him ourselves. William had done enough damage! My words were not even cold when I found a trail of blood drops. “Luc,” I whispered in the pack link. “He was here and he is injured! We have to find him, and fast.” I howled a bone-chilling howl. Nothing. I was hoping Luc would answer and let us know where he was. The tracker warriors arrived standing by my side. I have to depend on their senses now. They were my best trackers. “Find him.” I instructed, and they took off like the wind and the rest of us followed. The blood trail luckily stopped a couple of meters away. The scent of Luc grew weaker by the second and the scent of rage grew stronger. A tracker got jumped from the right by a wolf barring his teeth and his eyes burned red. It didn’t take long for more to arrive and a full-scale attack to take place. We didn’t have time for this! Storm lost her temper and stormed into the attack, tearing apart red-eyed wolves left, right and centre. It was too late for the tracker wolf, but at least it was just in time to save most of my warriors. The blood from the other wolves would also hide the pack's scent. We didn’t waste time, as we ran further up the mountain and reached a ledge we couldn’t climb in our wolf forms. I got a strong scent of Luc in the wind and howled again. This time Luc responded. The pack looked at each other, shifted and started climbing the ledge. “Luc, are you okay?” I linked him. “Yes Alpha, I just cannot get down on my own,” He replied. “Have you been caught by the rage wolves?” I was terribly concerned at the state he might be in. “They tried, but I was too fast, and they couldn’t follow me up onto the ledge. It was as if they couldn’t change to their human form.” He groaned. The warriors reached him, finding he had a broken arm that had healed in the wrong way. It would have to be broken and reset. He must have been there for some time for it to have healed completely. “Alpha, his arm is healed incorrectly, causing him terrible pain. We have to break it and reset.” The medical wolf informed me and I sighed. “Do what you feel is necessary. We will work around what you need.” I advised him, and he instructed the pack on how they would have to get Luc down from the ledge and everyone jumped to work. I still wanted answers, but for now we needed to concentrate on getting him down from there and home safely. I linked Leo that they had found him, but didn’t let him know in what condition Luc was in. Just that he was safe and we were bringing him home. Giselle “Beautiful, they found Luc. Megan says they are bringing him home.” Leo looked relieved. “That is amazing news, my love. I needed to let Star know immediately.” I was about to jump up from the hospital bed when my body reminded me that I had just given birth to triplets, and I was going nowhere. Star Forest appeared in my room with a plate of pancakes. “I have this plate of human food that I have been told is made especially for you. I would prefer it doesn’t go to waste, Star.” “I don’t feel hungry.” I put my head on my pillow and mumbled. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but I can’t hear you when you are talking to the pillow.” She sounded a bit snooty. I looked up at her. “I don’t feel hungry, there did you hear me now?” That was a bit harsh, and I instantly felt horrible. “Sorry Forest, I didn’t mean to be mean. I’m not hungry. I’m tired and with Meg being away I can take the time to just stay in my room.” I plopped my head right back on the pillow. “Star, you have responsibilities to take care of. Aren’t you the one who makes sure that everything is taken care of for the pack and that it all runs smoothly, so Meg doesn’t have to deal with every detail?” She tried to coach me up and out of bed by appealing to my responsible side. “Yes, but I’m a puny human, I am sure she can find a wolf that can do a better job than me.” I talked into the pillow. “Now you’re being stupid! There is nobody out there that your Alpha needs more than you. Get that of yours out of bed and into a shower. You stink!” She pulled the covers off me and grabbed me by my foot, pulling me off the bed. “I don’t wanna!!” I tried holding onto the sheet which all of a sudden seemed to not want to play along, pulling off the bed. “Why is everything against me??” I asked, exasperated, but got up, giving up, knowing that there was no getting out of this. Forest was headstrong. Probably why she was chosen to be my seeker. She pretended to hold her nose when I walked past her on my way to the bathroom and I rolled my eyes at her. I opened the water and walked over to the basin, looking at myself in the mirror. “Ugh.” I brushed my teeth and climbed into the hot water. “OW! Dammit!” I had let the water run for too long, and it was boiling hot. But I finally got the cold water running. “!” I screamed as it ran so fast it was freezing. It took me a minute and I got the water at the right temperature. I was such a up sometimes, I couldn’t even get the shower to work properly! I wondered if other people also jumped around a shower like this. Imagining people all over the world dancing around in showers because the water was either too hot or too cold. I had to add music to it and the image made me laugh so loud that Forest walked in to find out if I had gone insane. She was right, the shower did make me feel better. I put on a clean set of clothes, shorts and a t-shirt feeling more like myself even with my hair in, it's the new style of a grown up girl. After my shower, I sat down at the small dining table and finished off all the pancakes.
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