Chapter Fifteenth

1598 Words
Gina’s P.O.V ‘Did you just hear what I said? Answer me!’ Damon kept screaming. Brian pulled me to him and his grip tightened with everything second that went by. It was like he wanted to protect me, but there was a dark place in the pit of my stomach where I couldn’t help but think... If things got bad… Bri wouldn’t be able to. I looked up at him, Fear clear in my eyes. When he looked down at me, He let go of me and walked over to Damon, Rob did the same. I grabbed Charlotte's arm and pulled her to me, Keeping her close. ‘Get downstairs, Now!’ Damon ordered them. Rob and Bri nodded, Looking over at us, ‘And lock the door behind you’. Walking away, We heard him shout out; ‘Leroy, Group meeting’. As soon as we were all alone again, Ron turned to look at us. ‘I’m sorry’. With nothing more, he left the room, Brian went to follow, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. ‘No, You’re not leaving this room until you talk to me!’ He pushed me away, a little too harshly, sending me tumbling to the floor. ‘I’m sorry, You should have run when you have the chance’. He whispered and left as well. We heard the lock on the door click and then footsteps fading as they walked away. I looked at Charlotte. We were both scared, We had no idea what that nutjob was going to make them do to us, but I was more scared about what he was going to do or say to the guys now, downstairs. ‘Great! I knew we should have just f*****g run’. Charl sighed. ‘Will you just shut the f**k up! If you're not going to admit it, Just shut up!’ I scared, really losing my temper with her. She was being so annoying right now, She just looked at me, Confused. ‘What?’ ‘Yeah, Sure, You might have decided to stay here for me, but admit it, You’re still here for Robert too. You like him and anyone with eyes can see it!’ I snapped, I wasn’t that angry anymore, but I was annoyed that she wouldn’t just admit it. What did she have to lose now? Absolutely nothing. ‘I-I… It’s just so wrong to like him, After what he did to me’. Looking down at her arm in the sling, I sighed. I guess this must be really hard for her, But it was hard for me too. ‘You can’t help who you fall for’ I told her honestly. Getting off the bed, I walked over to the window, Looking out. The weather was much better today. Charlotte came over and joined me. We were just stood in silence for alittle while, I was just thinking about what was going to happen when the guys came back, and She was probably thinking the same. ‘Oh my god, Look’ She pointed to the window frame... Ok, I guess we weren’t thinking the same thing. ‘It’s not even locked’. She whispered. ‘Huh?’ ‘We can get out, We can run’. Her excitement confused me. ‘Charlotte... Did you not hear me... I’m. Not. Leaving’. I said it slowly so she could understand, but instead, she just looked at me, more confused than ever. ‘I’m not leaving without you and we ARENT staying here! Now, Get your ass out that window!’ She yelled, Opening it up. I shook my head. ‘You really wanna out mum and dad though this again. You know what happened last time, This will kill them. Gina, For f**k sake, Don’t you remember Payton-’ ‘Don't you dare say her name again!’ I warned. ‘She was our sister. She’s gone, She’s dead. It killed all of us. It killed mum and dad, and now you want to put them through that again after they just got back on track!?’ ‘Don’t talk to me’. I told her, walking back to Brian’s bed. The guys had been gone for over an hour and Charlotte and I had remained in complete silence since our argument. I had nothing to say to her. Suddenly, I heard the lock on the door turn and in walked Damon and some guy, I’ve never seen before. They approached me first; ‘Stay away from her!’ Charlotte yelled, running over to me and pulling me up. ‘Leave us alone!’. She screamed, trying to protect me, but, really, what could she do, going up again two big guys with a damaged arm. The one whose name I didn’t know grabbed her by her bad arm and pushed her away, Knocking her to the floor. I dropped to my knees, trying to help her up, but then I heard a weird noise. Looking up, I froze, and I felt my stomach drop through the floor. He had a gun pointed in my face. ‘Get up’. ‘But-’ I instantly stopped talking when he c****d his gun. ‘Get. Up. b***h’. Hesidently, I stood up, leaving my sister on the floor. ‘Good, You can listen. Now you-’ He was talking to Charl now, ‘Get up’. She struggled, but she managed to get to her feet. Grabbing my arm, Damon pushed me out of the bedroom and down the corridor and stairs. I knew Charlotte was following behind me. Eventually, we ended up on the fontroom floor, On our knees, Infront of Rob and Brian. Neither of them could look at us. I was scared. Completely terrified. I could feel the tears running down my face. While kneeling, Damon kept circling us, Lauhging and joking. ‘Well, Well, Well Ladies. What hae you gotten yourselves into?’ He chuckled. As he did, the other guy laughed too. ‘Oh, This is Leroy by the way, Say hello, Don’t be rude’. ‘Hello’ We both said together. ‘Right, Now, Back to buisness. What are we going to do with you?’ He wondered. ‘Hmmm.. Rob, What shall we do with this lovely Princess?’ He asked, Refering to Charlotte. He was clearly trying to wind him up, and by the look on his face, it was working, but he remained silent. ‘Nothing to say Rob? Hmmm.. As our leader, You should have some fun ideas. I must say, I am very dissapointed in you’. Sighing, He looked at Brian now. ‘What about you? Any ideas that little ray of sunshine?’ Brian just shook his head. ‘Wow, Our leader and his right hand man, Both out of ideas. Well, Thats not good, is it? You two always had such amazing ideas.’ I closed my eyes, Whatever he was going to do, i wish he would just do it. ‘Do you remember that blonde girl in Florida, Brian it was your idea to Gang-rape that girl while we cut her throat and make her boyfriend watch.’ I looked up at Brian, Did they really do that, The look on his face said it all. Oh god. ‘And Rob, it was your idea to cut his d**k off, make her choke on it and then set them both alight. Where are those men.. Why am I looking at two p***y’s right now?! Because of those things?!’ He suddenly started yelling, ‘You’ve lost your touch!’. Through this whole time, The guys remained silent. ‘What about you Leroy? Do you have any ideas?’ ‘Well, I had one, but it would be kinda… messy’. ‘Well that sounds like a good plan’. They both smiled at us again. My stomach turned. ‘But, I have a better idea’. Walking over to Brian and Rob, he told them to stand. They did. ‘Hands out’. Again, they did. I didn’t understand, if Rob was the leader, why was he taking this s**t? ‘RIght, here you go boys’. He put a gun in each of their palms. ‘Now, I think you know what to do’. Stepping away, he gestured towards us. Slowly, They walked over. Me and Charlotte watched them as they got closer. Damon was still shouting orders and Brian placed the barrel of the gun right between my eyes. I began shaking in fear. ‘Wait!’. Leroy suddenly shouted, I hoped that they had realised what they were doing and come to their senses, ‘I can’t see’. Moving around so he was facing us, ‘Proceed’. There was no emotion at all on Brian’s face as he looked down at me. ‘Do it now!’. Brian’s finger moved slightly on the trigger and I squeezed my eyes closed. ‘I SAID NOW!..
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