Chapter Six

1409 Words
Charlotte’s P.O.V What the actual f**k!? He b***h-slapped me! Wait.. shut up Charlotte, A slap around the face was better than a bullet in the head. He bent down so he was eye level with me. I was so scared, but I was more scared about what was happening to my sister. ‘Because it's fun, I love hearing sweet, innocent little girls like you scream and pathetically beg for their lives... Before I kill them’. He smiled and grabbed my face, Pulling me up off the floor. ‘You’re f****d in the head!’. ‘Are you taking the piss out of me?!’ He yelled, making me instantly freeze on the spot, It took me a minute, but I managed to shake my head, and thank god I did as it seemed to instantly calm him down. I opened my mouth to speak when there was a low growl from the sky. We both looked up and saw how the clouds had changed from a lovely white to a dark, horrible grey. I stole a look back at the man in front of me. He let out a loud ‘’sniff’’ as he seemed to breathe in the air. ‘Ah.. Perfect weather for murder’. His words sent chills down my spine. Looking down at me again, ‘I think we should take this inside.’. Pushing and pulling me around, We headed back in the direction of the house. ‘Where are we going?’ I asked, He stopped and looked at me. ‘Why do you ask so many questions?’ He yelled, Not angry just... Annoyed. I shrugged. ‘Well, Stop it!’ This time he was angry, So I instantly just shut up. I didn’t know anything about this guy, or how many people he had murdered. He didn’t seem like this was his first time, but I knew one thing, I was getting on his nerves. Pushing me all the way back into the house. We entered through the back door and he continued to shove me through the kitchen and into a big, front room. ‘Yo, Damon!’ He shouted. A few seconds later, someone came down the stairs. I noticed he had a pair of pliers in his hand.. and .. spots of blood on his shirt. ‘What Rob?’ He sounded agitated. Rob’s grip on me tightened ever so slightly. ‘Give me the keys to your shed’ He demanded. Shed?! What shed?! Pulling a pair of keys out his pocket, Damon threw them over. ‘Whats with the pliers?’ Looking down at his hand, he smiled. ‘I was just helping Brian out with that b***h upstairs, things got a little.. Bloody’. Oh god, No! Without thinking, I lunged forward and slapped him hard across the face, instantly getting rid of his annoying smirk. He seemed shocked at first, before regaining himself and punching me square in the jaw, Sending me flying backwards. ‘f**k, Damon, Don’t f*****g touch her again’. I heard Rob yell. ‘Why? Starting to go soft?’ The other one mocked. I held my jaw as I scrambled to get to my feet. Rob wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me up. ‘f**k you, Damon. This is mine. Don’t you ever talk to me like that again, Got it?!’ He yelled. Did he just call me an ‘’It’’? ‘And you-’ He turned his attention to me, ‘Don’t you ever f*****g do that again, Understand?’ He screamed. I just nodded quickily, not wanting to anger him more. ‘But.. my sister, What did he do to her?’ I asked, worried that she was really hurt... Or worse. He has her blood on him for f**k sake!. Damon started laughing again and again, I lunged forward at him, but Rob grabbed me before I could reach him and pulled me back, Stopping me. ‘Shut up you stupid b***h or I’ll shut you up’. Damon told me, Rob growled, warning him. ‘YOU shut up’. Clearly, from the way he ordered his friend around Rob was in charge... Or at least, more in charge than this guy. ‘Come on, You can help me in the shed’. Grabbing ahold of my arm, Rob began the pushing process again and we went all the way back to the garden. Dragging me, We went further into the garden than before, all the way to some shed that I hadn’t even noticed. Something tells me it was deliberately hidden. Using the key that Damon gave him, Rob unlocked the door. He opened it and pushed me inside. I froze when I saw it all. It was like something out of a horror movie, Texas Chainsaw m******e to be more specific. There were hooks, chains and knives everywhere. Hammers, pokers, swords, anything you could think of that could be used to hurt someone was in this shed. It was a monsters heaven. One of them, I wasn’t paying attention as to who, Grabbed me by my arm around and pulled me over to a table. When I realised what was going on, I tried to pull against their grip, but Damon put me down and boiled me to the table before I should struggle any further. ‘What do you want to do to her first?’ He asked Rob, Walking over to a seat in the corner. ‘Get me the vice’. What the f**k does he want a vice for?! I started to freak out as Damon once again did as he was told and passed it over to him. Putting it under my arm, He locked it up. Suddenly, a phone rang, making the pair of us jump, and Rob turned to look at his friend. ‘No phones!’ He ordered. Taking it out of his pocket, He looked at it and frowned. ‘I’m sorry Rob but I’m gonna have to take this. Lock up the shed when you’re done’. And then he was gone. As soon as it was just us, I turned back to look at the monster beside me. ‘Please, Rob, Don’t do this’ I begged. ‘Don’t ever call me that!’. He screamed at me. ‘Why, It's your f*****g name!’ I yelled back.. And instantly regretted it. His facial expression turned to anger and ever so slowly, he started to turn the vice. ‘You shouldn’t talk to me like that, b***h!’. I gasped as it squeezed tighter, and tighter and tighter... I prayed and begged him to stop, but it didn’t. The pain was unbearable. I screamed, but he continued. ‘You know, you’re cute when your screaming’. He told me. I couldn’t take it anymore, Against my better judgement, I looked down and called out on horror. My arm was turning purple. ‘Please!’ I yelled again, as loud as I could, Tears flowing from my eyes. All of a sudden, it stopped. He untied the vice and took it off my arm. Unlocking me from the table, He picked me up. Oh no... I think I’m going to be... ‘f**k!’. Rob exclaimed when I vomited all down the front of his shirt. ‘Are you ok?’ He asked. I really couldn’t deal with this, I vomited again. He carried me out of the shed and back into the house. I wasn’t paying much attention, but I could tell from our movement, that he was taking me down some stairs. When I was put down on something soft, I looked around. Where the f**k was I? He started walking away, but I felt too weak to talk. I started to feel dizzy and my eyes were blurred from a mixture of tears and confusion. I heard a noise and looked over, Shocked when I saw my younger sister. Fuck, Gina... What have they done to you?!
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