#Chapter 8 The Cold, Hard Truth

1256 Words

Olivia’s POV Herold was still staring at me, waiting for me to reply. I fear I have exposed my identity, seeing him step forward, almost sizing me up, and at last he broke eye contact, seeing Gabriel cross the room toward us. The entire wake had been watching and seeing the Alpha King march over now only caused the interest in the room to spike more.  “Who are you?” Herold whispers, his tone harsh and taut.  “I am the Queen Luna,” I say, sure of my words.  Gabriel charges between us, snaking an arm around my hips and pulling me into his side charmingly. I find myself sinking into his grasp, comfortable with my mate; a feeling unfamiliar to me. He brushes his hand under my chin, sneaking a glare toward Herold in doing so, as though to mark his possessiveness over me in front of this fal

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