The Stray Nymph

1586 Words
"Where are you going to?" The mother stood at the door eating her up with an odd ogle. You could tell by the gaze that she was as worried as vexed. But one of the feelings seemed to have a greater effect on the stare. She didn't get a response. She had just prepared to go wash few of her clothes and return to the ring and retrieve the corpse of her husband but then her daughter had walked in, indifferently and was packing her clothes. "Prium, talk to me!!! I remain your mother!" That was as loudly and affirmative as she could be. Prium stopped packing her clothes and stood up, she turned slightly and scoffed. Then she hurled, "You ceased being that after you became a public dog." The woman couldn't take it anymore and stomped closer to her. She grabbed Prium by the waist and spun her around. "I won't have you talk to me like that. You're just a girl. A girl in the shadow of a lady. Don't be deceived by your stature. You're not a woman yet and wouldn't know what secret desires are, let alone the hurdles of marriage." She let go of Prium's waist. She was breathing heavily into the lady's face. She wished she could slap her so hardly and make her teeth fall. She tamed the beast and walked away from her. But Prium called at her, "If becoming a woman would mean being like you, I'd rather plead with the gods that I remain a girl forever or take my life." Prium resumed what she was doing. She didn't care what her mother would do to her. She only wanted her mother to feel so bad and torn for treating her father like a trash. She had always wanted that opportunity to stand face to face with her mother and talk sense into her. She was glad she got to do it before leaving the house for good. She heard the door slammed behind her. She didn't care. She kept on packing the clothes and allowed her thoughts to eat her up. There were kabillion of thoughts to nurse. In no time, she was done packing the clothes. She didn't know where her younger sister was. She would had called her to join her. But she knew that her sister was cut from the same cloth as her mother. She picked up the bag made from animal skin. She walked to the other side of the bed. There was the book she had met in her father's chest the previous day. She did a guess opening and opened to an art of a man seated on a serpent spurting fire from its mouth. She closed the book. She didn't have time for pondering. She looked around quickly if there was any other thing she could grab. There was none. She sighed. "At last, I've got to leave this shithole of a house." She smiled and walked towards the door. She had always wanted to be with her father alone, away from her sister and mother and she was getting. Though the hard way. Probably the gods had taken delight in her, for turning down the marriage proposal of the ruthless warrior, Miargos. She opened the door and stepped out. She was greeted by the whooshing winds and bellowing breeze. There was a barren tree opposite their hut. A part of her always thought that their land was barren. It couldn't even give life to an ordinary tree. She saw her mother or say, ex mother washing clothes to the right between erected stones. She looked around if her sister was anywhere but she couldn't find her. She was tempted to ask her mother but let her ego have the way. She walked away from the house. Towards the only path which led to the thick forest at the outskirt of the village. "If you probably have a daughter, may she not seek everyday of her life to please you." She heard her mother call. She looked sideways and glared. She wanted to hiss or give a response, but what point was there. She began to hurry down the busy path. The soil was stony and had few surviving shrubs scattered by the roadside to the right and left. There were passersby moving to and fro. She didn't go without being noticed. She was hell of a beauty and was also the talk of the town. What made sense was the fact that she knew what she wanted. She wasn't always that rude but whenever the beast was let lose, nothing could keep her head cool. "Tailing your lover? Heard he had a big catch yesterday. What a couple you two would be?" She heard a man who looked like someone bargaining with death on whether or not live, say. The man was on a tall tree attending his call. She shook her head and walked on. When she was off that trail, there wouldn't be anyone in sight anymore and she wouldn't have to be worried. Sooner, she got to the stretch of the thick forest. "Take right, then left." She muttered firstly then sighed. Then she began to walk through the forest. The trail was a little bit wide, with few creepers. She could mind her steps. Then sooner, she got to take the left turn. In no time she would get to the intended. There were much of creepers and climbers there. She would have to be times two careful with her steps else she would trip. The call of the birds were getting keener as the death of the day was tracing a dark dribble across the wandering clouds. Then at once, she heard a movement from behind her. She halted and turned. She was beginning to freak out. She was delicately beautiful. With nice curves, thick lips and handful boobs whose n*****s reach out from the braless gown. Nobody used bra back then. She ignored and began to hurry. But as she hurried so did the movement behind. She stopped and turned again. She was sure that twas no wild animal. Wild cats had been chased by warriors to the end of the forest. She could swear on her life to defend that. Twas obviously a stalker or a stray man. She didn't know when her lips became unbridled, "Who is there? Do not creep on me, my father is fancied by Athena and you know what that means." She didn't know if that was necessary, well she didn't have power over her tongue. Then at once, the movement became closer, and the rustling, more disturbing. At once, she heard a voice then a thud on her. "What does your father need Athena for when he has a daughter as beautiful as you." A man smiling evily said. He was on her. He had jumped from the tree on her and made her fall backward. He surely wanted to take advantage of her. Then Prium noticed a silhouette towering over both herself and the man on her. She tried to have a clearer view. She did. "Father. " She called. But the man mistook it for a compliment. And began to run his hungry hand over her boobs, caressing them as he said, "I'll see to this before father --" The man choked on the words. He felt pain in his back, but twas too late to act. She pushed him over from her. He had been stabbed by her father. Vulcan walked to her daughter and helped her up. She hugged her and whimpered in his chest. He felt her heavy boobs on his chest. The hug registered. The warmth from her body seemed like the same from Athena. He ignored. Prium was his daughter. "Do not go out on your own anymore." He warned as they both walked towards the intended. Her left arm wrapped around his waist as he collected the skin of clothes from her. In no time, they got to their intent. An old cave. Where they would be living for the meantime. But they were shocked at who was standing at the mouth of the cave. "Father?" Prium asked, looking away from Vulcan to the naked lady standing at the mouth of the cave. "I'm as confused as you are." Vulcan corrected.

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