Chapter 4

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Ryker's point of view After we got lily's name, we talked to her for a few minutes before she had to go so no one got suspicious. We found out that they very seldom keep prisoner's and if they do, it is only women. They only like to keep women because they think they are weak and wont be able to defend themselves, also because they are sexiest pigs and think women are only good for three things. Cooking, cleaning, and of course s*x. That is the other reason they keep women, to use them as s*x slaves. My blood starts to boil just thinking about someone touching Lily in that way. With her being so young, i'm guessing that is why they haven't touched her yet. She is not sure what her aunt has been through cause she does not tell Lily. She only gets to really see her aunt every couple weeks. Lily stays in this building, and mostly down here with us. She has a tiny mattress in the corner by the dungeon doors. The more she tells me about her life here and the things she has to do, the more I just want take her away from this mess and keep her safe. Being the future alpha of the Silver crescent pack, I have a natural feeling to protect my pack. Her being who she is and not a member of my pack, it's weird these feelings I have for her. Turning to look at my mother, who is a beautiful luna with stunning bright blue eyes that I did not get from her, and sandy blond hair in which I did get from her. She has a slight black left eye and a fattened lip, a few cuts that have been healing. Being in these silver bard cells, the healing process is a lot slower. My rage builds up more looking at what they did to my mother, if I was 16 and had my wolf I would rip them apart. Trying to calm myself down cause getting mad is not helping the situation. Taking my mothers hand, looking into her eyes, "What are we going to do mom and how are we going to get outta here?" Squeezing my hand with a sad look of defeat in her eyes, she looks down with a shake of her head, "I have no clue honey. I'm so sorry I was unable to protect you and keep you safe." "Are you able to get a connection with dad or are we to far away?" " I don't know Ry and even if I can, I aint got a clue where we are." Slowly with as confident a face as I can muster, I put my hands on my moms shoulders making her look into my eyes. You can tell she is about to cry and give up, her eyes are blurred with unfallen tears. "I need you to be strong with me if we are going to get out of this. We need to put our heads together and come up with a plan. I need you to concentrate and at least try and contact dad and we will come up with a plan from there." A huge smile on her face and a look of hope flash through her eyes. "Give me a sec and I will see what I can do." With a deep breath, her eyes slightly glaze over as she is trying to reach my dad. looking back into my eyes with the look of hope slowly fading, she puts her hands on my shoulders. "I was able to get through, but not completely. I can feel his worry and fear, and I tried to talk to him. I'm not sure what he was able to make out but when he spoke back all I could hear was a faint mumble. We are not to far away but far enough where our link is faint." Letting out a breath I was unaware I was holding, I start to look around for a plan. There are about ten cells, five on each side. There is one in the middle that has on the same side of our cell that is right next to ours. That is where we met Lily, there are chains hanging from the ceiling and coming out of the bottom of the stone wall. There is also a steel chair with silver straps on the arms and legs, bolted to the dark gray concrete floor. A drain in the middle of the floor that is rusted, and a single hanging light bulb on a wire from the ceiling. Looking around some more it looks as if every cell about a 4x6 small box, moldy stone walls, concrete floors and a waste bucket in every cell. All cells have what looks like silver bars except the last one on the left. The bars on that cell are a smooth shiny black metal, and from what I know it looks like obsidian. Demons weakness is obsidian, but these morons can't be serious thinking they can take on a demon. Looking over to my mom with a confused look flash through my eyes, "Is that obsidian?" With a slight giggle she shakes her head "Yes baby it is, and before you ask there are a couple of demons in this camp, I smell them. I also can smell vamps, and lots of wolves." Sniffing the air slightly, "I also smell a witch?" She said that last part like a question. Looking at that cell again, I see a slight movement. Out of the shadow I see a man in the cell. Looking around more carefully this time, I see we are not alone. There is an older man in the cell next to the demon cell and I think I see someone laying in the cell closest to the door on our side of the dungeon. They are not moving from what I can see, so I am guessing they are sleeping. Turning back toward mom with a slight look of worry cross my face slightly, "I think I might have an idea. When we see Lily again, maybe she can give us some information on this place, and you can get it to dad." Looking down and taking in a deep breath, looking back up at mom releasing it with a little worry what she might think about what I am about to say. "I can't leave Lily behind, we have to take her back to our pack with us. She will also want to bring her aunt." My eyes move to the ground, bracing myself for the the argument with her about this. She said the last thing I expected her to say though. "I agree with you son, she is special, I am so proud of you. You will be a very strong and fair alpha one day." She said with a proud look on her face. "There is something about her that I can't shake. All I want to do is protect her and be around her all the time. I can't explain it, I just have a connection with her." A smile grew on her face as she stroked my cheek "I know what you mean honey, I have the urge to protect her as well." Pulling me into a tight hug, she whispers in my ear, "if this plan works, and your father comes I need you to please listen to me and stay outta this. I know you will want to fight but please don't and just stay with me and stay safe. I can't loose you and I will do anything to protect you." Kissing my forehead lightly, she took in a deep breath and released it and pulled back. With a small shake of my head I told mother, "I understand and I will." I know she just wanted me to stay safe and without a wolf right now, I am no use in a fight against other fae. We settle onto the floor and try to get as comfortable as possible, maybe we can get a little nap. I must have fallen asleep cause next thing I know I am being shaken awake by my mother. "Ryker, I need you to lay over there where you were, act like you never woke up, I will be over here where I was. We need to act like we are still unconscious. No matter what they do, do not move, even if they take me." My eyes got wide thinking of someone hurting my mother, my anger started boiling and my mother could see it, cause she looked me in the eye with a serious look. "I need you to promise me, you are the future alpha, you need to survive, and you are my son so I cant think of loosing you or them hurting you. I need you to promise me." Trying to settle down and release my anger, I nod my head. "Now and I love you" she said. So i went back to to where I think I was laying and laid there with my eyes closed, I heard the dungeon door open and close. There were two sets of heavy foot steps. They were getting closer and I tried to take deep breaths to slow my heart rate and not get scared. They got almost to our cell door and stopped. They opened a door and I heard a mans voice, he growled out in a deep, raspy, and even a little creepy voice. It even sent chills down my back, they were bad chills, the kind where you want to tear your own skin off. "It's your turn now old man" he said with a vile laugh, like this was his favorite past time. I heard dragging but I never heard the mad say anything. I then heard chains and clicking. A few minutes later I heard little foot steps and I couldn't help but to peek a little. My instincts were correct when I say her little angelic body. She is tiny, but not in a health way, She looks like she doesn't eat maybe once every other day. She is wearing old, holey dirty gray sweat pants that she has to tie a thin rope around her waist to hold up. A over sized black t-shirt that she tied up in the front to keep from hanging past her knees, and she has dirty feet do to no shoes. She wears her hair up in a high ponytail, even with it up I can tell it is grease do to not taking a bath. Lily was walking to the cell where the man was chained to the ceiling in the middle of the cell. He was stripped down to nothing, and he was an older man, maybe in his 40's. Lily stood there in front of the man with pity and sadness in her eyes but she held strong. She looked at the mans face, trying to avoid his nudity. You can tell she has done this before, she stood straight up with her hands behind her back. I see movement in the demon cell and what catches my eye is he looks over to Lily. His eyes are red and he looks like he is angry. All of a sudden I hear that man or monster shall I say, He has a smile on his face, "ok my lily are you ready for some fun."
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