Chapter 10

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Lily's (Mahila) point of view After finding out that Damon was my cousin from my dads side, I was quit shocked to say the least. At the same time I was happy to have some of my family around me. After discussing things with the alpha and his family, my aunt had told the alpha that in no way is he to treat us any different then anyone else. We don't want people to find out about me until I am ready. Also told him that we will need a private place that me and her can train and when I come into my new abilities. With it all worked out we all left the office. As I am walking to go back up to my room, Ryker stops me. Grabbing my hand lightly "Hey Lily would you like to walk with me outside. I can show you around a little bit. I can also introduce you to some of the pack if you'd like." A small smile on his face. When I didn't answer right away his smile faded and sadness replaced it. Squeezing his hand a little bit he looks back up at me. "Well lead the way if you are going to show me around." I giggled a little at my own joke as he chuckled with me. "Your funny, I can tell we are going to be great friends Lily. Ok flower follow me," he then chuckled at his little joke and I couldn't help but laugh with him. As we walked and jogged a little, cause my body still hurt a little bit. He showed me the beautiful, and large pack grounds. There was a large pond where there were kids, teens and even adults swimming. A few were out in a canoe, and paddle boats. There was a large dock that people were jumping off of, they were having so much fun. I had a big smile on my face and my heart was feeling so warm at this place. It looks like we finally found a good place. "Welcome to the silver crescent pack flower," Ryker said while spreading his arms wide and twirling a little. "I knew your names sounded familiar," I said wide eyed, while pushing on his arm a little, but not enough to knock him over. With a look of concern and confusion, he turned to me and asked, "what are you talking about Lily?" "Me and my aunt were on our way here to this pack when we got taken. We were looking up the different packs an this one seemed like the best one. I can't believe we actually got here in the end. Funny how things work out sometimes." I said the last part with a little chuckle. Ryker agreed an we continued our trip around the area. He introduced me to a few of his friends, and the beta's son who I might add asked me to thank my aunt for saving his dads life. I was having so much fun here that weeks went by like days. It was summer so there was no school yet, but I was actually excited to go back to school. I am all healed up and my body doesn't look starved anymore. We have been swimming, canoeing, bike riding, skating, and even skate boarding. I am actually pretty good on the board, which Ryker gets mad at me cause he still falls on his butt when he gets on one. With me having so much fun I forgot my birthday was coming up, I am turning 10 and I was told that is when I will get my Lycan. I am excited and scared at the same time. I am told it hurts a little bit the first time you shift, but after that its like changing close really fast. So right now I am in the house talking with my aunt and Shyan. Yea that's another thing, my aunt and Shyan got to be really close friends. not to mention Damon and the alpha are good pals also. Alpha Thane has also asked Damon to help train his warriors. They were good fighters before, but alpha saw what Damon can do and thinks he can get the fighters better with his help. I have gotten close to Damon as well, might I add that Damon and Aunt Jane have been sneaking around, romantically if you catch my drift. They don't think I know, but i'm no dummy. Now back to party planning. "I think it's best if we have a early party and later she needs to be out of view of anyone to see. I don't want someone to see her shift." My aunt said the last part with worry lacing her voice. "How about we have a pool party, or in this case a pond party. We have a huge BBQ and everyone swim and have a good time, then that night have a bomb fire." I say with excitement. "That sounds like a great idea, and that night everyone will be distracted by the bomb fire they wont know your missing." Shyan said. Thinking for a min I came up with something else. "How about if we go camping that night after the party, go somewhere no one will be." With a look of pride Shyan says, "I know the perfect place, I'll point it out to you on the map. Here give me a second to find the map." She said as she was getting up to go find the map. "No wait," I said catching her and Jane off guard. "What is it dear?" Shyan said with worry in her eyes as she looks at me. "It's just when I said we go camping, I thought that maybe you, Ryker, and the alpha would want to come, Well Damon to of course. I thought maybe you all would want to be there for my first shift, I kind of think of yall as a part of my family." I said this looking down, fiddling with my fingers nervously. Walking over to me Shyan puts her finger under my chin and lifts my head to her huge smile, and I believe a few tears as well. "Of course Lily we would love to be there. I will inform the alpha of the plans, he will be thrilled." She said the last part with a little bounce in her step as he walks away. As she gets to the kitchen doorway she stops and turns back toward us and says. "Oh by the way, Rykers birthday is the day before yours, so this party will be for the both of you, is that ok? You know so no one wonders why we are throwing a huge shindig for the new comers birthday." She looks worried, like I wont understand or something. "Oh that's great, I was wondering how we were going to play this off so no one thought any thing, Thanks Shyan thats a big help." My aunt says as I add a smile letting her know it's all good. So again the week went by fast as me Ryker and a few other kids played and had fun. I missed being a kid, feeling free without a care in the world. Ryker was excited about the party today, but more excited about seeing me shift for the first time tonight. Me and Ryker are sitting at one of the tables that were set up for the party, while everyone was gathered, waiting on the cake to be brought out. All of a sudden I hear everyone sing happy birthday, and when they got to the name part it was mumbled, some saying my name first and most saying Rykers name first. It was funny cause some didn't even know my name yet, they just knew it was a type of flower, so they said flower girl instead. Me an Ryker busted out laughing on that part. After cake we opened presents, which Ryker had tons more then me. Again I didn't care I was just happy to be celebrating my birthday with friends and family again. Damon had me sit on his lap as I opened my presents, He always tried to be around me as much as possible. I am not sure if it was cause of the protector thing or the family part, maybe its just both. I liked being around him, he is funny and is always making me and Ryker laugh. I got a lot of new cloths, most I will actually wear. I got a cell phone, a couple white gold necklaces and ear rings. Ryker had gotten me a black chained necklace with a silver dream catcher pendant hanging on it, in the dream catcher was a black wolf. It was so pretty, I gave him a hug and thanked everyone for the gifts. Aunt Jane said she has a special gift from my mom she will give me tonight. The day went by really well, we had so much fun. We are all packed up in a black SUV with all of our gear in the back and tied to the roof. I'm unsure how many tents we have cause the alpha said he would get it all packed up for us. We were on the road for about 45 mins when we pull up to this huge log cabin. "Wow this place is huge, I thought we were camping?" Is all I got out. "I told you I knew a spot where we can be alone, I didn't say we were actually camping." Shyan said with a snicker. Hey I was ok with it, I cant wait to get in there and see this place. We park the SUV and Damon opens his door as me and Ryker jump over his lap and run toward the door. The adults are back there laughing at us as we get to the door and its locked. We turn around and motion for them to hurry up. The alpha gets to the door with the key and his deep chuckle "Calm down yall, it's still going to be there in a few mins when you get in there." He unlocks the door and me an Ryker bust through the doors into the huge living room. After exploring the house we find there are ten bedrooms, twelve bathrooms, a basement game room and theater and a gym. At the back side of the house is a huge pool with a water slide on one end with a diving board, and a hot tub on the other end. After unloading the car, we get a quick bite to eat before me, Ryker and Damon get into the now lit up pool. We were having so much fun that i didn't realize it was almost midnight. I start getting this aching feelings in my bones. "Hey Aunt Jane what time is it?" Looking at the time on her phone she tells me "It's probably time for you to get out and get ready." She says with a smile and also a look of worry. Pulling myself outta the pool I start drying off as I feel my leg bone start to pop. I start to walk to the lawn a little faster when I fall to my hands and knees in pain. Not a lot of pain, but it hurts none the less. It almost feels like when you pop a knuckle the wrong way or it wasn't ready to be popped. With the sound of bones popping, my legs and arms start forming into that of a wolf, then fur starts to sprout as my mouth extends along with my teeth. Yelling in an annoying pain, it then turns into a growl. Finally in full wolf form, I turn to My family and friends only to see them look at me in shock. Hello Mahila, I am Sheba, I am your lycon , a voice small said in my head. You know my real name, and its really nice finally meeting you. Hey Sheba, can you tell me why they are staring at you that way? Looking at my family and friends with my head crooked to the side Go look at our reflection in the pool and you tell me. Taking a few steps I make my way to the pool. I can see my reflection slightly, but enough to make out what I look like. There is a big black wolf, with a sliver neck and glowing blue silver eyes. Looking up at them, they are still in a state of shock. I feel something brush my backside so I look back and see my furry black tail. With confusion in my eyes I lift up my tail and see the underside is silver. Im not talking like the sliver gray color, I'm talking actual shiny silver. With something in my throat and the urge to howl, I lift my head up in the air and let out a very loud and kind of powerful howl. After I am done, I look back down and look back over to my friends and family. Shocked is the least I can say as to what I am seeing. All five of them are down on one knee, and their heads are down. Are they actually bowing to me?
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