Chapter 26

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Maliha's point of view     I am in the storage room talking to Ryker's mer mate, but when she said her boyfriend is her twin sisters mate I about lost it. I stopped myself from talking though because I told her I would hear her out before I said anything. So I kept listening. "So My twin sister died when we were ambushed while we were fleeing to come here. Me, my younger sister, my older brother and her mate managed to make it out. My older brother made a portal out of there as she was holding them off. I was holding my younger sister while her mate was hiding behind my brother telling him to hurry up. Needless to say my brother got the portal made and we all made it out but not before we saw them stick a large pearl dagger through her heart. I don't know who these men were or how they knew pearl was the only way to kill us but they knew."     I saw her close her eyes while a stray tear slide down her cheek, but the water swiped it away before it got to far. She then continued "Any ways we finally made it here and got settled in. I was so destroyed from loosing my twin, that I just stayed in my bed for weeks. After the first week he would come into my bedroom when my sister was at school and my brother was at work. He would sit on my bed next to me and rub my hair and tell me how much I looked like my sister, and how much he missed her. I felt bad for him cause he lost his mate before they could be truly together. I also felt repulsed by him touching me but I let him anyways cause he just lost her and I thought I was helping him. Well after a few days of that he came back to me and he started to do the same thing again, except this time he tried to go a bit farther. I told him no that it was to far so he slapped me and told me it was my fault. He told me that it was my fault she was dead, and it should have been me instead of her."      I could see how bad these memories are for her and my heart broke for her. I let her continue. " It went on like that for awhile, and I didn't know what to do. I was depressed and in a very dark place. I tried to take my own life once but he caught me before I could take the pills. He then told me that if I didn't want to be with him, that he would tell my brother what I just did. So not wanting to cause my brother anymore pain I agreed and we have been together ever since. He still tells me it is my fault, and he is disgusted by me and he wishes I was dead and she was alive. The worst part is I agree with him on the last part."      I pull her chin up to look at me again cause she put her head down again. "It is time you came clean with your brother, and get ride of him for your own good. We will come with you when you go so you can leave him behind and start anew with us." For the first time I see a light behind her eyes, but then it is covered with confusion. "That sounds great and all, but what do you mean with us. He is my mate right, so what does that have to do with you, if you don't mind me asking that is." She said that last part in a rush. I sigh and tell her about the mates and us. She looks taken back and has the look of many questions. "I will answer all of your questions later, but for now I am starving an I am going out to eat." I told her and she just kind of shyly laughed and agreed.     I start to walk out and remember something, "I didn't catch your name?" She just smiled and responded "That' cause I never threw it," she said with a laugh and I couldn't help but laugh with her. She is going to fit right in with the rest of us smart asses. She speake again with laughter in her voice, "It's Katie by the way." I smile and put my hand out to her and say "Maliha, but some call me Lea. It's nice to meet you." We shake hands and start to walk out and I head to my table. I look at Ry and I can see he is seething mad and I know why. I had our link open the whole time so he could listen into the conversation so I didn't have to repeat it later. I never get all the details out and shorten the story cause I can't remember it all. So for him to know everything I just left it open. I get to the table and I see a huge crack in the table and a his hands in fist. I grab ahold of his hands and they relax a little bit. "Baby, look at me please." I say to him trying to get his attention. His eyes are in a rage of black and I need to calm him before he goes lycan on this place. rubbing my thumbs on his hands, he finally looks at me. "I need you to calm down please, I don't want you going all wolfie on this poor diner." I said with some humor in my tone and it worked. He chuckled just a bit and his eyes came back to his beautiful emerald green. "Wolfie on this place, really that's so corny." he said with a chuckle. "It worked though, didn't it," I said with a proud smile. He just laughed a bit more and agreed.      Katie brought out our food and put it in front of us. As she set Rys plate down he grabbed her hand. He got up and stood in front of her. Putting his hand on her cheek and with the other pulled her hair behind her ear. He then tilted her head to the side and there was a bruise there. "We will take care of this an you will never be treated like this again." He said in a promise tone and then brought her into a hug. "I promise you, you will be happy from this day on." I almost wanted to cry, he was so sweet. But I could also feel a small ting of the ugly green monster, but I pushed it way way down cause I wont be that person. He pulled back and I could see a genuine smile on her face.      We finished out lunch and waited for her to get off work. We went with her to her house where she introduced us to her brother and little sister. He wasn't there yet so we had time to talk to her brother alone. Katie proceeded to tell her brother what has happened and what has still been happening. She told him about the attempt at her own life, that he was disappointed in but got over it. Needless to say when he got home an hour and a half, swaying like he was drunk her brother had him by the throat up against the wall. "How could you do that to my sister, your mates sister. The woman you considered your own sister?" He was seeing red right now but also wanted answers. He looked at Katie with a disgusted look and a look of I am gana get you for this. "Do you know she tried to take her," He was cut off with a fist to the face. "Yea I know, she told me and for you to use that against her, how dare you." He hit him a few more times and told him to get out.     He did but not before turning around and spitting out venom toward Katie "This aint over you slut." He barely got it out before her brother tale whipped him in the face and he flew back about 15 feet, impressive. remind me to stay off his tail. So we all sit down and chat some more and I learn his name is Caleb. "Caleb I am going to take Katie with us for awhile, but don't worry we will keep her safe." He looked taken back like he was going to refuse us taking her but then looked over at Katie. "Is this what you want Katie?" She looked between the both of us and then smiled and told him "I will miss you two so much, but this is something I need to do. I have to figure myself out but I will be back, I promise."      After she was done packing we left her house and I told them to wait for me at the cabin I had someone else I had to get. They both look at me confused and I tell Ryker, "Don't you remember anything I told you about my abilities when I found out I was a mermaid?" I said with humor lacing my tone. "The ability to open portals, you have that ability to baby, so please meet me at the cabin." He comes to me and pulls me into a steamy kiss and I almost took it farther when I heard Katie clear her throat. I forgot about her mate bond with Ry, this must hurt her to see us like this so I pull away. I swim over to her and give her a peck on the cheek, "And you thought I forgot about you." I say and she laughs. "I am sorry I don't mean to get jealous, I will get over it soon I hope." She says kinda shyly but then pipes in "By the way, best kiss I ever had." She said and winked at me. I laugh and swim off, linking Ry and telling him to show her what a real kiss was and to tell me her reaction later. He asked if I was sure and I asures him it was fine.     I get to my destination and find the person I am looking for. "If you are not to busy, do you think you can come with me for a few days?" He looked taken back and asked "Things didn't work out with your mate I see." with a fake laugh I told him "Wrong again buddy, but please on a serious note I would like to talk to you." He chuckled " I am right here, start talking." I stood straight with my arms folded over my chest showing him I am serious. "Ok ok just give me a min to pack." I smiled triumphantly at him as I also felt a slight pain in my chest and also a very warm feeling. I am guessing that it was Ry showing Katie what a real kiss was. I was happy for them but also the monster peeked again and I told him to stay away. Not that it will listen to me, they never do.     Walking out with his bag I blow out a sigh and say "Finally, you take longer then a woman." Laughing a bit but he didn't find it amusing ad we continued. I made the portal and we were in the pool at the cabin. I got out and changed into my human form and looked in the pool where he was looking at me oddly. "Why are we in a pool an why did you get out. I don't have legs, I can't get out like you can." I chuckled and told him "Sit on the edge of the pool and I will give you legs, and then we can go inside." He did as I asked and I turned his fin into legs, but I also made sure to put shorts on him. I did not want to see all that right now. After complaining I went over to him and helped him up on his legs. I chuckled at him and his wobbly legs. I told him it was one foot in front of the other and he did just that, but only with the support of me.      "Ok I am going to let you go, and I want you to try it on your own." Whipping his head toward me "What, are you crazy. I can't do this yet, I'm not ready." As he is yelling about how he isn't ready I had done let go and he was walking on his own. "If you would shut up for just a min you would notice you are on your own. I stopped helping you way back here." I said with humor lacing my voice. He looks back at me and as he does he looses his footing and falls. Before he could hit the ground I use my powers to hold him up by the wind. "Holy crap I am actually doing it. Ok where to?" He asked. I pointed to the sliding glass doors and said "To the living room through there." He nods and keeps walking. I was waiting for him to stop to open the door but what he did was way better. He is picking up speed cause he was getting better at the walking thing. As he does he walks right into the door face first and falls back on his rear. I couldn't help but to bend over, hold my stomach and laugh. Not only did he do that but when he landed he rubbed his forehead like there was something on it and pulled his hand and looked at it.      Ryker came to the door and slid it open, "Are you guys ok, I heard a noise." I laughed some more and told Ry "Oh don't worry that was just Kane here knocking on the door for me." The laughter would not stop an Kane just looked at me. "Wow you are just so funny today aint ya." he said in a mocking laugh. "Dude if you saw what I just say, I am telling you you would be rolling on the floor laughing your butt off right now." I told him with humor still in my voice. He chuckled and said "Your right I probably would have, but can we please go inside now?" Ryker came over and helped Kane up and we proceeded to the living room. As we got to the door I saw Kane put his hand out before going through it again, guess he was making sure the door was open this time. I just snickered a bit and he looked at me. "Really Maliha, I was just checking."      We get to the living room where Katie is sitting and we go to sit down when I hear Kane say "Katie what are you doing here?" I wave for him to sit, a bit surprised he knew her but maybe they crossed paths before. Kane sites beside me and Ryker across from me next to Katie. "Well Kane, Katie here is Rykers mate. How do you two know each other?" I see Katie over there fiddling with her dress she was wearing so I knew something was up. Kane speaks up "Well Katie is the girl I was telling you about."
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