Chapter 9

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Lily's (Mahila) point of view As I begin to wake up, I feel myself on something soft and comfortable. Feeling around there is a soft fury blanket covering my. I start to peek my eyes open,close them almost right away do to the bright sun. Ok so now I know something is off, it's not bright in the dungeon. As I am trying to think of where I am, the events of what happened flood back to me. Just like that I sit straight up in bed with my eyes wide open. With a hiss of pain, I grab my ribs. This time they are both hurting. I lift my shirt and there are bandages around my rib cages. Slowly putting my shirt back down, I look around. I'm in a big bedroom, with light grey walls, big window with a cushion in it for a seat. There is a small light wooden desk in the corner, a tall and short dresser the same wooden color, two doors on the same wall but on opposite sides. I am laying on a full size bed with a gray fake fury blanket, lush pillows and there are two night stands, one either side of the bed. All the furniture is the same light wooden color. Why am I in a boys room? I thing to myself. As I am about to get out of bed the door opens and Ryker comes walking in. He looks up at me with a huge smile on his face, "your finally awake, I was getting worried." He walks over to me and puts out his hand. "Here let me help you out of bed, don't want you to hurt yourself to much." Grabbing ahold of his hand, I swing both of my legs over the side of the bed. With his other hand he wraps it around my waist an helps me slid off the bed and onto the floor with ease and not to much pain. With a warm smile on my face, "Thank you Ryker, that was a big help. Can I ask why I am in a boys room." With a little chuckle he looks around the room, "This is my room and I insisted you stay in my bed until they got your room ready." Shocked I look away awkwardly, "My room? why would I get a room, I'm ok with a mattress in the basement I don't need a room." With that said Ryker looks back at me so fast I thought I heard his neck pop. I also thought I heard a little growl come from him as well. "You will never sleep in a basement or dungeon again. You are not a slave here, you are safe here with us and I will protect you." That last part he said as almost a promise. Then out of the blue he let my hand go that I didn't realize he still had, and then he gently hugged me. Not knowing what else to do I lifted my arms and patted his back a little. Letting me go he said "I will go tell your aunt that you are awake, she will help you get cleaned up and then you both will be meeting me and my family in my dads office. That said he walked out and gently closed the door. Looking down at myself, I probably look like a horror film all wrapped into one. My sweat pants were no longer gray, they were more of a redish black color mixed with dirt and grime, my shirt was red on one side and dirt on the other. I put my hands to my hair and my ponytail was still there, but on one side of my head and only half of my hair was still in it. Getting lost in the way I look I lost track of time cause next thing I know my aunt walks in. "Lily sweetie, come with me so we can get you cleaned up. Looking up at my aunt, she was beautiful. She was clean with her long blond flowing down her back, it must be naturally wavy. Looks like she has a little make up on, and a beautiful sleeveless baby blue sun dress on that goes to the floor. I look up at her beautiful brown eyes and tell her "You look beautiful." With a small warm smile she said " Thank you, now if you follow me we can make you look just as beautiful, if not more." She said that last part with a wink. Taking her hand she leads me into another room, looks more like an adults room, I'm guessing its her room. Then through another door in the room is a big bathroom. "I'm going to get you in the shower to wash all the dirt off then I'm going to run it into a relaxing bath for you, How does that sound?" She said as she turned on the water, had her hand under the water checking the temp and looking back at me. I smiled and nodded yes cause boy did I want a bath, it has been to long. The last two years consist of me washing up with the faucet in the dungeon. So I go to take my sweats off, and as I am about to lift my shirt over my head she stops me. "Let me get that for you, I need you to let these rest so they can heal properly." She said while pointing to my ribs. Letting her get my shirt over my head, then she slowly unwraps the bandage from around my rib cages. Looking down my whole upper torso is black and blue. With the look of confusion I look at my Aunt, "What happened auntie, I thought only this side was broken?" With a sad look in her eyes she looks me in the eyes with her hands on my shoulders and says. "When I put you to sleep I was going to heal your rib that was broken, but with my abilities I was able to examine your rib cage and saw that most if not all were not in the right place and were healed wrong from previous injury. That got me to looking at your other side and the same thing. So to properly heal them, I had to break them all and put them back where they go. They are healed but from the trauma your body went through, you will be sore for a few days. With that said I shook my head and then got into the shower. With the body wash a washcloth she scrubbed the dirt off. Then she removed the hair tie from my ponytail and washed my hair like two times and then conditioned it. I felt great but not compared to the half hour I spent in the bath after that. Getting out of the tub, my aunt wrapped a towel around me and gently dried me off. Then wrapped the towel around my hair. We walked back into the room where there was a small pink dress laid out on the bed, along with a pair of black leggings and a purple t-shirt. "Which do you want to wear?" It has been a long time since I wore a dress, not that that is my favorite thins to wear, but I feel like it is a special occasion. I just didn't want pink. "Is there another dress that's not pink?" "Not yet, this is all they had until they take us shopping for some cloths." With that said I put on the dress, with underwear of course. I didn't bother with shoes because we were in the house. I then followed my aunt down the hall, down the stairs and to the big wooden door. She knocked and I heard a mans voice "come in." As we enter I look around, this must be the alphas office. There was a big dark wooden desk that he was sitting behind. He ushered for us to make ourselves comfortable on one of the couches. As we are sitting there there is another knock on the door. The alpha gets up an walks to the door, opening it. In walks his wife, Ryker and behind them was Damon. I notice Ryker looking at he, a look of pride flashes through his eyes. Then Damon gets close to me and sits the other side of me. He sure did clean up, His once messy hair was now fixed. The sides of his head were shaved and the top was in like a messy laid over mohawk. "Well well well princess, you clean up nice." Damon made the comment and I laughed a little and said "Same to you." The alpha then clears his throat to get all of our attention. Looking at him he gives me a small smile as he says, "Its nice to officially meet you Lily, My name is Thane." I nod in agreement and he continues while looking at m aunt. "Ok so can you tell us where you came from and what you were doing in that rogue camp. I know you were probably kidnapped by them like my wife and son were, but do you have a home or were you rogues yourself?" Looking up at the Alpha my aunt says "Is this room secure, can I trust no one can hear us?" "Of course" almost looking offended the alpha said. "I trust you and all but do you mind if I double check, because what I am going to tell you is of the up most importance and no one can no about it." Looking a little suspicious of my aunt, "By all means go for it." My aunt then gets up and her hands glow and the next thing I know its almost like we were in a steel box. The door had turned to steel same with the walls and the window to. The light on the ceiling was turned up a notch so we could still see. As this happened the alpha, his wife and Ryker had a look of panic in their eyes. "No need to worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I was not lying about what I said." My aunt said to the alpha. He stood up from his seat and said in almost a harsh tone. "Explain yourself then." With a wave of her hand in my direction she said "This is the princess of the Fae, her real name is Mahila Novack and her mother asked me to take care of her, hide her and train her for the upcoming battle." "Bullshit, I have seen the princess before. She was only four but she looks nothing like her. All of the royals are dead, they lost the battle and we are all out here to survive without them now. Don't come in here with your nonsense about her being the princess. You know how many woman are claiming their daughters are the princess, well it's not going to work on me." My aunt didn't get angry she just simple stood me up. "I have proof she is the princess, her mother put a cloaking spell on her that also changed her appearance so no one would recognize her." With a wave of her glowing hand over my body from head to toe, I heard gasp from the alpha and his wife. I felt no different, but my aunt took out her phone and had the camera on aiming at a selfie as she said "Here see your true form." Looking in the phone I had midnight black, long hair blue silver eyes, and red lips. I was also just a shade darker. I put my hand up and touched my face, and every where I touched the hand in the camera touched as well. Handing the phone back to my aunt she waved her hand back over me and I guess I went back to my cloaked look. The alpha was the first to speak up. "I am so sorry your highness, I didn't know. I was informed the kingdom had fallen and everyone within the barrier. Please forgive me, if I had known I would have tried to find you and brought you back here." The alpha on his knee bowing to me, now this don't seem right. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Please get up, I don't want you on your knees ever." He stood back up with a huge smile on his face "Yes you are your mothers daughter for sure. I promise your secret is safe with us. Anything you need all you have to do is ask." With that said he looked over to my aunt but then his gaze was diverted to Damon, who I might add was just sitting there very quietly. "May I ask why he is in here if this is the princess. I know he protected her and my family, and I am always grateful. None the less why is he here?" He said in almost an apologetic tone. I was also curious, I do like Damon and there is a connection to him I can not explain. "Let me answer that for ya." Damon said standing up. I am your demon guardian, but more importantly I am your cousin. Your fathers father and my father are brothers. My name is Damon Novack."
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