Chapter 6

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Lily (Mahila's) point of view Sitting down as close as I can to Ryker and his mother's cell. I lean in the best I can, trying not to show how much pain I am in. Looking into Ryker's amazingly hypnotic beautiful emerald green eyes, trying not to get lost in them, I muster up my words "I'm listening". Leaning in as much as they can so our voices don't travel to the monsters up stairs, Ryker starts talking. "My mother has a faint connection to dad, if you can give us some information and details about this place then he will be able to get a party together and find us." I back up just slightly, but not enough for one of my broken ribs to move an cause me pain. I think it over for a few seconds and finally ask him with concern and worry in my eyes. "Like what kind of information do you need." Looking back at his mother, she nods her head and he then looks back to me. "If you know where we are or even an idea that would be a great help. Also if you know how many rogues and what kind are out there that would be helpful. Maybe you have an idea of the layout of their little rogue, monster community they have going on here." Hesitantly, I look away and try to think. Not only do I know where we are and the layout of most of this camp, but I do know most of the rogues. They like to take turns torturing the prisoners, and as you already know, I am to be present for all of it. I do not know however, the new rogues that join, cause there are new ones almost once a week maybe twice. The only reason I know there are new ones now are because there are new prisoners. The thing about Mick is, you have to prove yourself before you can be one of them, and the most popular way is to bring a prisoner or more. Which is why I am taking it that that is why Ryker and his mother are here. All of the information that I have is just to much to say with my jaw still throbbing from the foot to my face earlier, but they need the information. I am going to have to take a chance and pray to the gods and goddesses that they will not ask to many questions. I have to take a chance on these two cause this is the only clear opportunity to get out of here that I see. Looking over to Ryker, who now has a worried and pleading look in his eyes. "You have to trust me on this, can you both trust me in what I am about to do without asking to many questions". I look at them with worry and hope that I can trust them. "Yes" they both whisper said in union. "I cant talk a lot, but I know everything you need to know". With a deep breath I look at Rykers mom. "Shyan I am going to need you to open the link with your husband, and when you have it shake your head so I know you are ready". Look of confusion crossed her face and she said ok. "Please trust me, I'm not going to hurt you". I say with a slight smile, probably one that only goes up the right side of my face while the left side is swelling up and probably turning a nice shade of black by now. Shyan's point of view Unsure of what this little girl is planning, I decide to trust her. We have no other option and she seems like a trust worthy girl. "Ok here I go" I say taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly. Taking one last look at my sweet boy before I close my eyes. "Thane, are you there honey?" "Thank god baby where have you been, have you been hurt. I don't know where you are, I have searched everywhere, I cant pick up your or Rykers scent. Is Ryker still with you and has he been hurt". All of his questions rambling into one long one. "Take a breath my love and listen very carefully." as I said those words I shook my head up and down for Lily to know I have the connection. With my eyes still closed I feel something cold and tiny tough my temple, then all of a sudden these images are projected into my vision. A sign saying Williamsburg KY 5 miles. Then there are flashes of road signs and dirt roads. After the road trip there are images of a poorly set up community, it consist of one big structure. It looks like a fast construct but poorly made barn like building. Then around it were it in like a circle were small shake like buildings. From what the images showed there were maybe 16 of them. Now images of different rogues started flashing through my head. What looks like 30 plus maybe a few more, werewolf's, about a dozen vamps. 2 more guys that looked like vamps but there was something different, I am guessing they are the demons I smelled. Then the last image was 2 females with gray glowing fingers pointing toward a wood pile. It looks like these 2 might be witches, cause after a few seconds the wood pile becomes one of the shake like buildings. Laughing on the inside, thinking that they need better witches if that's all they can build. The images stop and before I cut the link to Thane I ask him "did you get all of that?" Yes you are about three hours away, we will be there in an hour and a half, please be strong. May I ask before I leave, how did you do that?" Confused about it myself I just tell him "I will tell you when I see you and we are safe back at home. Be careful my love." With the link cut, I look down and see a worried look on poor little Lily's face. You can tell she is scared about reveling her secret, but I am not going to push it right now cause she probably just saved all of our hides. Reaching my hand to her good cheek, cause the last thing I want to do is hurt her anymore. She flinched but then let me tough her cheek. While rubbing tiny circles on her delicate little cheek I whisper "Thank you for showing us that, it was a big help. They are on their way and will be here in less then two hours. You just saved us all". She looks up with worry in her eyes "Will he have enough people to take on all the rogues?" With a small smile, thinking about how these rogues don't have a chance against us and out allies, "We have more then enough, so please don't worry your pretty little head". Lily's (Mahila) point of view About an hour has passed and I went over to the spout that they had in the dungeon, filled up my bucket and carefully not to move my one side to much, I carried the bucket with the toothbrush and washcloth over to the cell with the man in it. As I am cleaning up the blood, something pokes into my knee as I am slowly backing up while I clean. I feel under my knee, thinking it is going to be a tooth, I prepare myself. I grab it and bring it into my view. My eyes could have popped out of their sockets right then and there. In my hand in front of me is a single brass key. I have seen this exact key many times, it is the key to every lock in this dungeon. Dripping noise catches mt attention, looking up quickly as more blood falls to the floor, it is the mans arm it's still bleeding. I was never going to get this cleaned up if that continues to bleed. Thinking of what to do, I see no way around it, I am going to have to lay his skin back over on his arm. Maybe then it will also start to heal. Not that I don't want to help the man out, because I really do. Its just I am afraid I wont be able to keep from puking again, and that wont be good for the state of my ribs. I get up off the floor and slowly walk over to the man. He has shallow breaths at this point, but he is still conscious. I look up at him with horror and worry in my eyes. "I have to do this, and it is going to hurt. I need you to please be as strong as possible and don't make a sound. I know you must be in a lot of pain right now, but if they hear you someone will come down and neither one of us want that". I say in a whisper talk. He nods his head saying he understands. I get up to him and reach for the skin that is laid over his arm. I reach for it and the second my finger touches it my stomach turns and I gag. I turn my head and look away for a second. "Come here little princess" I hear Damon call me in a low whisper. Not being able to do what I was wanted to, I walk over to him. He gets on his knees so he is eye level with me and says in a serious tone. "You are stronger then you give yourself credit for little princess. You can do anything you put your mind to, and you can help that man over there. You have a good heart and I know you want to do whatever you can to help anyone and everyone, so keep that in your mind when you are over there, Warm your heart and it will help immensely. Trust me." Was the last thing he said with a smile on his face. As his words sink in, I walk back over to the man with a new found purpose. Now in front of the naked man, I think only happy thoughts, and as these thoughts are running through my mind, I feel my chest warming up. It is strange how it actually felt warm. As I open my eyes I grab the skin and just like that I lay it over the part of the arm it had been peeled off of. As I get it into place I think of something I can use to wrap around it to keep it there, I look around quickly and see the mans discarded shirt, I quickly grab it and ripe fat strips out of it. I gently wrap the strip around his arm a few times, completely covering that section of the arm and then tie it to hold it on. After doing that, without thinking my body takes me back over to the mans cloths pile. Picking up his shorts I walk back over to him and help him put them back on. With a small "Thank you" from the man I go back to cleaning. As I am doing the routine, scrub, wipe, scrub, wipe etc. I stop, grab the key off the floor and stand up. Staring at the key, I had the urge to just open the cell doors. I walked over to Damon's door, without realizing it. As I put the key in the lock, it clicked. The door swung open so fast I didn't have time to move. It knocked me back and I landed on my but with a thud, My ribs were aching so bad right now. Looking up with worry and fear, what have I done?
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