Chapter 1

1389 Words
“Aurora! Where do you think you are going?” Her mother’s words rang out in the hallway that led to the exit she so hoped to have escaped through. She had been so close. Stopping right at the door she turned her head around to see daggers for eyes piercing her. “I was planning on going to see Dax at his club. I haven’t seen him yet and have missed him since you made me stay in at headquarters with Grandma and Grandpa for the last 15 years.” Living in the mountains of Colorado had been lovely, but being in the deep woods there could make one lose their sanity as she had. After enough pressure on her grandparents and parents they finally let her leave and come back home to Denver. She had missed the normal life one could have outside the hunter organization. Inside the compound it was always filled with training and schooling. Being a Van Hellsing, she was tasked with understanding the supernatural world and help be an enforcer for the supernaturals. When she had turned 7, she was shipped to her grandparents where she began the grueling process of learning everything she needed. After acing everything she had finally proven that she was able to go home. It took some convincing since she still hadn’t reached her immortality yet and this caused some panic amongst her family. Everyone was nervous about her being still human. She could sense her immortality on the horizon, but didn’t want to wait for it anymore. Thankfully, she was able to compromise with her parents. She just had to check in with them daily, she had to live close by to her family and her apartment would have a barrier to prevent anyone her family didn’t allow in to be blocked out. All were fair and she didn’t stop them from being a bit nosey in her life if that made them feel better. Still, it made moments like right now a tad annoying. She was 22, yet she felt like she was a child all over again. “Seth is going to meet me there. It’s only a short distance from here and you know Dax is very protective of me. I’ll be perfectly safe. Plus, I’ve been training for 15 years now. I can utilize my magic and skills if needed mom. I will be okay I promise.” She hoped with her sweet smile and her hands clutched together in front of her she could get the green light from her mother. When a sigh left her mouth, she felt a victory pump go through her mind knowing she would be allowed out. “Alright. Be careful and make sure to be home before two in the morning if you could. Preferably before midnight, but I know you missed home so I’ll be lenient today.” Without a second thought she rushed quickly to her mom and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you, mom. I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.” Turning around she hurried out of the penthouse and down to the street. Thankfully, she would only be here a couple more days. She loved her parents but the constant eyes were unsettling at times. She was glad she had convinced her parents to let her stay in a small apartment they owned a few blocks away. She just wanted something a bit cozier than a penthouse like her parents. Reaching the sidewalk, she glanced around and noticed everyone on their phones and not paying a lick of attention. With a snap of her fingers a shift of magic came over her and the clothes she was wearing shifted. Instead of the simple T-shirt and jeans look, a little black dress replaced them with a jean jacket over top to keep her warm. Smiling, she continued forward, walking down the few blocks to the club Dax owned. A large sign read The Den. Perfect name for a bear shifter joint if you ask her. A line streamed outside full of supernaturals and humans. While she got closer, she noticed a group of humans being turned down by the bouncer and they were not to happy about such. “Please let us in. We can give you payment if that works?” The pleas from them weren’t going to help. Humans weren’t allowed in the club. It was better to be safe than sorry as many supernaturals wanted to come here to let themselves not have to hide. The bouncer just shook his head not changing his mind. “No can do. Now move on. Go to Club Vinyl instead. Or Temple Nightclub. Those would better suit you.” The dejected humans pouted but knew they wouldn’t be able to get past the large man so finally started to walk away. Taking her chance, she poked at the large fellow. “Excuse me.” From his scruffy face, shaved head to burley arms he was a classic one you would see as a bouncer. He even wore sunglasses to hid his eyes from those wishing to see them. With an annoyed grunt he moved his gaze to her and it took a second but she could feel shocked registered through him. It had been quite a long time since she’d seen him but she knew he’d remember her even though it had been so long. “I can’t believe my eyes, is that really you Rory?” A giant smile lit her face. “Yup it sure is Jax. Is your brother Dax inside?” Receiving a large smile from the man he pulled her into his famous giant bear hug. “It’s been too long little cub. Yup, Dax is inside behind the bar. You’ll surprise him real good.” Disregarding the others in line, he motioned for her to enter the club. “Have fun little cub and I hope we can get together on a day off.” “Most certainly we will. I’ll chat with you later Jax.” A quick wave to him she walked inside the dark club feeling the music before she even found the dance floor. Keeping herself alert she moved inside and wormed her way up towards the bar where Dax should be. It was hard to tell with all the bodies everywhere. Just from the glances she took, she could see many different supernaturals around. Everything from Fairies, Elves, Vampires, Shifters, Sirens and so on. She had only met a few supernaturals when she was younger and this was a whole new world from just reading about them. Many would probably tell she was a Van Hellsing right away. Her family of hunters gave off a certain scent and presence than anyone else. However, here everyone was on equal terms so they didn’t mind her one bit. Sliding through the bodies she made her way to the edge of the bar where she noticed Dax talking to a small little minx of an elf. The blush on her cheeks was a key to her seeing her friend putting on some charms with a lady. Knowing Dax, he would have someone in his bed tonight without any problem. He always was a charmer and a looker at that. From his short-spiked hair with fade, his forest green eyes to his strong jawline, he was a heart throb to say the least. Pair all of that with just a pair of low hung jeans and a white shirt that show cased his muscles he was drool worthy. It was hard to believe at times that Dax and Jax were brothers. The only thing similar was their large frame. He must have felt a pair of eyes on him because in a second his eyes shifted to hers and surprise shined within his eyes. She could see his bear underneath, recognizing her in a heartbeat before Dax realized who he was staring at. Just a small I’ll be back in a bit Love came out of his mouth before he headed straight for her. “If my eyes don’t deceive me is that you little cub?” Dax and Jax loved to call her that. Ever since she met them when she was a child, they decided on that nickname together.
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