Chapter Four

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Ffion Opal and Wrens son. I didn’t quite know what the significance of that meant but I knew I had heard of them. They were dragon royalty. Suddenly I wished I had paid more attention to Anton’s history classes. But the truth was I was better at the physical stuff than the academic. I didn’t need to know the tortured past of my people, they had failed. It was my job to protect people now. Human and shifter. It was my job to make the councils presence in our city as hard as possible. And I was good at it. “Anton has closed his mind down, damn it.” Rhydian’s words were tortured. Flopping down on to the chair by the window he ran his hand through his dark hair, tousling it more. I raised my eyebrow at his obvious distress. It wasn’t the first time our guardian had disappeared for a few weeks and shut down all forms of communication. We were adults now; we could cope without the ancient dragon for a few days. “So what?” Kicking my legs over the arm of the chair that I was sitting on I studied my older brother. Technically he was only my half-brother Not that it had ever mattered to either of us. We had been each other’s family. “That’s not unusual.” Rhydian frowned. “We need him Ffion, this is important.” His eyes searched my face. “And stop swinging your legs around like that, its driving me crazy.” My foot stopped mid swing. “What is wrong with you Rhydian? Because I didn’t take him out like ordered? Is that what this is about? I told you.” Swinging my legs I stood, glaring at him. “I told you he got the jump on me. But if you want me to give it another, go, fine.” I made a move towards the living room door; in a flash he was at my side. His grip on my arm so tight that if I was human, he would leave a bruise. “You need to stay away from him little sister. You two just meeting is bad enough, if …” He shook his head in disgust. “If you come together then you will cause a chain reaction and we aren’t ready for it.” Ripping my arm from his grasp I glared at him. “What the hell are you on about Rhydian? Coming together.” Realisation hit me as he narrowed his eyes. An un-characteristic blush crept over my cheeks. “Are you talking about s*x?” Rhydian didn’t say anything “I’m not going to have s*x with him brother, not that who I sleep with has anything to do with you. My job is to kill him.” My brothers face closed down. “Your job is to stay away from him Ffion. Don’t even go near him. He might not be our enemy but him being here isn’t good for us anyway.” “I thought you said he was the famous son of royalty?” I scoffed. “He is, but he left. It’s complicated.” He shrugged. “He left to go and live a comfortable life with another race. Or so I’ve been told. I don’t know why he is here now, but it can’t be anything good.” “Maybe to save us?” I remembered that part of my history lessons at least. Anger flooded my brothers face. More anger than I had ever seen before. Usually, he was the happy one of us. The one who was always cracking jokes. To see him so angry was a shock. “Maybe if he wanted to save us, he would have been back years ago, more than likely he just wants you.” I blinked at him in shock. Why would a man I had only just met want me? “And why would he want me? Everyone knows I’m a total nightmare.” Rhydian stared at me like I was stupid. I always hated it when he looked at me like that. “It doesn’t matter Ffion; just promise me you will stay away from him. I’m going to make some calls and see what the hell is going on… what the hell are you doing now?” Pausing I glanced at him. My hands gathering up my long dark hair and pulling it from my face. “I’m going out.” Rhydian groaned “Have you actually heard a thing I’ve been saying? It’s not safe.” Straightening my shoulders, I met his glare with one of my own. “I heard you just fine big brother. I’m not going out to hook up with any alien dragon prince. I’m going out to do my job. I’m going to club Apex.” Patting him on the shoulder I grinned up into his face. It was sweet that he was worried about me. I wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for him looking out for me, but I still had a job to do. Club Apex was a hunting ground for the council. The last club still standing in a city that had used to have a vibrant night life. Back before the council had taken over everything and made everyone miserable. I tried to head over there a few times a week at least. To help keep people safe and if I was honest with myself to enjoy myself at little. There was so little enjoyment in my life that when I got a chance, I grabbed it with both hands. “Ffion it isn’t safe.” Reaching up on tiptoes, I pressed my lips to his cheek. “Nothing is safe anymore Rhyd, and this is Club Apex. I promise you I’ll be careful. One whiff of any dragon princes and I’ll come straight home.” He didn’t look convinced. But he didn’t say anything as I laced my knee boots back up over the tight leather pants I was wearing. That was one of the best bits about being me. The clothes I hunted in could work in a club setting as well, with a little adjusting Black was a good colour on me. Practical and sexy. “At least let me come with you.” He was clutching at straws, and he knew it. “You have your own work to do tonight namely that pretty blonde I saw you with, why don’t you go and find her. I won’t be home until late.” Grinning at him, I winked. Rhydian’s face didn’t change. “I’ll be careful brother, I promise.”
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