"Unexpected visit"

1560 Words
Katherine Taylor:- I didn't bother to thanks that bastard's driver for dropping me off because I was furious at his boss. Who does he think he is to ask a suck question? Alright, he has got money. Lots of it. But, that doesn't mean he is not a human being like us. How can he be so rude and arrogant? I shook all the thoughts out of my mind and entered my tiny apartment that was affordable for me to find my little brother Elijah sitting in the living room doing his homework while my best friend Sky was looking after him. Sky is a freelancer so he does his work from him and babysits my brother during my working hours without charging a single cent from me.  I masked my expression to happy because I don't want my little brother to worry for me. Although, he is ten but still worries for me a lot and takes care of me like he is my elder brother. I love him into pieces. Elijah and I grew up without a father. Elijah is my half-brother as we share different fathers. And what's best? We both don't know who our fathers are because our mother didn't bother to tell us about them. " Hey, Bambino. I am home." I announced my brother with a cheerful expression. " Kat, you are home." Elijah's left everything and came running to me with a huge smile on his face and hugged me tightly. I ruffled his hair and kissed his cheeks. " How was your day at school?" I ask. " Great. I got A+ on all my tests except for maths. I got C in it." he pouted " I suck at Maths." " You don't suck at it. I do. If I was good in maths myself I would have taught you better." I pinched his cheek " It's me who is the one to blame over here." " Hey, Kate. How was work?" Sky approached me and kissed my cheek " Something tells me it wasn't that good." he whispered in my ears " You are masking your facial expressions." " I will fill you in later." I replied in a low voice then looked down at my brother " I will go freshen up and cook dinner for you both." " No, need. I have ordered pizza and it must be on its way. You go and freshen up then tell me what happened during the drink after dinner." Sky replied. " Ok, thanks for ordering the pizza because, to be honest, I didn't feel like making anything. I am dead tired and need rest. You are the best friend I can ever have." I kissed his cheek and went to my room. I pulled out my pajamas from the cupboard and placed them on the bed then headed inside the bathroom to shower. Once the streams of water fell on my body I felt calm and relieved. Once I was showered I picked up the towel from the rack and begin wrapping it around my body when I heard Sky yell at someone from the living room. " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? YOU CAN'T JUST COME INSIDE THE HOUSE LIKE THIS. GET OUT!" Sky yelled at someone "Elijah, go to your room." I felt scared for my brother and went running out of my room only in the towel in fear, only to find the devil standing in my living room along with his bodyguards. He was looking around at my apartment with pure disgust in his eyes when his eyes landed on me and smirked wickedly while looking at my towel-covered body with lust and hunger in his eyes for me. " YOU? What the hell are you doing here? Get out?" I shout out in anger while holding my towel knot securely. " You know him?" Sky asked. " I just came to know him today and realized in our first meeting what a bastard he is," I replied to Sky while glaring at Eden who was grinning from ear to ear like he wasn't feeling a little bit insulted. " Tell your boyfriend to get out of the house because I am going to be taking his role," Eden said, taking steady steps towards me. He took off his suit jacket and put it on me after reaching me. " He is not my boyfriend. He is my friend." I snapped " Now, get out." The man chuckled and shook his head then snapped his fingers in the air. The two of the bodyguards surrounded Sky and hold him by his arms. " Agree to my earlier proposal and I will let your friend go and do you walk around in the house in the towel like this in front of your friend always?" Eden asked. " None of your business and leave my friend alone. And, NO. I won't agree to your proposal." I spat " Get out of my apartment." " I would call it a matchbox." Eden murmured " Agree to my proposal, kitty kat or I will use my connections to ruin you, your career, your little brother's life future. In short, I will ruin everything with just a single call. Do you want to know what my single call can do? My single call can get you fired from your job. My single call can get your brother terminated from the school. My single call can make your landlord kick you out of your apartment. My single call can make sure that you don't get a job anywhere in the USA.  My single call can make sure your brother doesn't get admission to any other school. What will happen will you will be left penniless? How will you pay your school debts? How will you raise your brother? If you fail to raise your brother the right of guardianship will be snatched from you and your brother will be put up on adoption. So, what are you going to do? Agree or disagree with my proposal?" he threatened me in a low whispered voice with his hand resting inside of his pockets. " Are you threatening me?" I ask. " I am telling you the future, Kitty Kat." he replied, " But, you can take it as a threat if you don't agree to what I want."  " What is this asshole talking about, Katherine? Who is he and what does he want and how dare he threaten you?" Sky asked in anger while glaring daggers at Eden. " Shut him up," Eden ordered his bodyguards who punched Sky on his stomach making him groan in pain. I glared at Eden who was waiting for an answer patiently. I know he is not just scaring me with false threats because his threats are far from false. The man is capable of doing all these things. I can't let this man ruin my career and my brother's life. I have worked really hard for it and I can't live without my brother. I can do anything to keep him by my side. I can't let the authority take my brother away from me. He is the only family I have got. So, what if I have to let go of my pride and dignity for him. I am sure this billionaire will be tired of me very soon. I am not as beautiful as the model out there he f***s or dates. " The clock is ticking, Kitty Kat. I want the answer now." Eden announced in his deep voice and looked behind me. I turned around to find my brother looking scared, peeking from the doorway of his room. " Hey, Eli. Come out. Everything is fine. Don't be scared." I called my brother who came out with fear on his face but tried to act strong. " Who are you and why are scaring my sister?" Elijah asked Eden. " Well, you must be little Elijah, right? I am Eden Williams and I am here to ask your sister to become my girlfriend but your sister won't agree to be one. Am I not good-looking and handsome? Then why is your sister not agreeing to be my girlfriend." Eden acted like a nice man in front of Elijah. At least, he is kind enough not to scare a child. And where does that word girlfriend came from because what he wants me to be is his mistress. The one who sells her body to please a man like him. " Sister, he is really good-looking then why won't you agree?" Elijah asked then looked at Sky " Why are you holding my Uncle Sky?" " Well, my apologies. I didn't mean to but your Uncle Sky wasn't letting me talk to your sister so I have to ask my men to hold him up. Forgive me?" Eden pouted at Elijah. "Forgiven." Elijah giggled then looked at me " I like this guy, sister. He is really good-looking. I think you should agree to be his girlfriend." " Ok, I accept. Now, get out of here." I ordered Eden who smirked arrogantly. " Jason and Denny. Take Elijah out for ice cream. Take Sky along with you too. I want to talk to Dr. Katherine in private." Eden ordered his men.
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