Chapter 6

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The weekend came faster than expected with Isabelle's whole week consisting of Gavin taking her to and from school everyday- even when she had varsity swimming training. After Isabelle promised to always wear a shirt, Gavin had stopped his growling on most of the days that passed. To Isabelle's amusement, Max and Timothy have grown to chat it up with Gavin. Regardless if the best they could get from him as a reply was one word. They didn't complain continuing their onslaught of questions and stories. Damien, on the other hand, was still as angry as he was on the first day. He wouldn't stand to be in the same room as Gavin. Gavin would wordlessly follow Isabelle on her daily routines starting from school activities to her pack training and then meeting at the river clearance with Sofia. Nathan had yet to talk to her.  Over the week, Isabelle had come to a decision that she wouldn't avoid Gavin like she used to. Following Sofia's advice, Isabelle made an effort to understand Gavin. Thankfully, Isabelle stopped her her random school banters and reasoning. It's finally come to the point where she would talk to him normally. However, whenever they would accidentally touch she would jump in surprise at the tingles. Gavin dutifully would also accompany Isabelle on her daily walks around the woods listening in on her mindless rambling. He would occasionally give her a reply or two. Which to her enjoyment, were longer replies than the ones he would give her brothers. She felt happy with her relationship with him. It was almost as if they fit together perfectly. Quiet and angry Gavin and loud and calm Isabelle. They were so different yet somehow, it fit.  Unfortunately, Isabelle was starting to worry of how emotionless Gavin was sometimes. She was starting to doubt if Gavin even liked her. Isabelle would push the thought away because she found herself in a very depressing state afterwards. Already they've been together for a week but Gavin has yet to open up about him claiming her or has made a move to do so. The thought was constantly bothering her but thought better of voicing it out to the temperamental man.  Isabelle's father has yet to open the topic as well. Which wasn't surprising since he's been out on business most of the time. He would constantly be out on meetings or patrols. After a lot of questioning, Trevor had told her that Gavin and Elliot had started to discuss a few things. Unfortunately, Trevor didn't know what exactly the discussion was- only that it consisted of mostly Isabelle. Isabelle rose from her bed yawning loudly. She scratched the sleep away from her eyes and stretched her sore arms. She sighed dispassionately knowing they had pack training today. It was much too early for a weekend and she silently complained on why training had to be so damn early. Lumbering towards her bathroom, she washed her face and looked at her reflection. Her hair was everywhere, her eyes had dark circles and her face was pale white even when she had a perfectly natural tan. This was as good as it could get. She huffed making her way down to the kitchen. It was only Timothy who was stabbing his cereal bowl irritably. "Good morning, sis." He greeted not looking up from his bowl.     "Morning." She croaked making her wince at the sound of her morning voice. "What are you doing?" She asked leaning towards her brother to peer down at his bowl.  He sighed pushing the bowl away. "Max bought the wrong cereal." He complained. "Want to make pancakes instead?" She offered opening the cupboards to look for the pancake mix. In the weekend mornings before pack training, the boys would usually go on their brotherly wolf runs around the perimeter. Timothy, obviously sad for the cereal mix up didn't join them. He nodded dramatically still looking down as he played with his discarded bowl of cereal.  It took her awhile but she finally made enough- well screw it. Isabelle finished the whole box of pancake mix knowing her brother would finish it in a heartbeat. Bless his wolf soul when Timothy finally tore his eyes away from the offending cereal and decided to cook up some bacon for them. Placing the pile of pancakes and the plate full of delicious smelling bacon down the table, the pair proudly smile down at their morning work. "Team work." She sang bumping her fist into his. Timothy grinned approvingly giving his sister a thumbs up. Before enjoying their breakfast, Isabelle took an extra plate out and started working on a rather big helping. She took about a half a dozen bacon strips and a few pancakes in the process. Timothy didn't have to ask. He knew his sister was going to give it to Gavin. Wherever the big bad Alpha was. Usually, Isabelle and Gavin would share a couple bagels lathered in cream cheese in the morning but it was their first weekend together and she didn't know where to find him. She already knew he wasn't in his room so she walked out to the front lawn, walking a few feet away from the house until she sniffed him out near the river bank. There clad in his usual tight black shirt that showed off his large muscles from years of fighting and dark jeans, Gavin stared down at the calm river. Isabelle observed him for awhile. Gavin was intimidatingly handsome and strong. Tall and thick with muscle, he was easily the best looking man she's ever seen. She walked towards him not bothering to sneak up at him. Knowing well that her mate had extra super hearing as he always knew that she was coming. The past week, Isabelle tried to trail after Gavin quietly to try and surprise him but it never worked. Despite that, she could tell sometimes that Gavin would try to pretend to be surprised.  Isabelle sat down on a rock beside her mate and smiled up at him. "Breakfast." She said pressing the plate towards his hands. Gavin looked down at her his amber eyes more bright than usual. He had a strange expression again. First, it was shock but then would change to confusion and finally the indescribable one. An expression Gavin would had when he had different feelings all at once. His eyes then drifted down to her night gown and his soft expression hardens. "Do I still have to discuss length with you?" He said voice at an edge. "What's wrong with them?" Isabelle frowned looking down at her clothes. She had worn much worse in the past but wasn't brave enough to mention that.  Gavin looked away suddenly. He looked significantly angrier at her question. "You shouldn't be walking around with those much more to go out in them." He snarled viciously. "There are dozens of men out here." It was then that Isabelle realized that Gavin talked more when he was angry. "I just came out to give you these, geez." She pouted passing him the plate full of food. Isabelle stood and started to walk back to her house. She was stopped by a light tug on her wrist by rough hands, the familar tingles vibrating through the touch. She looked back repressing the blush from appearing. "What?" Isabelle snapped. Gavin looked taken aback by her reaction. Isabelle was rarely angry. She wasn't like him. "I didn't mean to get mad." He said slowly meeting her eyes and hoping that she understood his genuine apology. "Thank you." He looked down at the plate. "For the food." Isabelle sighed letting go of her anger and nodded. "You're welcome. Do you want anything else?" Gavin shook his head still looking shocked that she offered to serve him. Isabelle wondered if he ever had someone take care of him but thought better of asking. She didn't want him to raise the already slowly lowering walls of his.   Returning back to the house, she sat down beside her brother who was probably having his nth serving. A pack helper was already cooking more food for them. Isabelle looked up from her eating when she spotted Trevor by the porch. Waving him over to the kitchen counter, Isabelle dutifully pushed the plates of food towards her guard.  "Morning, Trev!" She greeted happily. "Breakfast?" Trevor smiled back at her warmly. "I had rabbit before I came over." "Explains the blood on your pants." Tim pointed out between large bites of bacon and pancakes. "For a second there, I thought you were a woman." He grinned making the other boy turn red. "Timothy!" Isabelle scolded slapping his arm.  "Damn violent woman." Timothy scowled as he took another big gulp of orange juice. Trevor cleared his throat bringing the quarrelling siblings back from their argument. "Ms. El Bridge, pack training will begin shortly. You should start getting ready." Isabelle's eyes widened. She shot up from her chair making the chair fall. "Oh my goodness! Max's going to kill me if I'm late." She said hurrying towards the stairs in full speed. After a quick bath, she put on a plain pink work out top and white shorts. Isabelle pulled her hair up in a tight ponytail and when she was finally ready, she ran out waving a quick goodbye to a still eating Timothy. Isabelle ran out of the front door only to bump into Gavin. "Gavin." Isabelle said in a high pitch squeaky voice. Gavin only raised an eyebrow at her questionably. "I have pack training." She answered his unsaid question. "I'll catch up." Gavin replied with a small nod an empty plate in his hands. She smiled warmly and side stepped away from him towards the pack gym. Thankfully, she was just in time. The pack gym was a massive building that was big enough to accommodate the whole pack and would still have room for dancing. At this time though, the gym is filled with a bunch of kids her age chatting and playing around. A few of them smiled and waved at her while the others of whom she wasn't close with bowed in respect. All of them she observed was on edge with her. It's been like that ever since the announcement that the Alpha's only daughter was indeed mates with the cruel and blood thirsty Alpha of the Blood Howlers Pack. Making her way around the crowd, she spotted her friends and jogged over to them. Her friends consisted of mostly of sons and daughters of the high ranks in the pack. Not that Isabelle was being a snob to the lower ranked ones. In fact, Isabelle made a conscious effort to bond and make conversation with other teenagers but unfortunately the lower rank members could only see her as an Alpha and nothing more. Apart from her group of friends, everyone else was scared or intimidated by her. Sofia was at her side in an instant. "Girl, you look fine!" She commented encouragingly nodding at Isabelle with a smile.  Isabelle only smiled back. "You flatter me, Sofia." She laughed hip bumping her friend who returned the hip bump. Her group of friends started discussing the latest gossip around the pack. Isabelle could tell they tried hard not to mention that most of the gossips were revolving around Isabelle and Gavin. They respected her enough not to mention such a thing. "Scarlet tried to jump Damien the other day." One of her friends said with a shudder. Sofia jumped at the gossip. "She did not! What did Damien do?!" She shrieked leaning towards the group her fists balled up. "He pushed her away, how embarrassing!" Sofia relaxed suddenly looking relieved. "Thank the Moon Goddess." They were about to start another gossip when Max walked in making everyone stop their conversation and focus on him. There were two different type pack trainings. First, the human form training which is taught by Max. Max is the best and currently unbeatable when it comes to hand to hand combat. Second, the wolf form training which is taught by Timothy since he is currently the best wolf fighter that our pack has. Max stopped walking when he was in front of the crowd and cleared his throat. "Good morning, pups. Today, we will be having something special instead of our usual sparing and training. Last night, I've set up an obstacle course at the northern part of the territory." He scanned the room and winked when his eyes spotted Isabelle. Isabelle rolled her eyes and sticking out her tongue in reply. "Now this isn't your usual obstacle course. This obstacle course was originally for your wolf forms but then I thought what the heck let the pups do it in their human form for a better challenge." He shrugged like it was normal for him to send in pups to a wolf form obstacle course. "The rules are simple. Reach the flag first. You may beat each other up and do whatever you like but you must be in human form at all times. Certain punishments will be given to the violators. The first one to reach the flag gets a day off from their duties and chores tomorrow." The room was silent though Isabelle could hear her blood pumping with excitement. Isabelle wasn't a very good fighter in human form -she blamed her petite built- but her human form was good at obstacle courses and it was making her all jumpy. "Uhm, Mr. Max, Sir, isn't it a bit unfair that were competing against the daughter and son of both the Alpha and the Beta?" A red head girl asked jerking her head towards Isabelle and Nathan innocently. 'Scarlet' sneered Sofia angrily. Max shrugged looking bored and uninterested. "More reason for you to do your best then." After a quick orientation and briefing, the group were then lead towards the northern part of the woods. Without needing to see him, Isabelle could sense Gavin was following close by watching her carefully. Isabelle's group of friends were all excited wanting nothing more than to start the obstacle as soon as they could. The other groups weren't as enthusiastic. They already suspected the outcome for the competition. In other competitions, Nathan was easily the best when it came to human form hand to hand combat. He was followed by the Third in command's son but when there were competitions with wolf forms, Isabelle reigned supreme. As a human, Isabelle's figure wasn't made for fighting but as a wolf with Alpha blood running through it, Isabelle was unbeatable. This competition though was a special case for Isabelle. She was the master with obstacle courses be it in human form or wolf. They soon arrived at the place and it made Isabelle's heart beat pound even more excitedly. In front of them, was a long line of rocks with broken down trees and more sharp debris. If she looked further, she could see more of them yet she couldn't see the end of it. "How far does this go?" One of the pups asked worriedly. They all strained their neck to see the end.   "Ends just before the mountain." Max answered walking to the front of the group. "Now, very important. Near the mountain is the border so be careful and do not go beyond the packs territory." He warned threateningly. "At the end of this obstacle is the flag though it's hidden so you have to be vigilant in finding it. I forgot to mention that the losers will be the one to clean up after. May the best pup win." Without warning, he howled signalling the start. Isabelle didn't waste any time as she dashed towards the rocky path her heart pumping excitedly. Climbing over a huge boulder, she made a risky leap landing down on the other her side. As far as she could see, she was the first one there but Isabelle could hear Nathan and the others close by. In no time at all, Nathan was by her side. They jogged and slip down the fallen log. She felt her legs being scrapped by debris but resisted a wince. Nathan was grinning at her devilishly.  "Give up, El Bridge. You can't beat this." He taunted flexing his muscles at her. She's seen better.  Isabelle only laughed as she jumped over a patch of sharp debris, Nathan missing it by this much. She looked back only to find her friends were gaining on her and a few of the other pack members following suit some of which were throwing punches, kicking and wrestling each other. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins, Isabelle kicked at a log in front of her. She hissed in pain when a rather huge rock was thrown at her back. Isabelle looked back only to find that the red head was smirking at her large rocks in her hand. Isabelle ducked as another rock was thrown then another then another. Nathan was falling behind as he struggled to avoid the onslaught of thrown rocks. She heard him grunt as one of the rocks hit his head. Isabelle didn't stop and ran for a good ten minutes before she had to stop to catch her breathe. So far so good, she was still in the lead. Isabelle grinned proudly knowing Max would be impressed. Isabelle looked down at her arms and legs only to wince in pain. She was covered in dirt, cuts and bruises. Her white shorts were now torn in some places and had traces of brown and red in a few parts thanks to her bloody arm. Silently regretting choosing to wear white today, Isabelle looked around. She could tell she was near the top of the hill that was just beside the mountain. Isabelle started running again. Shortly after sliding down the hill, she could tell that she was near the flag. She sniffed the air expecting to smell Max's scent with the flag. Walking around with caution, it was at this part of the competition where everyone would start fighting with each other. By the smell and sound of it, her pack members were further away probably fighting. She had more time. Isabelle closed her eyes in concentration. She could smell the border of their territory not far from where she was standing. Smell of unfamiliar wolves and land through the border assaulted her senses. It was possible that they were far beyond her pack's border. That's when she saw it, the flag. She yipped happily taking it from a tree branch. Giddy with adrenaline and triumph, Isabelle didn't realize the unfamiliar wolves until she heard the loud growls. Isabelle turned just in time to see three large dark haired wolves moving towards her their dark eyes tainted on her. Their dirty muzzles were dripping with dark saliva that smelled like blood. Isabelle wasn't the kind of girl that screamed but it was then in that moment that she let out one of the loudest shriek she's ever made in her life. "Rogues!"
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