Chapter 10

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Isabelle made her way to the front doors of her house when she spotted her best friend standing in front of the porch looking smug. It was a first for the week since both girls have been grieving terribly for the loss of her brother and the fact that Isabelle was leaving didn't help at all. "We're going shopping." Sofia declared pointing towards Isabelle. Some of the pack members that passed by turned their heads towards them. Gavin who was carrying Isabelle's school bag and books shook his head at this before he passed Trevor the bag and took off into the trees without a word. "What?" Isabelle asked lifting an eyebrow at her friend. "I'm taking you shopping. You're leaving tomorrow and I want to spend time with my best friend before that happens." Sofia said jumping off the porch and sliding her arm into Isabelle's. Isabelle smiled at this. "I suppose I do need new clothes and who knows when I'll be able to go shopping next." "Yay!" Sofia cheered jumping up with joy. "In one condition." Isabelle added, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. Sofia's enthusiasm shrunk. "Well shoot me. Crap. What is it?" She asked wrinkling her nose. "You're telling Gavin." Isabelle answered simply jabbing her thumb to where Gavin disappeared. Sofia frowned her lips pouting. "The things I do for you." - "I'm coming with you." Gavin said tonelessly as soon as Sofia mumbled about them going to the mall. Sofia shook her head. "No, it's fine. We'll take my car plus the human mall is just about an hour away from here." She jerked her head towards the car to emphasis her point. Gavin gave Sofia a hard look prompting that he was still coming. Sofia gulped at this and looked away. Isabelle stood a few steps back smiling like crazy at how Sofia was trembling at her words. "It's perfectly safe. We go there every time." Sofia pushed on like saying they always went there would change Gavin's mind. "No." Gavin said simply, his golden eyes flowing while crossing his broad arms around his chest, the action making his muscles flex. It made him look even more intimidating and scary. Again, Isabelle couldn't help but smile at the fact that even with Sofia's beauty Gavin didn't seem fazed by it. Normally, men fell on their knees for anything Sofia said. Feeling pity on her best friend, Isabelle decided to intervene. "Gavin, it's okay. We'll bring Trevor." Isabelle said pointing towards Trevor who was dutifully standing a few feet away. "I said no." Gavin said there was a finality to his tone. He stood up from his seat effectively towering over the two girls. Hours later they were at the mall. They used Gavin's rover since he carelessly pulled Isabelle out of Sofia's car and jerked his head towards his own car. They didn't argue knowing it was already a miracle he let Isabelle out. The two girls didn't want to push their luck. "He's just standing there." Sofia whispered her eyes flickered towards Gavin who had his arms crossed and his eyes tainted on Isabelle. He was only a few steps away. They were inside a store shuffling through the clothing selections. "He's like some psycho guard." Isabelle didn't reply finding it a bit offensive. "At least Trevor had the decency to take his guarding duties outside the shop." Isabelle attention however was with Gavin. It bothered her that every single female in the mall was shamelessly ogling at her mate. They didn't even care to hide how they looked at him. Isabelle tried to reason with herself that Gavin was indeed a very attractive man in any woman's taste. He was buffed and honestly- tall, dark and handsome. Thankfully, Gavin didn't seem to care about the stares from the other women only standing close to Isabelle at all times. Sighing, Isabelle looked up from her shopping and met Gavin's golden eyes. "Gavin, we're fine. Come and sit down over there." Isabelle softly told him motioning her hand towards the chair that was in the middle of the shop. "You look tired." "No." Gavin replied shrugging his shoulders as if to push away what she had just said. "Gavin, please?" Isabelle pleaded. "For me?" In truth, Isabelle couldn't concentrate on shopping because of the perfectly sculpted man that was standing just beside her. It also didn't help how he would grunt and snarl whenever she would pick up a rather revealing piece of clothing. "You can watch us perfectly from there." Gavin's eyes softened at her pleading and nodded. Soon after, Gavin made his way towards the chair and even with the distance she could still feel his gaze burning on her. It was then that Sofia lifted a bag up and frowned. "You know I miss my third boyfriend." Isabelle looked up from the rack of clothes. "Why is that?" She didn't really know who Sofia's third boyfriend was. She lost track a long time ago.   "On our first weeksary he gave me a Gucci bag." Sofia said blowing out a breath as if she really missed that random boy. Isabelle let out a laugh. "Weeksary? There's no such thing, Sofia." She laughed some more. "Don't say that. You and Nathan celebrated your first Weeksary." Isabelle made a glance towards Gavin who looked rather tense and curious at the same time furious with the conversation he was hearing.  It was when they were about to pay when Gavin came back to his original spot beside her. The boy behind the cash register smiled down at the two girls giving Isabelle a lingering look. By the sound of Gavin's ferocious growl he didn't miss it. The boy ignored Gavin and continued to looked towards Isabelle. The boy smiled again. "I'm Josh." He said his eyes never leaving Isabelle. "She knows. She can see it from your tag." Gavin snapped irritably, his fist clenching. Isabelle held Gavin's hand under the counter to calm him. The heat of their touch shooting up through her and doing wonders to her imagination. It seemed to calm Gavin a little but he was still glaring daggers at the other boy. Gavin held on to her tighter. Josh looked at Gavin a hint of fear washing over his face. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked Isabelle who felt awkward all of the sudden. How do you explain to humans the idea of mates?  "No but-" Isabelle was cut off by an angry snarl. "Does it matter?" Gavin said with bared teeth obviously trying to control his wolf but his eyes showed how his wolf did not intend to back down. Gavin's beautiful gold eyes were now black and terrifying.  Isabelle was about to grab for her wallet to pay the man before something messy happened when Gavin stopped her by pushing away her hand lightly. With one quick move, Gavin threw a bundle of cash at Josh. Isabelle's eyes widened. Judging by the amount of money Gavin threw, it enough to pay for both her and Sofia's clothes... including the shop. Gavin didn't seem to care and pulled Isabelle -who was holding Sofia- out of the shop without another word. "Did you see how he was looking at you?" Gavin angrily said glaring down at Isabelle eyes still black. "I should go back there and show him what happens when he looks at what is mine." "No, don't!" Isabelle gasped at the thought of Gavin beating up a small human boy. Gavin shot her a look. A lesser man would have pissed his pants at how terrifying Gavin looked. "I don't want you to waste your time on him when you could be spending time with Sofia and I." Isabelle added to calm him down. His dark eyes were starting to attract attention.  Gavin didn't reply. He only continued to hold onto Isabelle's hand. "Okay!" Sofia clapped her hands to ease the tension. "Why don't we grab some coffee before we head back?" Isabelle sighed but nodded following after Sofia. Gavin later took hold of Isabelle's heavy shopping bags. She noticed that his eyes were finally back to their original colour. Arriving at the coffee shop, all heads turned towards the girls. Sofia leaped towards an empty looking comfortable couch beating a group of girls to it. Gavin glared at the male on lookers effectively making them look away from them. At some point, Sofia excused herself for a quick visit to the ladies room. "What is a Weeksary?" Gavin finally asked after a while looking at Isabelle with curious eyes. Gavin looked so confused it was adorable. Isabelle looked at him amused. "It's the first week of your relationship." She said choosing her words thoughtfully.  Gavin's eyes suddenly darkened at this. "You lied." He stated angrily snarling venomously at Isabelle. "You did have a relationship with that pup." "What? Nathan? No!" It stung to lie to him but she wanted him to calm down. Moon Goddess knows Gavin's anger was too much to handle. Much more in a crowded human mall. Gavin looked down at her questionably. "You just said a Weeksary-" "-a friend's relationship." She lied again. Gavin only raised an eyebrow before he looked away blinking away his darkened eyes. - The ride home was just as awkward as the first one. Sofia would dutifully try to make conversation from the back seat but would fail miserably. When they got back to Isabelle's house, Sofia insisted on having a sleep over to help Isabelle pack for tomorrow. Isabelle agreed happily thinking it would be best if she spent the remaining time with her best friend. Both of her brothers weren't in the best of moods when they found out she was leaving and her father refused to even speak to her. Having Sofia was certainly a good idea. Sofia, bless her soul, cooked dinner for them. Thankfully, Gavin was all calmed down when Isabelle towed him inside to eat with her and Sofia. - In an attempt to find all the clothes she wanted to bring to the Blood Howlers, Isabelle was aggressively throwing her clothes all over the room. She didn't know what kind of clothes the strongest pack wore and by the sound of it, Gavin's pack resided quite far from any of the other packs or even a human civilization. The only thing she was sure of, is that his pack was surrounded by trees just like any other pack and that they were hidden somewhere between two mountains. "Maybe you should bring this." Sofia lifted a scandalous t- back, a mischievous smile on her lips. Isabelle's eyes widened at the panties but soon later laughed it off. It was a gift from Sofia stating that the t-back was a sign of Isabelle's membership to the world of women. "I don't think Gavin would appreciate me wearing that. If he gets angry with a v- neck t-shirt I don't know what that will do." Sofia joined Isabelle in her laughing, remembering Gavin's reaction when Isabelle picked up the shirt. "So, how is it?" Sofia suddenly asked while she folded Isabelle's messy clothes for her. "The t-back?" Isabelle answered with a question. Sofia merely rolled her eyes. "How is what?" "How is it being the mate of the most powerful Alpha? Who is also by the way has the most powerful pack." Sofia was looking at Isabelle seriously in a way that told Isabelle that she really did want to know. Isabelle sighed facing her friend. "We don't really talk much to be honest. He yells quite a lot though." "I have seen quite a few of those." Sofia stated looking out the window. "To be honest, I admire how he looks at you. It's like you're the most precious thing in his life." Isabelle shrugged at Sofia's words knowing she wasn't precious to him. The thought made a painful feeling surge into her heart. It was like a knife to her very fragile heart. "Gavin's my mate. He's supposed to look at me like that." Isabelle said trying to sound bored. "Not really. I've always pictured him forcing himself on you and horrors like that. Like, claiming you against your will as soon as he saw you or not taking no for an answer. He could even lock you inside his prison cell and r**e you. Everything a crazed heartless man is supposed to do." Sofia took a deep breathe. "Yet look at him, Izzy. He's obviously trying to give you your time. He spent weeks away from his own pack for you. Hasn't he been so patient? I didn't imagine him to be so respectful over you." Sofia's words stayed on Isabelle's mind as she lay in bed. She fell asleep, her dreams consisting mostly of Gavin. - The next morning was a blur Gavin's light yet loud knocks effectively making both Sofia and Isabelle wake up from their dreams. Isabelle made her way to the bathroom and took her time taking a bath. She didn't know when she would be able to return to her house. After her bath, Isabelle made her way out of her bathroom when she saw both of her brothers sitting down her bed. They both gave her sad smiles before they rushed towards her and gave her a bear hug. It used to be three boys sandwiching her and that thought saddened her.    They took their time. Isabelle and her brothers shed a few tears while she told them that she would miss them like no other. They replied to her by saying they would miss their dramatic beauty queen. It made her sob even more. It was a death walk when she finally had to go down. Gavin gave her one look before his hard features softened. His eyes filled with worry and concern for her. After they had one of the best breakfasts she's ever had, Gavin took the liberty of taking down all her luggage. The night before, Gavin had told her that she could bring anything that she wanted since they were going to use his car to go back. Soon after, Isabelle was standing in front of her house with her family lined up in front. Most of the pack members were there too. Watching the only daughter of their Alpha leave with her mate. Isabelle first said good bye to Trevor which was harder than she thought it would have been. Trevor held himself together when she jumped hug him only to be pulled away by an angry looking Gavin. The next was Timothy. Her usually excited brother looked like a ghost, his naturally amazing tan was pale and his eyes looked like he was never going to be happy again. This time when Isabelle threw herself at him, Gavin didn't pull her away. Timothy held on to his sister not saying anything. He was horrible at good byes. Max was the one who pulled Isabelle away scowling playfully at Timothy. Max didn't waste a second as he wrapped his arms around Isabelle and buried his face in her hair. Isabelle started crying again at one point as Max whispered comforting words to her. Isabelle pulled away at her own accord since Max's shirt was wet all over thanks to her tears. Max didn't look like he minded. Isabelle was just about to come talk to her father who was standing stiffly beside them when Nathan showed himself.  A surge of happiness filled her. Before anything else, Nathan was her best friend. For a second, she thought he wouldn't show. They both approached each other slowly, a shy smile on Nathan's face. His eyes flickered to Gavin who was being held back by Max though she could tell it wasn't working. Nathan, her first love, he was the only boy their age to have the balls to come and ask her father including her brothers -not to mention Damien- about their relationship. He was the only boy that could hold her close when she was having a break down. Many girls her age would come and tell her they would make a better Alpha's daughter at that was always Isabelle's weakness. The boy she was with for quite a long time and the boy whose heart she broke. "Nathan." Isabelle breathed out. "I didn't think you'd come." Nathan smirked his playful smile that always made her heart melt back then. "And miss Timothy cry? As if." He teased closing the distance between them. They both heard a loud growl echo through the area. Most of the crowd that has gathered flinched in fright. From a distance, they heard Timothy shout an irritated 'I wasn't crying' yet he would wipe at his cheeks. "I'll miss you." Nathan finally said as he engulfed her in his -not as broad as Gavin's- arms. It was then when Isabelle could feel Gavin breathing down her neck. "Let go of my mate, pup." Isabelle pulled away and placed a hand on Gavin's chest making her hand tingle at the touch. "I'll miss you too, Nath." But that was all she could say as Gavin pulled her back angrily whispering curses to himself. Isabelle didn't argue knowing it was already taking Gavin all his strength not to punch Nathan in the face. She made her way to her dad then. He looked miserable. Her father told her once that she was the one that kept him from going insane when their mother died. It was no wonder why it was such a struggle for his only daughter to leave him.  Isabelle placed a hand on his cheek. "I'll come visit." She assured. Her father only nodded. It was obvious he was trying to stay strong for his pack. For Alphas should never show weakness. In that moment, however, it didn't matter because he took her into his arms. Her father like Timothy was quiet when it came to saying goodbyes. They were brought apart when Max's voice chimed in. "Now, Isabelle, don't forget to brush your teeth, three times a day..." Max was pacing around them starting to count off the things she needed. Isabelle cringed when he mentioned tampons and sanitary napkins. "Max!" He merely shook her off and started on his list again. Isabelle sighed and whispered a muffled "Worry wart." "I heard that." Max snapped his eyes twitching. She knew he was only doing this since Damien wasn't there to do it for her. "Do you have everything? How about food? What if you get hungry?" Isabelle let out a groan. "You've asked me that ten times now, Max." She complained. "We'll stop along the way if she gets hungry." Gavin told him looking unmoved by Max's worries. Isabelle smiled at Gavin. "Plus, we have cereals and snacks stacked up and then there's Sofia's cooking." "Yes, yes, I suppose so." Max started again. "Isabelle, don't do anything stupid. Don't do anything that will hurt or result to hurting. Dad, Tim and I won't be there to kiss your boo boo away." He teased. Isabelle sighed loudly again. "Like, Gavin would let me do anything." She pouted jerking her head towards her overprotective mate. "Hey, aren't you going to say goodbye to me?" Sofia called out playfully saving her from Max's embarrassing muttering. A soft smile spread across Isabelle face. She faced her bestest friend in the whole world. "How could I ever forget you?" Isabelle said sadly. "Are you going to miss me?" Sofia teased hip bumping Isabelle. Isabelle was about to say no when Sofia slapped her. "Isabelle El Bridge!" She yelled in protest. It was then that they flung at each other, waterfalls rolling down their faces. "I'm going to be dehydrated thanks to you." Isabelle croaked between tears. "You're horrible for leaving me." Sofia replied angrily but didn't pull away as they hugged each other tighter. Gavin thankfully, gave them their time and so did the rest of the people that were gathered. When they pulled away both their clothes were wet from all the tears. Giving everyone one last wave goodbye, Isabelle made her way towards Gavin's car. Gavin was just about to close the door for her when- "Aren't you glad I made you break up with Nathan now?!"  It was then at that moment Isabelle's heart sank.
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