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"You summoned me, father." I stood before him, my gaze falling on them, wondering what he called me for. I kept my cool to find out what was their plan. My father looked much older than his age, he seemed to have lost some weight in just two days I'd seen him, which makes me believe that there is more to this story and my mother's face appeared so pale. She's been crying, her eyes were puffed up and she came off stressed as well. "I'm not letting my son go see that beast, I would rather he walks over my dead body before getting to my son.' She screamed. "Will you calm down, woman?" He roared. 'This is not the time to be worrying about him, we need to save this pack.' "Then, my son will not be sacrificed, look for someone to do the dirty job, not him." He pointed at me. At this time of crisis, they are arguing about what dirty job. "If you don't shut up and let me speak, I will throw you out of here this instant." My mother fumed with anger, her eyes were speaking fire. "I will seal my tongue, for now, Alpha Hawk, but if anything happens to my son, I will deal with you. On that day, you will cease to be my husband.'' She said with finality and sat down in the chair, panting. I could tell she was still boiling deep within, fuming with anger. "I know what I'm doing, I'm the Alpha of this clan and Caspian is my successor, do you think I would want his life wasted." "Then, do the right thing," she yelled. "I've said what I want to say, if anything happens to my son, you will have me to contend with.' Alpha Hawk, my father sighed and turned to me. "You are to create a defense against Alpha Kai, can you do that?" "Alpha Kai?' My heart stopped, skipped a thousand times, nearly pumping out of my chest, no one spoke the Alpha's name and got to live, even his name sent shivers down everyone's spine. My father had seriously warned me to never speak of him in his presence. Wait a second. "Defense against Alpha Kai?' I questioned. "Yes,' he was frustrated. Alpha Kai. He was a monster, a beast that devours anyone that crosses his path, they say, his face was as scary as a demon, an ugly powerful wolf who ruled the realms and that even the most powerful king of the kingdom is scared of his existence. I've heard of him, the sadistic Alpha who was a total sadist. Who didn't give a damn if he was up for it. I also learned he gathers whores all around his mansion and butchers people like animals, he was from the Red Lycan Pack. He also can control fire and wolves as he damn well pleases. "Why me? Everyone here knows that he's a monster, who has no soul…" "See for yourself,'' my father handed me a letter. I took it from him and ripped off the seal and read the entire letter, I was dumbstruck. "He wants to take over my pack,' my father gritted his teeth, fuming with anger. "I want to snap his neck into two for sending this to me.' "We can't let that happen, Alpha Hawk." One of the elders stepped forward. "We can't go down like this." "You've heard of him," My father roared. "He is coming for us all, he doesn't tolerate bullshit, my people are dying, do you still want me to go against him. Is he until he wipes out my entire pack, is that when you will rest and let go of your ego." The second elder stepped forward. "I understand how you feel, we still got a chance." "I never had this thought, he will ever come for us. I thought as long as he inherited the wolves packs, he wouldn't think of coming to us, I guess I was wrong and underestimated him.' He slammed the table. "If none of you want to face him, why are you sending me to him, you all know how dangerous he is, why don't we collaborate with the other clans, sure they will love to fight because he will also come for them as well." "Your son is right," One of the elders added. "Can you look at the dirty words that came out of that thing you call mouth. Were you not here when the other packs refused to join us, because they were scared of losing their lives and shut the gate in our faces. What we should do right now is to get rid of him.' I don't think so, I thought. Alpha Kai is more dangerous than we all think, if we go against him recklessly, he will kill us all. I can't let that happen. I'm the Alpha of this pack, and I would not be put down just like that. I will stand up and fight, however, we need the best warriors. My thoughts were running wild and this meeting made me pissed off. I need to find a way, I can't just sit by and do nothing. "I need to go out for a moment,'' I excused myself and went to the balcony, saw a lot of injured wolves, and the doctors were attending to them. The stench of blood could be perceived in the air, this was dangerous. How I wish I could do something about this. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was my best friend, Jaden. "You seem bothered." "Why wouldn't I be bothered, when my pack is falling apart." I snarled, clenching the dagger in my hand. "You are hurting yourself." "You have no idea, the rage boiling in me, how this pisses me off, you have absolutely no idea." I yelled, this was getting out of hand. Why is it Alpha Kai of all people, what is his gain in taking over other packs. Hasn't he had enough, how dare he barge into my home?
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