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His laughter was the most beautiful thing I have ever listened to, his voice was warming to the ears, I've never seen anything like it. He was wearing a black turtle, a dark long blue jacket and dark blue trousers, a little baggy and he had quite a bit of piercings, has a little tattoo on the side of his face which is pretty stunning and a large one on his neck. I felt my d**k slightly responding a little, damn, don't disgrace me, you little twink. And my d**k is not tiny, but big enough, don't get me twisted. At that minute I disregarded anything else. He had the most beautiful green eyes, long blonde hair which went down his shoulders, he was well built and retained a white toned skin and he was like a God, he should be a popular fellow and even more surprising he is an Alpha too. What an elegant man! I stepped away from him. "I'm sorry for bumping into you,' I quickly apologized and he suddenly smirked, his expression turned dark. "Where do you think you are going, young man?' His smile was quite mischievous and at the same time, deadly. I took a step back, his aura suddenly turned gloomy, why do I feel this way towards someone I just met, my hands shivered and was profusely sweating. "Welcome, my Lord." The man who attempted to kill me earlier was bowing down before him. My Lord. Who was he? My Lord. "Who is this Alpha?' He questioned. "He is Alpha Hawk's son, my Lord." He replied, slightly giving me a cold look. "Is he intending on sacrificing his son to me?" He chuckled. My eyes widened, and he sneered evilly and pointed his hand at me, the grass out of nowhere, turned itself into vines and wrapped itself around me, I toiled as it got even tighter and tighter, it was like my lungs were about to burst out of my body. He was Alpha Kai. He wasn't like what the rumors described him to be, he wasn't even close and what was this indistinct power he was using, these were powers of a demon. My face was all red, I was finding it difficult to breathe, what did he just do to me? I had no idea he was Alpha Kai. He drew his hand backwards, and my body, the vines shifted on their own and carried me to him, face to face and his scent was remarkable. "I like you, Alpha." What was talking about? Did he like me? Why on earth will an Alpha like another Alpha, that baffled me. "You,' I panted. "You are the Alpha that wants to take over my pack, spilling the blood of innocent people, how dare you," I yelled and the vines tightened even more around my neck as I struggled to breathe. His green eyes glowed. "You don't yell in my presence. If your father will give up this pack to me, peace will then reign, but he doesn't want to hand it over, he wants the pack to himself. So you are going to die in my hands. Be rest assured, I will deliver your head to the Alpha of this pack, after that. I will tear you limb to limb,' he chuckled. "Then, I will wipe everyone out and let them know that they don't mess with me.' He whispered. I was about to die, my eyes were definitely seeing the stars spinning around my head. "Caspian,' my father yelled and I think his gaze fell on Alpha Kai's. "You…you came by yourself…and…" "No need to stutter, your legs are shaking like some jellyfish, like the pathetic Alpha that you are,' he laughed mockingly. "Did you send your son to come to attack me, didn't you think for a second that he is your heir and you put him in the front line?" "Alpha Kai, I will do anything to solve this issue, just don't hurt my son.' My father pleaded with him. "Did you think you were wiser than me?' "I'm sorry and please forgive me, Alpha Kai, don't harm my son, the mother will be devastated.' "Good, let's end this, no time for chit-chat. Then, hand over the pack, in return you will be my slave.' No, my father can't be his slave, I wouldn't let that occur. He raised his hand, turning me to my father and he was so terrified. "And besides, he looks so cute,' his gaze fell on me. "How about I make him my concubine, it's been so long since I've had s*x with an Alpha, it entices me." "My…my son,' my father stammered. "Yes, if you want me to leave you because it will be a pity destroying your pack, it's no fun if I do that. So, if you hand him over to me, I will treat him as I wish, f**k him and make sure he bleeds. How about that?" Will he make sure I bleed? Who wants to sleep with a monster like this, we are both different, I have someone that I love, why should I be his w***e. To my disappointment, my father sold me out and said he didn't want anything to do with me, everyone turned their back on me, agreed with Kai and saved the pack. I was heartbroken, devastated by what I just saw in front of me, from that day henceforth, I became Kai's husband and there are times I felt like committing suicide because my status as an Alpha was tarnished by this bastard. I was his mate. I wasn't just a husband to him, but a slave, being a husband was just a title. And it is one of his s****l fantasies, that was what I was to him and every night I felt so ashamed of myself to appear before people. I was a laughing stock all over town now and no one will even take me seriously, I was under Alpha's Kai shadow now and no one dared to help me. They all abandoned me to my fate.
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