The Baker & The Bear #6 -End-

2722 Words

"Bree!" Gigi almost jumped out of her seat, running past the tables to get to her. Her pretty flowery dress was almost floating around her, and so did the long braid that sat on her shoulder before. Her kitten heels weren't enough to slow her down, and she only hit the brakes right before meeting Bree, opening her arms wide. Her arms couldn't reach all around her friend, though, not with the size of Brianna's tummy. The two friends still managed to exchange a decent reunion hug. "My gosh, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" "You mean over a week?" Brianna chuckled. "Welcome, Bree," said the woman behind the counter of the coffeeshop. "You look amazing, honey. Do you want your usual? Oat milk latte with cinnamon?" "Please," Bree smiled, "and lots of honey, actually. I'm crazy f

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