The Waitress & The Werewolf #4

2928 Words

"I think I might be mad," she sighed, looking around the place. "I think it's the best, crazy idea you've had," Logan chuckled on the other end of the phone. Marigold looked around again. The place wasn't that bad, really. Or so she was trying hard to convince herself. It needed just a bit of cleaning, and there would be minimal repairs, too. She had fallen in love with it the first time she had stopped into that coffee shop, and when she'd heard the building was being put up for sale, she'd almost jumped on it. Now that she was standing alone on the ground floor in the empty space, though, she was having doubts. "Still, to be running this place by myself..." "What did your parents say?" "Dad said it would be a good investment," she admitted. "It might be why I did make an offer...

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