The Secretary & The Succubus #6

2888 Words

"...You've got to be kidding me." Giselle wanted to slap that smirk right off of that bastard's face. Edward had his arms crossed, thinking he'd obviously won. "I'm sorry, Giselle, but your presence in the company has proven to cause quite a few issues and decreased the productivity of some of our male employees. Plus, your numerous affairs are causing quite a stir, and we can't really afford that many scandals." "Numerous affairs? f**k you! You know the only one I've been sleeping with is Walter, you jealous bastard! Is it that hard to swallow that your small d**k and non-existent s*x drive would not attract women past your stupid face? Human standards are already low enough as it is, and now you have to be an actual d**k about it!" Edward had gone white but quickly shifted to red

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