The past knocked on my door

2021 Words
THE REVENGE Chapter 4 Lucas was walking away, and I watched him, torn between the desire to explain everything and the fear of what Alex might do to my loved ones. Alex had been in prison for two years, and his threats weighed heavily on my mind. I had no choice but to find the strength to return to the café and act as though our recent conversation was just a casual chat among friends. But just as I was about to step away, a hand grabbed my arm. "You played your part quite well today," Alex remarked. "The key is for people to believe that we're friends. That's all I wanted. I don't need anyone poking their noses into my business and asking too many questions." I couldn't help but notice that the changes in Alex weren't limited to his outward appearance; it was as if his very essence had transformed. His eyes, once vibrant and filled with life, had lost their spark. I recalled how they used to radiate energy and enthusiasm. But now, they seemed dull and clouded by an overwhelming sense of hatred. Only his slightly curly brown hair remained unchanged, a distinctive feature that I had always admired. It set him apart and accentuated his striking handsomeness. "You don't want people to get in your way while you're destroying me, do you?" I couldn't believe I was talking to my best friend. If the girl I was 2 years ago knew what was going to happen, she probably wouldn't believe it. "You catch on quickly," he replied with a cold and even tone. I couldn't help but wonder if all traces of kindness had truly vanished from his heart, and it weighed heavily on me, knowing that my actions had contributed to this change. "Alex.. please, stop. Let's just talk. I need to tell you so many things. Please, let me." I tried to persuade him not to start this battle, but I think he had decided it a long time ago. "It's too late for your request," he snapped. "Where were you when I was the one begging for your help? Where were you when the police were interrogating me, trying to force a false confession out of me? Where were you then, huh?" His bitterness and anger were palpable. I could feel the pain when he uttered every word. I could feel how much pain and anger he had accumulated over the years. And I had no right to blame him. I had turned him into what he was now. "Alex, I don't want to be your enemy... I can't be. You're the most important person to me," I admitted, the lump in my throat growing with every passing moment of our conversation. "You give in so easily. I thought you were stronger," he remarked with a bitter laugh that did little to mask his true emotions. "What were you talking to your 'boyfriend' about a while ago?" "With Lucas? He's not my boyfriend. He's not even a friend." "Don't bother explaining, I don't care. Just answer my question," his voice grew more demanding. "He just mentioned he saw us on the street last night," I responded. "Even better," he smiled with a smug air. "If you want, you can tell him that you'll be with me again tonight." "Wh.. what? No, no Alex. Make me do something else, please." "Am I so horrible that you would do anything else? Or would you prefer a visit from Richard?" Did he really tell me to choose between him and Richard? "F..fine. I'll come, but please, don't involve Richard," I reluctantly agreed. "Why?" I heard Richard's voice, and my heart sank. As he approached me and stroked my arm, I instinctively moved away. "What's going on, Jas? Yesterday, my kisses had you moaning with pleasure. Don't you want to finish what we started?" He laughed with a sinister tone, running his hand through his well-styled blonde hair. "Don't touch me!" I shouted, my anger boiling over. "You deceived me." "How about a threesome, Alex?" Richard laughed, directing his gaze towards Alex, leaving me in a state of shock. "Never," I stated. Alex looked at Richard. "No, Richie. From now on, I will be the only one dealing with her. Am I clear?" Alex looked at him sternly. "Of course," Richard answered, but I couldn't tell he was happy about that fact. He obviously wanted to keep harassing me. "How long have you been friends with Richard?" I turned to Alex. "You hated him! You used to protect me from people like him." "We are not friends. We are just business partners," Alex replied calmly, as if discussing the weather. "I have no friends." I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret and guilt. "I'm truly sorry for everything you had to go through because of me. I know I'm to blame, and if I could change it, I would. But I still consider you my friend." Alex remained unresponsive. "I'll be waiting for you at home tonight," he said with a mix of anger and determination, and left me alone with Richard. "Sunshine, I think he's really mad at you." Richard laughed. "Why did you do it, Richard? What was that last night? Are you such a monster?" Richard didn't seem bothered by my accusation. "Well, don't take it personally, sweetie. I did a favor for Alexander. And to be honest, we had quite a bit of fun, didn't we? So, it's not a big deal." He winked at me, his arrogance on full display. "You're absolutely disgusting," I retorted. The one consolation I had in that moment was that, apart from a few repulsive kisses, nothing else had transpired between us. • In front of school • "We're going to the 'Break bar' tonight, right?" Riley asked the group. "Of course, Mark and I will be there," Chloe chimed in. "Count me in," Lucas added. I remained silent, lost in thought. What could I possibly say? "Sorry, I can't make it. I'll be with Alex doing... something you wouldn't want to know about?" "Hey, Jasmine? Will you respond to us today?" Riley asked, standing in front of me. "Um, yes... no, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come," I finally replied. "What? Why not? It's your favorite bar. It's going to be a blast, come on!" Riley pleaded, trying to take my hand. "I said I can't," I replied, pulling my hand away. "Just leave her." Lucas said, looking at me sternly. It was as if he already knew what I was going to do. His dark gaze pierced me. If only he knew what was really going on. He thought that what he saw yesterday was my wish. I wonder what exactly it was. Why did Alex make me do this? To humiliate me? Well, he did it. I also wonder why I had to go to his house that night. Everything could be different now. • Two years ago • I couldn't wait to tell Alex the news that I would be able to organize my birthday at the lakeside villa everyone had been talking about. I wanted him to help me with the preparation. Alex and I have been friends all my life. Our mothers were pregnant at the same time, so we grew up together. He knew me better than anyone else. If anyone knew me, it was him. I arrived at his house and noticed that the gate was open. I assumed they might be in the yard, so I called out several times, but received no response. Trying to open the front door, I realized it was locked. Perhaps he and his mom were out?To prevent any strangers from entering the property, I decided to wait for them. Thankfully, I knew where the spare key to the back door was. Inside the house, I could hear strange sounds. It was clear that someone was there. "Mrs. Miller? Is that you?" I called out as I made my way to the dining room. However, what I encountered was far from my expectations. Mrs. Miller, visibly terrified... and a tall, well-built, muscular man with a black mask covering his face, standing next to her, holding a gun aimed at her. • Nowadays • I was standing in f-ront of the same house. Why was Alex doing this to me? Why was he doing this to himself? He saw me through the window and immediately came out. "Come in," he said calmly. "Look, I ... I don't want to enter this house. Not like that.. seeing how much you hate me is the worst feeling ever. This is not the right time." "It's not like you have a choice. I told you to come in." he repeated. We went inside. It was so ... empty. Full of furniture, but.... still empty. Alex was different, and so was this place. "Alex, I understand how difficult this is for you, being here, facing these memories. Please, let's leave. Don't put yourself through this," I implored, desperately hoping he would heed my words. I didn't want him to be alone in this house. I had assumed he had moved on from here. "How does it feel to stand here? Do the memories come flooding back for you?" he inquired with a chilling smile, his tone filled with an unsettling coldness. "Yes..." I replied softly. "The truth is, it brings back horrifying memories." I approached him, hoping he would listen to me. "Let's get out of here, please." But his gaze said otherwise. There was no understanding in his eyes. "Believe me, you don't know exactly what happened. I never managed to explain it to you. " "Shut up," he shouted. "There is nothing you can explain to me. Nothing I don't already know. I don't want to hear more of your lies. I am even afraid to stand here with you, the police could break in at any moment and you might tell them lies about me again. " "I would never do that to you." "But you did it." he shouted and tore my top. Then pushed me to the ground. Seeing his eyes full of hatred, I just started crying. I was standing on the same floor as his mother 2 years ago. "Now I'm gonna f**k you right here, on this floor where my mother took her last breath. In the same room where she died from your shot, you're gonna be humiliated by me. Do you understand? You killed my mother and blamed me. What kind of monster are you? " "Please, I didn't do it!" I cried. "You didn't do it?" He laughed, and I felt he wasn't even trying to believe me. "I heard you with my own ears, Jasmine. You told them that you saw me shooting my mother." He was looking at me in disgust. His eyes radiated disgust and nothing more. "I did it because..." I wanted to tell him the truth but I just… couldn't. "I didn't kill your mother, I swear." "Shut up," he said, and began to undress himself. "Alex, I'm begging you, please don't." I couldn't believe what was happening. I started shaking again like last night. I didn't want this to happen. He was my best friend. Now he was going to r**e me just like that? "No one will help you like no one helped my mother," he said in a cold voice. • Two years ago • "Who is this girl?" asked the mysterious man in the mask. "I.. I don't know." said Mrs. Miller, trying to protect me.He hit her. "I asked who this girl is!" he shouted. I couldn't allow that. "I ... I'm her son's best friend." "Alex?" He looked at me and smirked. "Great. You will witness how I blow his mother's brain." No no no. This couldn't be happening. Mrs. Miller was a good woman. What did this man want from her? "Please, stop." I was trembling. "I will do anything you want, just don't kill her, please."
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