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[Oliver]  I collected the motel room key easily because of Livy’s instruction. I drove to the address on the keychain and opened the door to room that matched the number on the key. The room was dark, so I opened the curtains and immediately regretted it. Ropes were tied to the legs of the bedframe on one of the two beds. There was blood on the mussed sheets and blankets. I could smell it was mostly hers. My stomach twisted. I wanted to bring them all back and kill them again. One thing was certain, the ones who’d lived, wouldn’t be living for long. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t pack. That girl saved more than just my life and I’d make sure they paid for hurting her. The small trash can next to the door was full of beer cans and used condoms. Bottles of alcohol were strewn around with food scraps. There were piles of ammunition and dirty clothes. Fast food wrappers and pizza boxes lay, forgotten, on most of the flat surfaces. I dug through the drawers and came up with several file folders containing pictures of my pack mates and some other documents. The canvas bag was in the closet. It wasn’t very big, just enough to hold a couple sets of clothing. I wondered about the girl who’d risked everything to save me and my pack along with herself. She seemed like she was laughing at the men for the most part. There was nothing to indicate they’d done anything to her, other than a little roughing up, until I saw the bruises, scratches, and rope burns. Seeing the room confirmed it’d been far worse than the injuries had indicated. Something in her was very strong and it made me smile. I headed back to my car after a little more searching turned up nothing. - When I returned to the cabin, I carried in everything I’d collected and her little bag. As I was putting them on the counter, I heard Livy start to cry and whimper. I thought about waking her up, but didn’t want to risk her not being able to sleep again. She needed rest. I kicked off my shoes and climbed into the bed, pulling her to me and holding her tight. Eventually, the whimpering stopped and she sighed as her body relaxed in my arms. I thought about how she’d stared at me and told me I was ‘pretty as hell’. I couldn’t help but laugh. Ben’s mate, Sarah, often said I’d be attractive if I weren’t scowling all the time. Every time I interacted with Livy, she did something else that amused or interested me. I wouldn’t have imagined an injured wolf asking for a fork instead of eating with their hands. When she’d been eating her omelet before I left, she was alternating between small bites and sips of her water and juice. It was the strangest thing I’d witnessed in a while. I found myself slipping to sleep with her in my arms. It was the most complete I’d felt in my life. She wasn’t my mate. I knew the signs of finding a true mate and that wasn’t what this was. It wasn’t like she was my other half, more like a missing piece. I would’ve run far and fast if she’d been my mate. For now, this was everything I needed. - [Livy] - I woke up to find Oliver still wrapped around me. It felt safe. Humans had hurt me, not wolves. Just having the scent of another wolf nearby was comforting. I was glad he’d decided to be friendly. In my heart, I knew I would’ve died satisfied to have foiled the hunters and killed at least one more myself. The fact that he’d tracked me down and saved me, made me happy. Some pack wolves would hurt a rogue, even if they were outside of someone’s territory. Not all rogues were the feral, evil, cruel creatures they were in the stories. The threat of the Dark Moons coming after them kept the rowdy ones in check, for the most part. In my travels, I’d met an extraordinary amount of rogues who were just wanting the freedom to move around. The packs they came from wanted them to settle down and take on work with the pack. Most of them didn’t want to. Many of them were artists of some sort. A lot were gay and chose being a rogue over being unhappy in their pack. All I wanted was to have a home where I could do as I pleased. Now, I could get back to my plan. Oliver snorted in his sleep and held me tighter. He’d looked extra delicious that morning. All gorgeous and muscle-y. The scowl he’d given me when he set me on the bed had sent shivers down my spine. The kind I never thought I’d feel again after what the hunters did to me. The good kind. It was a pleasant realization. Too bad he was a pack wolf. They were like comparing housecats to feral cats. One might be better fed, but the other can survive in either environment. He was pampered by living as a kept wolf. And a Beta, no less! Basically, head paper pusher for the pack. I wondered why he was even out there. Quentin, the Beta in my old pack, would never have been vacationing in the woods. I wiggled out of his grasp and scooted to the side of the bed. This time, I would be prepared. Pushing myself up and hanging onto the bed, I managed to stand. I worked my way slowly to the wall opposite the bed and to the restroom. Being able to take care of that myself, and without an audience, was the best moment of the last few weeks. Almost, I thought as I left the restroom. I glared at the collar on the counter. It was almost the best moment. Getting that collar off was even better. I hated that thing so f*****g much and didn’t want to think of how they got it. Carefully, I made my way back to the area where the bed was and managed to climb back in. I was exhausted and tucked myself back into the blankets and Oliver’s arms. He snuffed at me briefly, then snuggled more tightly against me. The soothing pattern of his breathing soon lulled me to sleep.    - A couple hours later, I woke again. My mouth was dry and my stomach hurt. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Oliver’s chocolate brown eyes staring into mine. He had a nervous look on his face and pulled away from me. “Sorry. You had a nightmare. I was trying to soothe you and I guess I fell asleep.” He muttered anxiously. “Don’t worry, Beta-boy. You probably needed a little soothing, too. Yesterday was stressful. I’m not going to get upset. You saved me. If you need a cuddle, I’m glad to help.” I smiled. “I got your bag.” Oliver sat up and looked away. “Oh! Thanks. I couldn’t have lived without my things.” I blushed. “What pack are you from? I’ll help you get home once you’re healed.” He said. I covered my face with my hands. “I’m sorry. I’m just so hungry right now. I can barely think. Could I eat first? Maybe have another glass of water?” “Sure, Liviana. I’ll go get you something. We mostly have pork. I managed a decent pig last night.” He told me getting off of the bed. “Cool! Was that your first time hunting wild pig?” I asked with a smile. “No.” He responded while digging in the fridge. “They’re native here. We see packs of them all over. It’s best to make sure the numbers stay thin enough that we don’t have to worry about them coming into our settlements.” “Nice. I don’t think my Beta could say the same.” I snorted. Oliver cooked my meat, rather than giving it to me raw, after I gave him a look when he’d put in on a plate and tried to hand it to me. He put the plate on the table and gave me another glass of water and one of milk. I looked around and up at him. “I need a fork. You keep forgetting one.” “Why don’t you just eat it with your hands?” He asked. “Because my hands will get dirty and I might spill my drink. You really don’t think these things out.” I laughed. I knew it was strange, but it was hard to change the habit. Even though I wanted to eat the meat raw, like he’d tried to give me, I heard Elder Renault in the back of my head telling me meat needed to be cooked if I was eating as a human. It was proper. Oliver brought me a fork and I ate my food as quickly as I could manage. I drank both drinks as well. Feeling much better, I leaned against the headboard and sighed. He grinned at me as he cleared the little table next to the bed. After washing the dishes, he returned to my side. I’d been watching him intently. He moved quickly and quietly. No movement was wasted. Oliver could fight. It was good to know. His intense focus on his chores made him look like he was angry with each dish. It was so funny, I nearly laughed again. At least this would be entertaining. “Your family must be worried about you. How long ago did they take you?” Oliver asked again. “Where are you from?” I sighed. Why wouldn’t he drop it? “Can I just rest? It’s been a really difficult… everything. Please? Can’t I tell you when I’m better? I’m so tired, Beta-boy.” I pled. Oliver pressed his lips into a tight line. He nodded and helped me get comfortable in the bed. I heard him sigh and leave the cabin. I knew it was frustrating for him, but he was under the impression that I was a pack wolf, too. That meant it was dangerous to tell him what I was. I couldn’t die yet. I was finally going to live. 
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