Mate Connection

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Sheik's P.O.V. The church was loud, overcrowded, and smelt of wet dogs. Alpha Sheik from the Sanguis pack was not amused in the least. She came to the wedding because she had to but not because she wanted to. The Moon-Sabers seemed to bully all the packs around them into submission and are becoming more and more a problem every day. We will not let them bully us into submission! Shade, Sheik's wolf growled as she spotted Alpha Gengrath. He was mind linked to someone, and had a cruel smirk on his face. That sadistic asshole. Well, that is why we are here after all. Want to make sure he doesn't think he can scare us off. She sighed as she looked away, catching a glimpse of the groom. The so-called 'Prince' looked handsome enough, if that was what you were into, however the grin on his face didn't seem real. Almost like he had gas, though there was something about his eyes. Something that screamed 'predator' made her more uneasy than normal. Looking at his father, this didn't surprise her though. Overall, Sheik just didn't like the smell of this guy. I think your mother also hopes that you will find our mate. That way we can do something like this as well. Shade gently offered, though Sheik scuffed out loud at this idea. I refused to submit to some man, just so I could give birth to litters for him and have my daughters do the same. I am just as capable, if not more so, as any MAN! That was the whole reason she wanted to be called Alpha and not Luna. They just want to make sure you find a strong husband to help you run the pack. Her wolf offered, though backed off as Sheik became increasingly agitated at them. She felt her Beta's eyes on her, but chose to ignore him too. The groom looked in her direction, raising his eyebrows at her with an almost confused look. There was something familiar about those eyes though, that she couldn't place. They are not like his father's, otherwise I would be pissed by now. She raised her eyebrows at him in return and he suddenly found something else to look at. Sheik then glanced around the room, ready for all of this to be over, and saw that some of her packmates were making eyes at the other pack members. The mate connection was strong, that was certain, and was one of the reasons they even came to this event. From what she understood, most of the other werewolves that joined Moon-Sabers didn't do it of their free will, so they would more than likely be happy to leave if given the choice. Her attention was snapped back to the front of the building when the music started playing. Everyone stood up, and Diablos seemed eager as he looked down the aisle. Mostly everyone was as well, eager to get a glance at the 'princess' that had been hidden away so well until recently. Not much was known about this clan, since they preferred to keep to themselves, not that she could blame them. Suddenly she felt something tugging at her chest, like an invisible string pulling her from behind. She looked down at herself in confusion. The tugging didn't stop though, and was getting increasingly stronger. Turning, she felt her wolf let out a howl of both joy, then sorrow. The bride was approaching slowly, and with each step she took, the more powerful the tugging became. The bride was escorted by Alpha Willas, who Sheik recognized from the gathering the wolf packs had in the past, but the small figure next to him was not at all like she imagined. He was a bigger built man, rough in appearance, though he carried himself with a sense of unmatched dignity. His daughter seemed delicate in comparison, and only about five feet tall next to his six, though she carried herself in much the same manner. It was almost comical seeing the two of them standing next to each other. They both had dark, nearly black complexions and light-colored hair, as was normal for their people. He had long silver-gray hair that tightly braided on his head and was held back in a ponytail. Her's on the other hand was white as snow and braided up to look like a crown on top her head. As she walked, the sunlight hit it in a way that made it look like it was glowing. Mate The word was suddenly there in her head, throbbing along to the beat of her heart. What do you mean, MATE? She questioned her wolf. She doesn't look like she is even of age. She isn't. She must have just turned 17 a few months ago, judging from her scent. That's why she doesn't feel the connection yet. Her wolf almost growled, full of pain that their mate was walking down the aisle, about to be married off to someone else. Anger welled up in her even more now. How could they put this much pressure on a girl who hasn't even connected to her wolf yet? As if sensing her fluctuating emotions, Luanna turned and their eyes locked for a few seconds, but at that moment, time seemed to freeze. Sheik saw fear, sadness, and uncertainty hidden behind a look of determination. Those silver eyes held so much in them, and she felt the urge to shove her way past the crown, hold her mate tightly in her arms and take her away from all this. Her heart ached that she couldn't. "My Alpha, are you okay?" Delco, her Beta, whispered in her mind. This broke her out of whatever spell she was under, and she quickly looked away. He had his hand on her shoulder and it was then that she realized she had tears streaming down her face. "I didn't know you were one to get emotional at weddings." He teased as she hastily dried her eyes on a napkin she had stuffed in her suit pocket. Everything seemed to continue as if Sheik was looking through a strange filter. She was both taking in everything, yet retaining nothing. He is touching our mate! Shade growled. No, that should be us! Calm down. She scolded her wolf. We need to make it through this, THEN we will figure this out. Her wolf whimpered in complaint before retreating to the back of her mind. Focus. Sheik told herself, but she couldn't get past the pounding in her head. 'Mate' it seemed to chant. Everyone started applauding and she registered that the newlyweds had left the building. Alpha? Delco's voice entered her mind again, as his mind linked with hers. I need a moment. She managed to respond as the crowd around them started making their way out of the building as well. Her vision came into full focus, as the mate connection started fading. It's because she is getting further away. Who is getting further away? Never mind that. She didn't mean to tell him that. I need to use the bathroom. As Sheik stood up, she couldn't help but notice the claw marks left behind by where her hands had been resting during the ceremony. Take your time. Delco responded, understanding not to push her right now. She needed to get her thoughts together, but images of Luanna kept sneaking into her head. I need to calm down! She almost broke down the door in her hurry. If I show any weakness, then it will be taken advantage of! Hastily she locked herself in the handicap stall, splashing cold water onto her face. But what about our mate? Her wolf whimpered. We can't abandon her here to those barbarians! What do you suggest we do then? She snapped back, before taking a deep breath and splashing more water on her face. Finally, the throbbing stopped, letting her settle her mind once more. It was not like her to lose control of her emotions like that, and when she looked in the mirror she saw the blind rage still heavy in her eyes. When she comes of age and makes her connection with her wolf, then and only then will we act accordingly. An evil, bloodthirsty smirk crept onto her face. And if it requires, we will make sure our army is strong enough to take her by force. Shade's excited growls vibrated in her throat at the thought of ending the blood-thirsty leaders of the Moon-Saber pack. We have a couple of hours to get ready for the party. Shade pointed out. There should be more than enough time. Leaving her clothes in the church's bathroom, she turned into her wolf and ran out the back door. I needed some time for myself to think, Delco, so I left my clothes in the bathroom. If you could grab them- I'll grab them. Enjoy your run. I will meet you at the hotel. I will take care of keeping the pack in line. She could hear the uncertain curiosity in his voice, but also knew that he was wise enough not to push the issue. Thank you. She dropped their mental link, truly thankfully that her best friend was her beta. She then focused fully on her run, letting the most primal side of her take full control. Shade barked with joy as they jumped through some low hanging branches, jumping from limb to limb for a while before landing on the ground again. This, to her, was total freedom. Feeling the wind in her fur, her wolf unleashed fully, and the world seemed more brilliant as well. Everything, from the way the colors popped to how all the things she could hear and smell became so much more clear now that she had full use of her nose. She could smell water, and without a second thought, headed that way. Only a few moments passed before they jumped off the edge of a cliff, and plunged into the cold waters of the lake beneath it. It was filled from the melting glaciers further north that fed into a stream that had eroded away at the earth until it had created this beautiful scenery. Trees surrounded the lake all around, and the cliff she had jumped from overlooked it from two sides and had a waterfall cascading down from one of them. It had a beach on the other two sides that was broken by a small stream that went further into the forest and away from neutral territory. She took all of this in within a few moments, however it helped that this was one of her favorite spots. While others would be enjoying the pool, hot tub, and gardens of the hotel, she would trade it all for this right here. She let the water seep into her fur, washing away all her negative energy as she dove into the deepest part of the lake she could reach before resurfacing and taking in all that was around her. On the shoreline there was a couple of deer who seemed to be holding their breath at the mere sight of her. She snorted at them, causing them to jump out of their skin and run as fast as their four legs could carry them. She started whining, and she knew what her wolf was thinking. I want to chase them so badly! And with her being in charge right now, Sheik was honestly surprised that they weren't. But I know the rules, no hunting in this territory. I'm proud of you, Shade. She couldn't help but inwardly smile. She made her way to shore within a number of minutes, and shook herself out. Her belly and under her snout were white in color, but the rest of the fur looked black with a reddish tint when she stood in the sun. Right now, however, she felt like a half-drowned mutt, but she could care less. At this instant in time, this moment of quiet solitude, away from the rest of the world, she felt free. The only thing now was she felt like part of her heart was missing, and no longer felt whole. This was not a feeling she was accustomed to. She released a howl, full of loneliness, full of regret. She howled with all her heart at what she had finally found today, the thing she thought she could live the rest of her life without and couldn't have. She longed for it, in the deepest part of her soul, yet knew she couldn't have. It was forbidden for so many reasons, yet why did it feel so wrong, just the thought of her mate living with someone who was not...… HER. How could he give her all the love she needed or deserved? How could he cherish her the right way, the way one did with their mood goddess chosen mate!? She poured all these thoughts, all these emotions into her howl and didn't care who would hear it. Besides, the only thing others would understand would be the raw emotions. Nothing they could hold against her wolf or her.
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