1. Beautiful woman, angry young man

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Under the glow of dim lights, a pair of glossy black shoes adorned the long, confident legs of a man. His eyes, sharp and profound, shimmered with an intensity matching the shoes' luster. With deliberate steps, he made his way towards the counter, unbuttoning an elegant black blazer along the way. His fingers gently tapped on the smooth surface as his gaze fixated upon a man scurrying towards him, placing his favorite whisky on the counter and pouring it into a glass with utmost care. One by one, he consumed five measured quarters, the empty glasses slamming down on the counter with a resounding echo. His heart burned with a fire, turmoil clouding his mind. His eyes, deep and sharp, shifted their focus to the whisky bottle, as if questioning its ability to alleviate his pain or the numbing effect it bestowed on his senses. Uncertain whether to set the world ablaze or eliminate those who caused his distress, he hesitated momentarily before deciding to pour himself another glass, seeking solace in the amber liquid. "One more" "Madam, please refrain from drinking further. You are already drunk," a concerned voice pleaded. "Shut up. Give me that wine," she retorted, her words slurring slightly. The voices pierced his ears, drawing his attention to the commotion nearby. His gaze rose, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful woman, her face veiled by cascading, silky blonde hair. Clad in a provocative and alluring dress, she leaned against the counter, her arms serving as support. A man stood before her, clutching a bottle of alcohol, displaying reluctance to surrender it to the intoxicated woman who demanded it with fervor. San Lu's lips curled into a subtle smile as he watched the woman's actions, intrigued by her captivating presence. His gaze lingered on her open, pale back, tracing the contours of her slender waist. Clad in a black, sparkling dress that exuded boldness, her alluring figure commanded attention. Her legs, long and seductive, were elegantly crossed, drawing San Lu's unwavering focus. This enigmatic beauty was an unfamiliar face in the bar, possibly a newcomer or a foreigner. San Lu, the youngest and most sought-after businessman in A City, held the prestigious position of President at Lu Corporation. Renowned for his business acumen and refined persona, he was impervious to the charms of the beautiful women who sought to seduce him. Cold and direct, he possessed a dangerous allure, willing to push boundaries to fulfill his desires and ambitions—a quality that fascinated those who encountered him. "Hey, handsome..." a seductive voice called out, interrupting San Lu's thoughts. San Lu's expression remained stoic as he turned his attention to the woman who had addressed him. Her request to have his glass caught him off guard, and he arched an eyebrow, his interest piqued. He scrutinized her beautiful face, taking note of her large, reddened eyes and their heavy appearance. A petite and delicate nose adorned her features, while her thin, well-shaped lips were painted a vibrant red. Her skin bore the weight of forceful makeup, accentuating her features. There was an intriguing peculiarity about her appearance. San Lu extended the glass of alcohol towards her slowly, a subtle curiosity gleaming in his eyes. Without hesitation, she snatched the glass from his palm and downed its contents swiftly, before slamming it back onto the counter. "Thank you. Thank you, Mr. handsome," she murmured, her eyes heavy as she glanced at San Lu. San Lu's sarcastic smile deepened as he listened to her words, seemingly unaffected by her provocative proposition. He poured himself another glass of whisky, holding it firmly in his hand. "Wow..." she blinked her eyes and smiled sarcastically. "You are a handsome man. I wouldn't regret it if I slept with you. Let's sleep together." San Lu's amusement wavered for a moment as he regarded the woman, her words laced with desperation. He chose to ignore her outlandish advances, focusing on his drink instead. However, her persistence persisted. "Don't you want to sleep with me? I can ask for less money if that's what's bothering you. But if I don't get the money, they will beat me mercilessly. It's my first day, you see? I have to please a man tonight and earn some money." San Lu observed her beautiful face with a tinge of surprise, his gaze scanning her body. It became evident that she was young, her circumstances forcing her into this line of work. He met her gaze, her eyes brimming with a thin layer of tears. A moment of astonishment swept over him. Was she a prostitute? Was this truly her first day? Her words hinted at her dissatisfaction with her current situation. "Handsome, will you sleep with me?" Her voice trembled, revealing her unhappiness. San Lu raised his eyes, surveying the quiet bar. From a corner, two men stared at them, their gaze filled with menace. Understanding the danger that loomed over the woman, he focused his attention back on her. Her lips quivered, her eyes pleading. "Please, sleep with me," she implored, her voice heavy with fear and trembling. San Lu placed the glass firmly on the counter, his decision made. In an instant, the woman's expression turned to one of fear, her hopes seemingly shattered, anticipating the consequences that awaited her for refusing a client. San Lu wasted no time; he swiftly lifted her into his arms, disregarding her initial surprise, and strode out of the bar with his customary elegance. Her tear-filled eyes remained fixed on his angular face, a mixture of hope and relief, as she tightly clung to his neck. His gaze remained straight ahead, his eyes cold and piercing. San Lu gently placed the woman in the passenger seat before driving them both to his private suite in N City. She turned her head, her eyes still filled with tears, and fixated on the handsome man who had just saved her from a precarious situation. Soon, she would lose her virginity, but in doing so, she hoped to secure her survival. With a sigh, she redirected her gaze out of the car window. The night air remained calm, devoid of biting coldness, as they entered the elegant private suite. White curtains danced in the air, seemingly joyous to welcome San Lu, who carried the intoxicated woman in his arms. The dim yellow light struggled to dispel the inherent chill that emanated from his demeanor. As he gently placed her on the bed, the wind outside hesitated, unwilling to intrude upon the scene. San Lu's gaze, still cold and distant, lingered upon the woman. She had lost all sense of awareness, oblivious to what awaited her in the depths of the night. Raising his palm, he delicately held her chin, her fragile features reminiscent of a precious doll. He turned her face gently, his eyes meeting her tear-filled gaze. Her body remained frozen, akin to a statue, incapable of movement. The next morning… Heavy footsteps resonated through the living room as a dark, foreboding presence made its way closer. The atmosphere seemed to shift, veiling the room in darkness to match the cold and distant demeanor that approached. "Matthew," a deep voice reverberated. San Lu halted at the foot of the stairs, his wide and sturdy back facing Mr. Lu, who stared at him with a cold gaze. The creased shirt hinted at his recent engagement ceremony, abruptly abandoned by his son. "You shouldn't have left your engagement ceremony midway yesterday," Mr. Lu's voice carried the weight of disappointment. San Lu arched an eyebrow, meeting his father's gaze with a sarcastic expression. "Why does it matter? What matters is... I got engaged according to your choice," his words sliced through the air like a sharp blade, accentuated by the heaviness in his tone. The strained relationship between father and son was palpable. "I need to make you understand the importance of this relationship. You are not so irrational," Mr. Lu retorted. San Lu's response was swift, tinged with bitterness. "I understand very well that this relationship is business to you," he retorted. Mr. Lu nodded slowly, stepping closer to his son. "If you truly understand, then act sensibly. You left the party after the engagement. Have you considered the questions I had to face once you left?" The entire world had witnessed the occasion, and yet he had left without regard for the circumstances—it was his own engagement ceremony. "When you have prepared for this relationship, you will also have to answer for it," San Lu responded, his voice laced with sarcasm. He slipped both hands into his pockets, his demeanor unyielding. "Matthew, this is my business. Stay out of it. I have entrusted the reins of Lu Corporation to you, focus on it," Mr. Lu's voice grew louder. "Gratitude," San Lu smiled sarcastically. He was doing everything in his power for the success of Lu Corporation. "And where were you whole night?" another question was hurled at him. "That is my business. Stay out of it," San Lu retorted icily, turning his back and striding purposefully towards his bedroom upstairs. The chilling atmosphere in the living room grew even colder. "Matthew has the same attitude as you," Mrs. Peng remarked, her delicate palm resting on Mr. Lu's shoulder, her gaze fixed on the aggressive figure heading towards the bedroom. "After all, he is my son," Mr. Lu responded. Mrs. Peng let out a sardonic snort, turning her head to face her husband. Amidst the cold exchange, Mrs. Peng spoke up, her voice tinged with concern. "You fret over Matthew, but don't you realize he's a man of his own actions? He won't listen to you." Mr. Lu's gaze turned icy as he looked at his wife. "I know how to assert my desires. There's no need for your worry." His cold gaze lingered on her fair complexion, causing her face to tense momentarily. "Don't dwell on it, my dear. Let's rest. Come," Mrs. Peng urged, taking hold of his arm as they made their way to their bedroom.
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