
1467 Words
David’s POV The excruciating pain of my first shift may have been relatively brief, but the moment felt stretched in my mind. My bones felt like they were breaking, shifting, and then rearranging. I have had the process described to me many times, but it did nothing to help me prepare for the intensity of it. However, as soon as it was finished, the pain was quickly forgotten as I embraced the euphoric surge of strength that coursed through my new body.  The night was suddenly brighter, every minute detail of our surroundings standing out in high definition. I could see every blade of grass, every hair on the vampire’s head, and all six vampires who stood at attention in a circle around us who I had barely noticed before. All scents and sounds were enhanced as well. I could smell the dewey grass, the damp dirt, and the worms that burrowed through it. Even more prominently, I could smell the revolting scent of the vampires, like dried blood and decay. I gagged inwardly as a soft breeze ruffled my fur, bringing their wretched scent toward me. I took a backseat in our shared mind, as Caldus took control, snarling viciously at the red-eyed vampire called Malachi. He terrified me, but Caldus was a lot more fearless than I was. Regardless, we both knew we still didn’t stand much of a chance against seven vampires, but at least we were slightly better off in this form.  Malachi seemed unphased by the transformation, however, and lunged at me with his razor-sharp nails aimed upward at my throat. He was too fast for me to counter, so instead I winced internally, preparing for the attack. Just before he made contact, there was a blur between us. The next second, his fingers were stuck into Liz’s shoulder. As she screamed in pain, Caldus let out a sudden barking howl. Caldus dove in to attack, attempting to bite Malachi’s head off, but the vampire was faster. He pulled his nails out of Liz’s flesh as he lept nimbly backwards. Our jaws snapped closed in front of Liz’s face, our fur brushing against her. She put one hand on our neck as she clutched her wound with the other. The smell of her blood flooded our nostrils, causing a new wave of anger to course through our veins. Before I had a chance to try to retaliate, I heard a sudden voice in my head: “David! Hold on, we’re on our way!” Bate mind-linked me. I was shocked and confused to hear his voice. “We came to find you, followed your scent, and smelled vampires,” my mother explained. Relief flooded over me at the unexpected reinforcements. “Bro, what’s going on? You alright?” Bate asked worriedly. “We’re being attacked! Help!” I shot back with a quick reply, trying to keep my focus on the danger in front of me. “Don’t worry, we’re almost there!” my mom replied.  I could hear them now; they were less than a mile away. If they were in wolf form, as I assumed they were, they would be here in a matter of minutes. Liz and I just had to hold on until then. I hoped three werewolves and one vampire would be enough against seven vampires. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a way to tell Liz they were coming, but I figured she would be able to hear or smell them soon enough, if she couldn't already. “Get out of the way, Midnight!” Malachi shouts angrily, “I don’t wish to harm you, but you’re leaving me little choice!” “It’s too late for that now, isn’t it?” she returns sarcastically, “Why can’t you just leave us alone? Let us be happy together?” “And let a gem like you go to waste? I think not!” he laughs humorlessly, “You’ve grown weak, my dear, but I can fix that if you come home with me.” “You know that’s never going to happen!” she yells with defiant rage. “I’ll force you if I have to. You know I can,” he warns, with a malicious grin, “But if you come quietly, I promise I won’t hurt your little boyfriend.” No! I try to yell, but it only comes out as a snarling bark. Malachi looks up suddenly and tilts his head. He’s not reacting to me, however, but rather to the approach of my mother and my beta. They reach the edge of the field at a run, and quickly close the distance, coming up beside me. Bate comes to my left while my mother steps to our right. They face forward, snarling and growling at the vampire in front of us, who seems mildly surprised, but otherwise unworried. The other six have still not moved from their perimeter, likely waiting for his signal. “Well, well, how nice: more dogs,” Malachi sneers, glaring at each of us in turn. “I’ve called for reinforcements from the pack; I told them we were under attack by vampires,” my mother told me through the link, “but we’ll try to give you an opening before they come.” “When we say run, take your woman and run as fast as you can. Get as far away from here as possible,” Bate continues.  Their plan is to use themselves as a distraction so that Liz and I can get away. There’s no way the rest of the pack can get here in time to help. Their plan is suicide and it makes me sick to my stomach. They interrupt me, however, as I try to protest. “Please, son, do as we say,” my mother pleads. “But what about you two? You’ll likely die,” I argue morosely.  “I’ve lived a full life. I love your father, but he is not my mate, as you know. Your happiness is my happiness.” she explains. “You are my Alpha. I live to serve you,” Bate chimes in. There’s no more time for chit-chat, so I’m unable to reply. During our exchange, Malachi had signaled to a couple of the other vampires, motioning them towards the other two wolves. We brace ourselves for battle, as the three of them charge at us. Being the current Luna, my mother is a strong and seasoned fighter, and is able to handle her opponent well. My Beta and I are a bit less experienced, but are just as strong.  I quickly lose track of the other fights as I attempt to dodge Malachi’s attacks. I’m immediately and painfully aware that my strength and prowess are no match for his lightning speed, as he appears suddenly on my left. Once again, Liz zooms in to block his attack, but she at least manages not to get stabbed this time. Instead, he merely grazes her arm as she reaches for his throat. Thinking fast, I leap deftly behind him, so that as he tries to evade her hands, he backs into my body. To my surprise, it actually works. His body collides painfully with my ribs, nearly knocking the breath out of me. With nowhere for him to go, Liz is able to wrap her hands tightly around his neck. Before she can attempt to do any damage, however, the other four vampires join the fight, two of them pulling her off their leader and the other two lunging at me. They grab at my legs but I shake them off, though not before their nails leave stinging gashes in my flesh. As my blood drips down my legs and into the grass, I whip my head around, looking for Malachi. I quickly spot the cretin, standing a few feet away, watching the commotion from a safe distance. As I stand amid the tumultuous cacophony of snarls, growls, screams, snapping jaws, and the scent of freshly spilled blood, everything seems to slow down around me. I watch in amazement as Malachi rubs his neck as though it is sore. I’m sure he can’t have been wounded by her brief attempt to strangle him, but when he pulls his hand away, there is blood. He stares down at his own blood on his hand in bewildered disbelief. Though I didn’t see it happen, Liz must have managed to injure him after all. His eyes glow an even brighter red in his rage as he looks toward Liz, just as she is dealing a killing blow to one of his men. My panic and fear increase exponentially, but before I can react, I hear the approach of five or six more wolves. Backup has arrived at last.
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