
1504 Words
Liz’s POV We cautiously entered the girl’s humble apartment, which she had opened up to us so reluctantly. I wasn’t entirely sure why she would accept us into her home when she clearly didn’t trust or even like us. Honestly, I wouldn’t trust us either if I were in her shoes, so this huge display of kindness was a bit confusing. Though I was very thankful, she didn’t have to give us a place to stay, nor did we even ask her to. Maybe she felt bad that we had no place to go, and had thus let an ounce of humanity seep through her distrust. Or maybe she only cared about the well-being of her mate and we were just unfortunate tag-alongs. No matter her reasons, I stopped my wondering as we were greeted by the site of another werewolf, whom I had smelled as we got nearer. He stood from behind a keyboard as we invaded the small living space. He looked very surprised, but he did not seem at all afraid or upset. “Alissa, who is this?” he asked in a mild, German accent. “My mate, apparently,” she said, her voice heavy with disdain. She waved a hand dismissively in our direction as she added, “And his friends, or whatever.” “Your mate? But I thought you had a mate before,” he asked, a look of confusion on his pale face. “Yeah, well, now I’ve got another one. It happens,” she answered with a shrug, “Anyway, they’re only staying here tonight ‘cause they got nowhere else to go. They’ll be gone tomorrow. It was short notice, sorry.” “Ah, it’s fine. I do not mind. The more the merrier, ja?” he replied, turning to us with a friendly, welcoming smile. “Whatever. Y'all can sleep on the couch or the floor or wherever. I’m going to bed,” she said with dismissive annoyance and began walking down a small hallway to the right. “Already? But it’s so early,” he balked. “Good night!” she shouted definitively, then sauntered to her room and slammed the door. We were now left alone in a new place with a werewolf we had just met. We hadn’t even been introduced. He turned to us and shifted his feet awkwardly, offering an apologetic smile. “Sorry, don’t mind her. She’s been through a lot.” He came out from behind the keyboard and walked up to us with an outstretched hand. “I’m Finn. Finn Rabe.” “Nice to meet you Finn. I’m Liz,” I introduced myself, shaking his hand. David and Bate did the same. Finn Rabe stood tall, slightly taller than David. His hair was either black or a very dark brown, it was hard to tell in the dim lighting. It was short and straight, and parted in the middle, framing his face where it curled against his forehead. His dark brow and long, dark eyelashes tried to hide his bright, shining eyes that were a deep blue-gray. They were sad eyes. Sad, even when he smiled. He wore a plain, white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black jeans, and white tennis shoes. He had a light blue handkerchief tied around his neck, like some weird little ascot. He looked young, but not as young as David and Bate, and he was very handsome. I might have fallen for those deep, sad eyes had I not met David first. “So, a vampire and two werewolves, huh? An interesting bunch, for sure,” he noted good-humoredly. “You’re not afraid or distrusting of me?” I wondered aloud, especially after the cold response from Bate’s mate. It was a reaction I was used to; most werewolves were either afraid or at least wary of vampires. It probably had something to do with our dark histories. “Nein, in Europe it’s more common for vampires and werewolves to get along,” he answered, motioning us toward their small, orange couch. “I guess America is screwed up in more ways than one,” I muttered under my breath, unsurprised by the difference between the continents. “Ja, you could say that again,” he replied with a laugh. It almost reached his eyes this time. “Anyway, there’s a kitchen through the door to the left, and the bathroom is the first door down the hall.” “Thank you, Finn, for your hospitality,” I sighed with a grateful smile. David and Bate slumped simultaneously onto the couch with groans of exhaustion, and I handed them the bag from the gas station. “Really, we don’t mean to impose.” “No, no, not at all!” he gushed, waving his hands, “Please, it’s my pleasure. Um, can I get you anything? Some blankets, a drink, or maybe something to eat?” “Hey, buddy, I got a question for ya,” Bate said, leaning forward, ignoring Finn’s questions. “Ja, anything, what is it?” he replied eagerly, turning away from me for the first time since our introductions. His open friendliness was almost eerie, and it made me wary. Rogues generally don’t like other rogues and will only tolerate them at best. It felt stranger still to be treated with such kindness as a vampire. Maybe it was because I had lived all my years in America, but I had become quite accustomed to being greeted with hostility, not only by werewolves, but often from my own kind as well. “So my mate Alissa, what is she to you?” Bate asked the question that had probably been burning him up since we entered the apartment Alissa apparently shared with a male. “Have you and she ever, you know…” “Me and Alissa? No, no, of course not!” he answered quickly, seeming appalled by the suggestion, “She is like a sister to me.” Bate sighed heavily in relief, “Ah, that’s good.” The revelation seemed to ease some of the tension that had been in the room, and the rain beating on the roof was soothing as well. He leaned back into the couch, looking more relaxed now that his fears had been abated. “Have you ever had a mate, Finn?” David asked him suddenly, looking up from his reclined position on the couch. He looked so beautiful as he sat there, and I caught myself staring into his perfect, chocolate eyes. I was mesmerized by the way his lips moved when he spoke, and it sent burning tendrils of desire through my veins as I craved to taste him again. I ached for his electric caress, and, before I realized I was doing it, I stepped over to him and grazed my fingertips along his arm where it rested on the side of the couch. He flicked his eyes to mine briefly, smiling shyly. “Ah, I see,” Finn said quietly, smiling sadly and looking down. He paused for a minute before looking back up and answering David’s question, “I had a mate once, but it was a long time ago. Anyway, I’ll go get you those blankets now.” With that, he left through the door on the opposite wall, leaving us alone for a few minutes. Bate had already started to doze off on his side of the loveseat, letting out a small, soft snore. As soon as Finn closed the door behind him, David grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap. I let out a light gasp as I landed against his chest and our faces were suddenly mere inches apart. I slid my hand along his abs as I propped myself up against him, relishing in the heat of his body and his sweet, earthy aroma. I could feel his hot breath against my face and it sent tingles of excitement through my entire body. I leaned in close, my lips hovering just above his, and the anticipation was like a burning fire, threatening to consume me in the flickering flames of lust. “Gross, guys. Get a room,” Bate grumbled from beside us, breaking our trance. At the same moment, the door behind me opened as Finn reemerged with a pile of blankets in hand. In one swift motion, I nimbly leapt off of David’s lap, back to where I had been standing beside him. Not that I was embarrassed for him to see us like that, but showing public displays of affection, especially in front of someone I didn’t know, made me nervous in a way I had never been before. “Um, here are the blankets,” he said flatly, setting them on the keyboard to his right, “I’ll see you all in the morning.” He left again after that, leaving us to our own devices. What followed proved to be a very long and uncomfortable night.
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