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Two days later payday finally arrived. It was now or never. I worked my shift that morning, just like I had done for the past two weeks. I said goodbye to Janet like I did everyday, then went to the only bank in town to cash my check. I took my money, walked to the edge of town, then ran to the casino, the whole time trying not to think about how I would never see Janet again. It shouldn’t upset me, I tried to convince myself. She’s just another fleeting, insignificant human. There had been plenty before her, and there would be plenty more to come. It was still early evening when I walked through the casino doors into the same dingy little lobby as before. That same young man was at the counter again, and this time I noticed the name tag he wore, which showed that his name was Ryan. “Well, look who it is!” he exclaimed, his face looking both dismayed and happy to see me, “Didn’t think we’d be seeing you again.” I strode up to the desk silently and slapped a hundred dollar bill onto the counter in front of him, my face smugly determined. Honestly, fifty dollars would have been plenty for me to get the winnings I needed, but this man annoyed me, so I wanted to show off a bit. My capacity for human emotions surprised me sometimes, considering how much time I spent alone. I didn’t hear anything he said to me after that, however. At that moment, a very strong and concerning scent suddenly accosted my senses. It wasn’t strong enough to be coming from the first floor, so it was likely the second. I waited impatiently as Ryan helped me fill out paperwork and then set me up with a card that would grant me access to the slots and chip machines. I was barely paying attention to him as I stared fixedly towards the elevators. When he finally handed me the card, I snatched it from him and rushed to the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. I’m pretty sure Ryan said something as I retreated, but I have no idea what it was. It was a short elevator ride, but it was too long for me. My anticipation grew as the scent intensified, seeming to fill my veins and every cell. The elevator doors opened and my gaze locked with a pair of perfect, chocolate eyes, wide with shock. His smell was stronger now, and unmistakable. Werewolf. I should run. I should turn around, back into the elevator, and run far, far away from here. Not all werewolves hated vampires, but most of them did. Every fiber in my being was telling me I should not be here, but I couldn’t move. I was frozen in place, staring into those beautiful eyes, and then slowly trailing down to his slender, perfect nose, next to his supple, slightly parted, kissable lips. His short, dark brown hair, the color of his eyes, and the shape of his mouth reminded me strongly of Brendon Urie. Kissable? I thought angrily to myself, What is wrong with me? Despite my disgust and horror at my apparent attraction, I felt myself pulled towards him. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, a much older looking version of him suddenly stepped up behind him. This older man placed a strong hand on his son’s shoulder as a low growl escaped him, directed at me. “Vampire,” he seethed, “Leave us!” That was all I needed to break my paralysis. I didn’t hesitate to turn on my heels and head down the emergency stairs. The elevator would be too slow for my panicked escape. “Wait!” I heard the younger one call after me. It was the first I had heard his voice, and it was the most beautiful sound I ever heard. But I wouldn't stop, couldn’t stop. I don't know how I would fare in a fight against a werewolf and I didn’t intend to find out. David’s POV  I was with my father, visiting the casino my family owned that evening, as part of my Alpha training. My eighteenth birthday was only a week away, and I was proud to say I was more confident than nervous. I had been training for this all my life. I had been to the casino many times before during the last year, but this particular visit soon proved to be anything but routine. I knew what she was right away, as soon as she entered the building and I caught her scent. I was heading toward the elevator to investigate, preparing for the worst, when the doors opened, and froze me in my tracks. My eyes locked with hers, a gorgeous and iridescent green. Her raven black hair hung in perfect ringlets down her shoulders. Her pale skin shimmered in the casino lights and her ruby lips were parted in shock and surprise, just I was sure mine were. I had never seen anything more terrifyingly beautiful in all my life, and at that moment all I knew was that I wanted her. No, I needed her. I was surprised to find I didn’t care that she was a vampire. I opened my mouth to speak to her, though I wasn’t sure exactly what to say. What could I say to make her see that I needed her, even though we didn’t even know each other except that we were mortal enemies? I know there are other packs that are ok with vampires, but mine certainly was not. We didn’t tolerate them anywhere in a hundred mile radius of our pack territory, which was about a half hour north of here in a secluded part of the woods. Before I had a chance to say anything to her, much to my dismay, my father came up behind me, viciously telling her to leave. My heart broke for a moment when she obeyed, and I knew I couldn’t let her go. I hoped it wasn’t just my imagination that she had appeared to have a similar response to me as I had to her. Since I was not yet eighteen, I didn’t have my wolf yet and couldn’t tell if she was really my mate or not. It didn’t make sense that the Moon Goddess would pair me to a vampire, but right now I didn’t care. I was running purely on instinct, so I called out to her, running after her when she didn’t stop. I just barely caught up to her in the staircase. I was fast, the fastest in the pack, but she was fast too. I caught her arm, and I had to use all my strength to stop her. Vampires are as strong as they are fast. “Please, wait,” I panted desperately. She whirled around to face me, her eyes flashing with anger that tried to hide her fear. I was taken aback by her expression, even though she was right to be afraid. My father would probably kill her if he felt he needed to, if he felt that her presence was a threat to our pack. Looking at her now, I didn’t see how she could be. I breathed in her scent, which I now noticed smelled like chocolate-covered strawberries. There was an electric current running through me from where my fingers grasped her cold, bare arm. Her eyes softened a little, leading me to hope she felt it too.
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