
1379 Words
Liz’s POV I had been intending to spend the night at the casino, winning a little and losing a little for hours before finally winning big and cashing out. If you win big too quickly, they get suspicious. Clearly, things had not gone according to plan. Instead, I was now heading back to the little town that I never thought I would see again. I still had a good chunk of my paycheck left after investing a hundred into the casino that I would probably never get back. I was too terrified of David’s father to ever set foot in there again. I decided I might as well get myself a proper room, rather than the trusty tree I had been using the past two weeks. It was Friday night and I didn’t have work again until Monday, so I searched the little side streets for a place to stay while I paced and waited for a chance to see him again. There were no inns or motels in town, which didn’t surprise me, but I did find an adorable little bed and breakfast. It looked like a large, Victorian-style farmhouse, with a wrap-around porch, a cobbled walkway, and a cute picket fence. There was an ornate sign that read ‘Bernard’s Bed & Breakfast’. It all looked a bit cliche, but the lights were on so I shrugged and went inside. The moment I walk in the door I was greeted by the warmth of a fireplace and an even warmer welcome from a large, burly man who had been sitting behind a desk and watching television. “Welcome, miss!” he said in a booming voice, “How can I halp ya?” “Yeah, I’d like a room please?” I answered with uncertainty. It was still evening yet, though the sun had set already, so I was hoping my sudden appearance wouldn’t seem too odd. “Sure, sure,” he said amiably, getting up to get his books, “For how many and how long?” “Just me, and maybe a week, I guess?” “Good, good. You can always decide to stay longer once you come to the end of that week,” he explained, looking down and filling out information. As we were working over the details and finalizing everything, a young man walked into the lobby, towards the large man in front of me. He ignored me at first, and I thought nothing of him. “Mom wanted me to tell you dinner’s ready,” he said to the older man. “Thanks, Daniel, but I’m with a customer right now,” the older one replied quietly, gesturing toward me. The younger one, named Daniel, looked at me then for the first time, and as our eyes met my breath caught. His chocolate eyes and pouty lips were uncannily familiar. Such a striking resemblance in a small area could not be a coincidence. However, any possible explanation was evading me at the moment. These two seemed to have a father-son relationship, yet they bore no resemblance to each other. I breathed in deeply, but there was no wolf scent here. My brow furrowed at this unsolved mystery in front of me. “Hi, I’m Daniel,” he greeted me with a slick smile, reaching out his hand. “Liz,” I reply with a small smile, shaking his hand briefly. His hand is warm, but without the intense heat that is characteristic of werewolves. This boy was fully human, so perhaps the resemblance to David and his father was only a coincidence after all, as unlikely as that seemed. “I’ll take her to her room, Dad, so you can go have dinner,” he offered, turning back to his father. “Thanks, son. But what about you?” he asked as he stood and handed the room key to me. “I’m not hungry,” he shrugged, “I should turn in soon anyway; I’ve got an early shift tomorrow at the diner.” “Alright, suit yourself.” He turned back to me and nodded, “Have a good night, Miss Liz.” I nodded in response as he left, leaving me alone with not-David. I turned back to him, and he was smiling at me with a flirty, sultry grin. I rolled my eyes internally. The more I looked at him, the less he looked like David. Their eyes were the same color, but a different shape. David’s were round, and darkened by a furrowed brow. Daniel’s eyes were almond and he had a more quizzical brow. His lips were turned up in a confident invitation. If I were a young human girl, I would probably find him attractive. As it were, I found him mildly annoying, especially after the electric exchange I’d had with David not too long ago. David’s face in my mind helped me endure Daniel’s small talk as he took me up the stairs to my room. Daniel’s POV “So what brings you to our lovely little town?” I started. It seemed like a safe enough question to start with, as she was obviously new in town. I would have remembered if I had ever seen her before. Her hair was like obsidian, and her emerald eyes regarded me warily. My eyes traveled slowly down her figure, appraising her perfect, voluptuous curves. “I’m here for work,” she answered curtly, her voice reminding me of a hissing cat. Unlike most of the young women in town, she did not seem very impressed with me. I refused to be dissuaded. “Oh, yeah? Where at?” I asked amiably, trying to sound as though I was only asking to be polite. She sighed, clearly annoyed by my innocent questioning, but she finally answered, “I work at Janet’s Diner.” “Oh, no kidding! Me too,” I replied with an exuberant laugh. “Seriously?” She seemed less than pleased. Tough crowd. “Yeah, I work weekends, ‘cause I do online college classes during the week,” I shared, even though she didn’t seem like someone who would be so easily impressed, but I had to try everything. Most girls were putty in my hands just from my smile. I rarely had to try this hard. She shrugged, “Ok?” "So how old are you?" Time for a different approach: make things about her and try to find things we have in common. "We seem to be pretty close in age." "Thirty-two," she replied curtly. "Oh, nice. I'm twenty-four," I responded, undaunted by our apparent age gap. I usually went for younger girls, but she looked younger than her age. And she was hot. I was trying to think of something else to ask her when she surprised me by asking me a question. "So, that man downstairs is your father?" she asked with interest, her face thoughtful. "Yeah, well technically he's my step-dad, but he's raised me since I was a baby." Her face looked concerned by my answer, and I wasn't sure what to make of that. I decided to put that aside for now, though 'cause we had arrived at her door, so it was time for full offense mode. “So, do you have a boyfriend or something?” I asked in a last act of desperation. “No. Why?” she asked slowly, eyeing me suspiciously. “Are you looking for someone to fill the position?” I implored her with a wink, my voice as smooth as butter. “No,” she answered finitely, “Is this my room?” “Yeah, can I–” I tried to ask if there was anything else I could get for her, but before I could say another word she had disappeared behind the closed door. I stood there for a moment, trying to ascertain exactly what had just happened. I was starting to wonder if maybe I was losing my game. Finally, I slunk off to my own room at the other end of the hall. I spent the gloomy, restless night thinking about the beautiful girl down the hall who had been the first in a long time to resist my charm.
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