All Is Not Well

1335 Words
David’s POV I told her everything, but it didn’t take long since there wasn’t much to tell. I was too exhausted and upset to be turned on by the fact that we were both sitting on her bed, side by side. Even my wolf was too distracted to make a fuss about it. He was whining and lamenting over the severed bond with my father. Though a mate bond means everything to a wolf, family bonds mean a lot as well, and breaking it is almost as painful. However, I was still very aware of her cold, pale body so close to mine. She wrapped her arm around me and leaned her head on my shoulder to try to comfort me. My heart skipped a beat at her touch, and I had to take a few deep breaths to remain calm.  “What would happen if you challenged him?” she asked me softly. “Nothing good,” I shrugged. I didn’t want to think about it. “So do you plan to go back after your birthday?” She lifted her head and looked at me, her eyes sparkling with open curiosity. “Or are you going to wait until the ceremony?” “I don’t know,” I answered in despair, “I don’t know if there’s even still going to be a ceremony.” “Do you even want to go back?” she asked in a near whisper. Her eyes were wide as they bore into mine and I was struggling to keep my train of thought. I shrugged and looked down at the floor before I continued, “Maybe I shouldn’t. There’s no way the whole pack is going to accept an Alpha with a vampire for a Luna.” “From the little I’ve seen and heard, you’re probably right,” she sighed sadly, “Anyway, you should try to get some sleep for now. We’ll figure things out in the morning.” My heart was suddenly pounding in my head at the notion of us spending the night together. Alone. In her room. Just the two of us. Caldus was excited too. “B-but, there’s only one bed,” I stammered nervously, “Where will you sleep?” “I don’t sleep, remember?” she replied with a chuckle.  “Right,” I said, and took another deep breath. I was both relieved and disappointed that she would not be sleeping next to me. “So are you just going to watch me sleep all night?” “Not if you don’t want me to,” she said with a small apologetic smile.  I shrugged, feeling embarrassed. Even though she was my mate, we still barely knew each other. I’d spent the afternoon questioning her, but I felt like I had only barely scratched the surface. Any further questions would have to wait for another time, however. I was already quite tired after the day I’d just had, though it was not very late yet, so I decided to take her advice and try to get some sleep. “It’s fine, I guess. Just seems a little weird,” I replied as I started taking off my shoes. I had never been watched while I slept before, and the concept felt awkward. However, it was something I would have to get used to eventually, being mated to someone who didn’t sleep. “Maybe you could lay next to me, at least until I fall asleep.” She raised her eyebrows suggestively at the thought of us lying together in the bed. My request had been made with pure intentions, but her reaction caused a sudden flood of explicit images to flood into my brain. In my mind I saw us on the bed, with Liz on top, pinning me down, her strong hands holding my wrists above my head. She wore a wicked and seductive grin as she prepared to have her way with me. I took a deep breath and let out a ragged sigh as I tried to clear this vision from my head. My face felt hot and my hands were sweaty. My heart was once again beating a mile a minute. I wasn’t used to feeling like this so often; back home I had always been calm and confident, cool and collected. Until I had met Liz, I had been really good at not letting things get to me. Somehow, she was always able to bring out this new side of me that was unsure and self-conscious.  “No, wait, I didn’t mean it like that,” I sputtered, “I just… I just want to feel you close to me.” s**t, that didn’t sound much better. “It’s ok, I know what you meant,” she said with a laugh. Her laugh had a very pleasing sound that I wouldn't mind listening to all day. “I was just teasing you, sorry.” I sighed again and laid back on the bed. “You always know how to get me flustered,” I muttered with a short barking laugh. “Well, I wouldn’t be much of a mate if I couldn’t get you all excited,” she whispered as she leaned over me. As she spoke, she trailed her finger down the center of my chest, stopping just below my belly button.  I sucked in a quick breath as I was stunned into silence. I could feel myself harden, and I was sure she could see it through my loose gym shorts. It only took that one small touch to turn me on. Either she was better able to control herself, or she was not as equally affected by me. I decided not to entertain the second option. “Ok, I’m sorry, I’ll let you sleep now,” she said with a humorous smile. She gave me a quick peck on my cheek and then laid down on the side of the bed that was against the wall, leaving enough room for me to squeeze next to her. She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. I lay next to her for a few minutes, just looking at her. Her skin was flawless, like porcelain. Her hair fell in pristine waves around her neck and shoulder. Her sideways silhouette rose and fell in perfectly proportioned curves. It took all my self control not to reach out and rest my hand on the beautiful swell of her hip. My wolf was urging me to do it anyway, but now was not the time for physical intimacy. Instead, I closed my eyes, and after a while I finally fell into the most peaceful sleep of my life. It was still dark outside when I was abruptly shaken awake by a panicked Liz. She was no longer lying beside me, but was instead standing next to me on the other side of the bed. I had been in a deep sleep, so it took me a few seconds to gather myself. I looked at the clock on the nightstand; it read three o’clock. Liz looked at me with frightened impatience as I quickly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.  “Liz, what’s wrong?” I asked with concern. I wasn’t awake enough to think up any possible scenarios, but it had to be something horrible to make such a strong vampire this afraid.  “Malachi’s coming. We have to run. Hurry, put on your shoes,” she said in a rush, her terror rising. I saw she already had her small bag of belongings on her arm. “Who’s Malachi?” I asked in a low voice as I reached for my shoes and put them on. “My old coven leader. He’s coming for me,” she whispered, pulling me out the door. My body went cold and my feet threatened to stand still. I had no idea what he might want with her, but it couldn’t be anything good.
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