2200 Words
Earth is falling apart. Not literally. But the ozone layer is. Slowly, bit by bit, the protective sphere that wrapped around Earth was starting to dissolve. People of Earth didn’t care about the environment, and now they are doomed to die. It is expected that in one year, the whole Earth will be subject to dangers of space that the ozone layer once provided protection from. Now that it got weaker, some of the dangers became a threat, and many people died. Asteroids hit more often, as well. Nobody knew what to do, and we were all ready to die. Until they came up with a solution. After years of focusing on developing space travel, they created the fastest ships known to man. They are able to go faster than lightspeed, using the hyperspace. A few months ago, they discovered a habitable planet in a solar system close to our own. This was great news, and suddenly they made great plans. They were going to save some lucky people form the destruction that awaited Earth. They told us that they will take 10 000 people, between the ages 13 and 19, with them to their planet. Once there, those people would have many resources and technology and basically everything they need to rebuild our civilization. At first, not many believed the scientist, but as the problem of ozone layer got closer and closer, people became desperate and parents all over the world wanted their children to be sent away. But there was one small problem.  So, they informed us that we, the potential space travellers that might get to live, will be tested. And it was finally that day. The day of Qualifications. I barely got any sleep last night. I spent the whole afternoon at a shooting range. It was    the 24th of April, year 2089. I was just shooting targets, like I do every day. I’m not really a violent person, but I am a really good marksman and my parents supported me in this, since it’s the only thing I stand out in. I’m an average high school student. As most of the 16-year-olds are. I could easily be excellent, since I am intelligent, but I’d have to give up shooting in order for that to happen. And I didn’t want to do that. Yes, I am stubborn. I sighed, looking at the alarm clock hovering next to me. It looked almost like a hologram, because of its faint colours. It was made of a special mass that allowed it to hover. I knew how it worked, since I’m a tech freak- it wasn’t as complicated as most people think. It was 5:49 am. I woke up 11 minutes earlier than I was supposed to. I had to be at my school at 7am, since the first part of the tests begin at schools. I tossed around my bed, but I couldn’t get back to sleep, although I was extremely tired.  I decided to get up, since just lying down on the bed was a waste of time, and I got bored of it immediately. I stood up, shaking the light blue covers off of myself. I looked around my room. This might be one of the last time I get to see it, if I am chosen to go to Tralm, the new planet they found. That was very unlikely, but I had hope, just like everyone else. I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing I was just sitting on my bed like an i***t. The white walls of my room seemed to judge me, but that was ridiculous. I stood up, moving towards my closet. My room consisted of a bed, a closed, a table and multi-functional screen. It could make a keyboard pop out, or just watch it like TV. I got mine when the hype about them started, and by now every child has one. But my most prized possession is my gun. it’s small and sleek, and doesn’t make much noise. I don’t need protective ear equipment in order to use it. The safety was on, like always, and It had no bullets. I made sure of that, since I didn’t want any accidents to happen. I used to sleepwalk when I was young, and I didn’t want to do the thing I did back then… A pang of sadness shot through me, but I shook it off and concentrated on the closet. I opened it, picking out jeans and a t-shirt. It was warm, but I decided to take a thin jacket with me, just in case. Once I was dressed, I went downstairs to the kitchen to find my parents already up. My mom was cooking breakfast. “Good morning, Sane!” she said, and dad repeated once he saw me. My mom was a pretty woman- her face looked young, and she dressed nicely. Her kind blue eyes were always a pleasant sight, matched with her black hair. I got both the hair and eyes from her. My dad looked a bit older, and he dressed plainly, just like me. Neither of us had a sense for fashion. He had short brown hair and deep, green eyes. “Good morning!” I replied, my voice sounding clearer than usual. My mom looked at me and raised her eyebrow. “Breakfast will be done soon, and you should brush your hair while you wait!” she said sternly. I forgot to go to the bathroom, so I just nodded and went upstairs again. I looked at the huge mirror on one wall, and saw a girl with a serious looking face and a black mane looking at me. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce right through me and stare into my soul. My own eyes scared me sometimes. They made me look stern and serious, but I actually had a good sense of humour. My hair was medium length, a bit shorter than my shoulder length. I grabbed a brush and painfully drove it through my wild hair. After a few minutes of pure agony, I was done. My hair seemed just a bit more tamed, but at least I no longer looked like I’ve just walked out of a tornado. I finished the rest of my business and walked down again. This time, breakfast was on the table, waiting. It was pancakes. “Sane, you look good! I know you don’t have much of an appetite, but you must eat- who knows what kind of tests they’ll give you for your qualifications! You need energy!”, my mom said cheerfully. I nodded, still feeling tired. I need some time to adjust. The TV was on, and the host was excitedly chattering about the tests today. “Today, the young people all over the world will have their abilities tested! Some of them will be saved from the destruction once the ozone layer is destroyed. Today, the captain of the ships that will sailing away with our children kindly decided to join me here!” the host said, as the cameras moved towards the captain. He was going to be in charge of everyone that passed their tests. Only the fittest and the smartest will get to live.  “I expect great results from the Earth young. You seem capable, and saving you will be my pleasure. While this might seem like dooming all the rest, rest assured- we are working on ways to replace the ozone layer. There is a great probability that we will find a way to do it before it completely disappears.” The captain said after the host blabbed some more introductions. The camera turn back to the host. “That is great news! You heard it people- there is chance for us all! However, we still encourage you to send your children- we can never be too sure!” the host says, ending the show. I finished my last pancake, realizing I ate them all without noticing. I don’t eat often, but I guess nerves were too strained. There was talking of replacing the ozone layer for a while, and it gave people hope. The scientist shared new information all the time, and they seem to be going steadily, but slowly. I wasn’t that sure that they’re going to be able to replace it all in time, even if they find a way to do it. The TV now showed the new spaceships. They were huge, able to carry thousands of people each, and they looked majestic-they were black massive structures, and I wondered how they managed to create them so suddenly. They just seemed to appear out of nowhere, so I guessed they kept their progress in secret, not wanting to give humanity a false hope. “It’s time to go, Sane. You can do this, you are a capable young woman. You are great with guns, and you are extremely intelligent and resourceful. We believe in you.” My dad said, getting up from his chair. My heart started beating faster. This was it. Today, I found out if I have a chance to live. I just hoped that the tests wouldn’t involve any running or strength tests- I was a bad runner. I was also pretty weak, and had no endurance. I hoped that this would mostly be about intelligence. I put on my shoes and hugged mom, who whispered words of encouragement in my ear. “Remember- whatever happens, just keep trying. If it seems impossible, know that’s not. Try everything, no matter how stupid or silly it seems. You can do this.” she said soothingly. I was afraid, yes. If I pass the first part of the tests- the Qualifications- I am immediately transported to another location, and then off to space! Which means that this may be the last time I get to see my parents. Ever. My dad was going to drive me, since mom had to go to work early. They didn’t even give parents a free day- jerks. Dad motioned of me to go outside, and I followed. It was April, so it was quite warm. I brought a backpack with me in case I never get to come home. I put some water and snacks in it, as always, but I also brought some other things to remind me of home- such as some gifts from parents, photos and similar stuff. Dad was unusually quiet. I found out that he’s like that when he is sad. And there were reasons to be sad. If I pass, I leave forever. If I fail, I die. I entered the grey car after him, and he turned the radio on. Most of the stations were talking about our impending doom, and dad kept changing stations until we heard music. He turned the car on we blasted off. “I’ll miss you if I pass.” I said. I was quiet today, too. I took that after him as well. “No. You will pass and you will be happy. There’s a new life out there for you. You are bright, Sane, and you can save what will be left of humanity. I know that you will pass. You are extraordinary, no matter what you think. You might be average in school, but you intelligence and problem solving skills are incredible. “When you were five, you were playing on a gaming console all the time. Your mom then told you to go play outside. You snorted at her and just said ‘fine’, and you opened the window and went outside. We didn’t think much of it, but then we heard the console. And there you were, playing games from outside. You know how to think outside of the box, and that’s most likely what they need of the human saviours. “he said. I heard of many stories my parents told me from when my poor discipline combined with out-of-the-box thinking resulted in laughs and admiration. I haven’t heard that one yet. I didn’t reply, because I didn’t know what to say. But I was grateful for his words- I already felt better. It was crowded in front of my school, since every parent wanted their children there exactly on time. Luckily, we went a lot earlier so we found free parking spaces. I left the car, and so did dad, for one final goodbye. Probably not, but we pretend that I was going to pass so that we don’t regret not saying a proper goodbye. We hugged, and dad remained quiet. His eyes were shiny, and he seemed close to tears. I felt my own eyes getting watery, but I told myself to stop. This is an amazing opportunity. I need to do this.
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