00.5 | The Penultimate

1300 Words
It was already too late when Jaerim realized that he had forgotten to bring his gloves. Breathing out cold air, he rubbed his palms together, generating a bit of warmth. He remembered this week's mornings were extremely chilly, waking up had become a challenge.    As the days went shorter and the nights longer, the world was unprecedentedly undergoing a quick shift of season to which change was gradually becoming evident. The shift of the time occurred reasonably, reminding people that life wasn't static.    Jaerim observed the surroundings. He had been in this place for a long time that every people he met, every shop he passes by, and every peddler who persistently offered him products, had become very familiar to him he could almost sketch out their faces.    Many times, he would just look at these people without any sense of feeling, occasionally commenting about their outfit or guessing if they were having a bad day. Occasionally, someone would bring their dog out for free pets and Jaerim had the obligation to give the good boy some treats and kisses.    The shops were also quite unique. As it was in the center of the city, the shops were often open twenty four seven. The competition was quite fierce and he had seen many shops closing and getting replaced by new ones, trying to integrate the quick pace of the city life.    Jaerim made his way towards the intersection, passing through the clothing store that was quite famous for young adults. Since the seasons were changing, the shop was gradually replacing their wardrobe from those skin showing thin clothes to thicker cloaks and jackets. The display window even exhibited a new decoration matching the trend of the season.    The little interest made him stop walking and look at the new arrivals. Though, due to the difference in lighting, he could vaguely see the products. Instead, a familiar face was reflected on the window.    Pale face, whitened lips, the left cheeks covered with gauze - his reflection in the mirror was frozen in time, in contrast to the people moving people behind is back.    It gave the impression that his life had come to a dead stop.   In the reflection, the surrounding buildings could also be seen. It was already fall, and the trees had already begun to change color from green to yellow. Thus, with each step, a distinct crunch from the fallen curled-up dried leaves would be heard.   It sounded tragic, almost giving off the sense that life had finally come to an end. Jaerim ignored the stifling feeling in his chest as he move forward.   The morning rush came in as usual. The plethora of people filled the streets while the roads are increasingly bustling with traffic. Men and women, the young and the old, were mixed in the crowd, each are doing their own business.   Everyone is making a noise creating a lively atmosphere, showcasing the flurry of life.    Jaerim slightly stoop his head down, avoiding the wary gazes directed to the bloodied gauze in his face. He began to walk towards the traffic light and waited for the signal to change color. A mother and her child, one in a school uniform and the other in a business suit, were standing next to him   While waiting, many thoughts flooded Jaerim's mind. It's impossible not to think of his situation. He did not know where to go. The little time given to him only allowed him to live a day.    What can a person do in a day?   Should he go sky diving? Climb a mountain? Go to the Niagara Falls just for once?   But doing these things will inevitably lead him to his sweet death. It's like he was serving himself in a silver platter.   Maybe, during sky diving, his parachute won't work or the plane will crash. Climbing a mountain also held a lot of risks. He might get bitten by snakes on his way up, or a boulder will magically appear in midair and crush him to death. Going to the Niagara Falls? Maybe Jaerim will be listed as one of those daredevils who died because they thought death is just a myth.    As he was thinking about the unfair treatment of life, the area around him was gradually filled with people. A rowdy group of students were creating a ruckus from behind, earning curses and stern looks from the people around them. The child beside Jaerim turned her head around to see the bustle.   "Behave, don't move much around," the mother said impatiently to the child, pulling her closer securely on her side.    She was holding a smart phone on her other free hand, seemingly talking to a co-worker. When the girl was moving about, she unintentionally pulled her hand away. She acted instantly and appeared to be quite satisfied with herself as she looked around.    Jaerim and her eyes met.    At this moment, he didn't know that fate started to play out.    Within the crowd, in between the exchanges brought on by the early rush, a particular individual who was notably different from one glance immediately felt a chill in the air. He is familiar with this feeling, which can only be emitted by someone who was on the brink of death.   An autumn was mixed in the crowd.    His brows made a frown, searching around the crowd to look for the source of the death aura. His irises changed colors, shifted from the clear ocean blue to a golden white. One hand made a reaching gesture to the air and the moment he closed his hand, a three meter long scythe suddenly appeared.    No one seems to notice the deadly weapon that emerged out of nowhere. When he forced his way through, the people merely gave him disapproving glances, as if their eyes were filtered to only see certain things.    Of course, grim reapers won't openly show their true form around.    Jaerim had been waiting for quite some time when he noticed that the traffic light was broken. The cars were crossing the intersection at random, just getting from one side to the other without regard for the other passing vehicles. It resulted in a sudden obstruction on a particular corner, with one truck blocking the route.   Such accidents were common during rush hours. The people in his back were complaining about how horrible the day was slowly getting at. Jaerim looked at them inquisitively, giving them glances as if he mocking them.    This was already considered a horrible thing?   He just received his death sentence early this morning. Isn't that the most terrible?   Jaerim slyly smiled. He couldn't say anything because it was his last day and he didn't want it to be a terrible one. He had lost interest in crossing the street and turned around to go through the crowd.   The little girl was quietly playing with her toy doll when Jaerim turned around. Caught off guard, she subconsciously turns around, loosening her hold to the toy in her hand. The doll rolled down in the pavement and stopped just a few feet from the corner of the street.    Her mother was still busy talking to the phone so she didn't noticed her daughter slipping away.    The young girl was quite smart. She looked up at the traffic light first to see if it was safe to cross the street. The teacher taught them in the class about crossing the streets just a few days earlier and she had mastered the meaning of colors.    It's just that she didn't know what to do if three colors are blinking at once.     Cross the road when the light is green.   As if the traffic light heard her thoughts, the other colored lights stopped blinking at once, leaving the green light alone. 
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