01.10 | Grecia Bella Theatre

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Jaerim walked out from the dressing room with a black face. He had no idea what had happened, but the moment he stepped inside the tent intended for changing clothes, he lost control of his body. His body slacked at first, but he was able to move after that, as if some entity had worn his skin. These movements were not under his control but rather those of someone else. He heard some movements coming from behind him but he could not turn his head to look. But he is guessing that like him the other people are also been controlled at some sort. His body motioned towards the side of the tent where a shelved rack holding square rattan baskets are placed. There are about twenty baskets on the shelf, and his body spent time looking through each one. After searching for the fifth basket, his body confidently reached out to the basket. As the jester mentioned, there is a name on it, but it isn't his. Nonetheless, his body dragged the basket towards the small dressing rooms set up not far from their location. It wouldn't have been a problem, but it wasn't until Jaerim stripped naked, leaving only a pair of pants, that he realized his predicament. His arms scooped up the clothes from the basket, sizing and inspecting them before putting them on his body. He sat motionless, staring at his body as it coordinated itself expertly to put on clothes. There's nothing wrong with wearing clothes, ah. It's much better than standing there stark naked. Of course, that is if the clothes were decent enough to be worn. When he was done, he couldn't think of any words to describe how he felt. His body, which had been taken over by some entity, even took the time to pause in front of the mirror to allow him to see the proper fit of the clothes, as if to ensure that he saw the entirety of it. His body even made cute and embarrassing poses, almost making him want to dig his own grave and lie in it. Fortunately, he's alone. He wasn't sure what kind of explanation he'd make if anyone saw him doing those ridiculous poses. He stood there alone, pondering over the vicissitude of life, and heard someone walking out from the nearby dressing room. His body reacted by jovially exiting the dressing room. He was met by a familiar face as soon as he exited the block. He particularly eyed Noel who also have the same solemn expression. Two pairs of eyes look at each other blankly. They are dressed in clothing that is nearly identical to Marikit's. There are some differences in the placement of the decorations, such as the embroidery on their clothes, which was much more exquisite, and the thread lines appear to have been made with golden silk. The long skirt is also embellished with little frills and pink flowers drawn on it. Simply walking lightly caused the small kerchief draped above the skirt to sway, creating the illusion that it was flowing like water and dancing like the wind. It left the two of them speechless. Seeing Noel could have given Jaerim a sense of camaraderie with others who were in the same situation. However, the longer he looked at Noel, the more he realized that the heavens were truly unjust. It's bad enough that he's wearing female clothes, but is it really necessary to show him that he doesn't have a good figure? To be fair, Jaerim didn't appear to be in bad shape. He doesn't have the charm of Barron or the heartthrob vibe of Noel, but he does have a lean, flexible body. His waist wasn't too skinny, and he only had a little fat from sitting most of the time. His arms and legs don't have much hair either, making them appear smooth to the touch. However, it was because of his slim build that he looked so good in women's clothing. Nobody would guess he is a man if not from his short hair, deep voice, and flat chest! Noel's clothes fit him perfectly, as if they were custom-made for him, but his body size allowed people to tell the difference between gold and copper. The individual appears thin on the outside, but he has buff muscles and arms that became apparent after wearing women's clothing. Nobody could ever mistake him for a woman. Jaerim looked at his arm and lamented how he didn't listen to Felix when the person suggested on going to the gym every Saturday. Noel noticed Jaerim's calculating look in his body and hastily covered his chest using his bulky muscled arms. "W-what are you looking at?" Jaerim simply rolled his eyes. He moved his arm and realized he had regained control of his body. He gazed back at the tent from which they had emerged, wondering if the effect would only manifest when they were inside the tent. Others began to emerge from their respective dressing rooms. He noticed that they had also fallen for the same ruse. The women dressed as men, while the men dressed as women. The already disconcerting atmosphere becomes comical, leading Jaerim to wonder if this is part of the job of an entertainer. The jester had been giving instructions to the other crew in charge of the bamboo. When he heard footsteps outside the tent, he turned around to check on the people who had gone to change. The first person he notices is Noel, who is already quite large for his age. Then his gaze was drawn to the person standing next to Noel. The clothes were tight and had a conservative taste to them, but it wasn't enough to conceal the person's allure. Jaerim was lavishly praised by the white-faced clown who boldly expresses his admiration for beauty. The jester even made a funny waltz, standing before Jaerim, and making a casual courtesy bow. Elias looked like a gentleman. En, if not from his gloomy, panda-like face, Jaerim will not disagree. "I've never seen someone wear their clothes very well. Very beautiful. You're beautiful, “Elias admitted with a drunk-like smile. Jaerim's mouth twitched. "Do you think I'm beautiful?" Without hesitation, the jester nodded. Ignoring the gauze red from blood and his somewhat crude manners, this guy is quite a beauty when properly dolled up. "That's lovely to hear," It's always nice to be complimented. Who didn't want to hear great compliments? But Jaerim's smile quickly turned upside down as he responded, "But I'm a man." The jester seemed unconcerned by the young man's ideas and simply shrugged his shoulders. He is certain about Jaerim's gender. It's pointless to inspect what's under the pants. "So what? Men can't be beautiful?" Elias clicked his tongue, giving Jaerim a narrowed look. "Don't be such a snob. Beauty knows no gender. Who cares if you wear female clothing once? It's fine. Just think of it as a unique experience." Jaerim gritted his teeth. It is fine because you're not the one wearing it! "Anyway, it looks like we got you the correct sizes; let's then look for a suitable make-up for you." The men in the group become restless all of a sudden. "What make-up? Are you going to apply powder in our face?" Noel, echoing the cries of the herd, asked. "Uh-huh," the jester said as he led them to the storage tent, which was still cluttered with props. Despite this, it only took up one-third of the space available. The rest of the space was taken by people who were hurriedly arranging equipment. Tables and big windows rimmed with LED lights had been haphazardly built in the far center. There was a lot of things on the table - powder, rogue, colored palettes, and a bunch of brushes. When the jester came around to their side, two women were still checking to see if they had all of their make-up on. They greeted him enthusiastically. The jester pointed to the group beside him. "Give them the best you could. Make it youthful and pretty but with a hint of innocence. Don't give them very bright colors." The two women nodded in unison. They instantly carried out the command by dragging the men to the chairs to sit. Nobody was able to resist when the same dominating power reappeared. They could only sit still like a good boy. It gave them courage and prompted them to glance at the jester pleadingly. The most pitiful one was owned by Noel. "No wonder they could wear such clothes," Jaerim muttered. They are forced to submit like this. Noel wailed like a child. "Sir, mister mighty one. It's okay to wear female clothes but isn't it too much to force us paint our faces? It can't be done! Where will my dignity go?" But, as previously, his remarks traveled from one ear to the other. The jester simply gave them profound smiles. "It's okay," He said. "Than to die with ugly faces, isn't it better to have a little color? At least you died with a pretty face. Just take it as my gift to you." It's okay to receive gifts but not this kind of gift, ah! Is there a way to return it? If not, please take it away. They don't want it at all!
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