01.45 | Grecia Bella Theatre

2014 Words
Jaerim had not anticipated the fire spreading to this extent. Or, at the very least, it would stoke just enough fire to fake a massive fire. Although it has been restricted to a single location, the intensity has already become overwhelming. It was only because he had quick reactions that he was able to avoid being burned to ashes. Even so, the heat is excruciating, and breathing has become increasingly difficult. It was a surprise when the ceiling collapsed. He was able to save himself and Elias, but the two of them were separated. He could hear someone crying his name across the blazing barrier that separated them. From the loud voice, he could tell that the clown was safe. At the very least, he is still alive and well, bouncing around and yelling out names. After confirming that the other individual was fine, Jaerim took some time to observe his surroundings. They were midway between the stadium and where he discovered the jester standing motionless. When the rubble fell, he squeezed himself into a corner that was surrounded only by a high wall and leather chairs. It would have been a nice spot to sit during performances because the location is tucked away in a corner where there would be fewer people to crowd in. However, it is precisely because of this arrangement that Jaerim was unable to pass. The wall was too high for him to scale, and the rubble was obstructing his only exit. He is trapped.  Jaerim stayed calm, though. He looked at the fire and saw that the temperature was getting closer and closer to him. He looked at the large log in front of him. He would be saved if he called Elias, but in doing so, Elias would be abandoning Bella, whom he had always wished he could save (and the task of this world). If he chooses to let Elias go and instead chooses Bella, he will be stuck there for a longer period of time, and who knows if he will be cooked before anyone notices he has gone missing? He has to choose between his life or completing the task- “Go away from here! Save her,” Jaerim yelled out. “Don’t worry, I’m okay!” His eyes that had been filled with the desire to survive were burning much brighter compared to the flames around him. His eyes were unwavering as he declared his stance. To force the jester, who had endured tremendous suffering, to choose between him and Bella is an incredibly cruel act. He wouldn't force somebody to do such a despicable thing. Additionally, he recognized that they were not on a stage where they were required to save strangers unreservedly. It was not being cold, but being reasonable, which is what it was about. Jaerim is solely responsible for his own safety. He should not expect help to come without even trying to escape by himself. He tightened his chest once more as he yelled out, guaranteeing that the clown would not make a clown to himself.  “Go to her. An opportunity has been created. Don’t waste it!” There was a little pause on the other side of the flames. After a few moments of waiting, Jaerim thought he saw a shadow pass by and leave. Seeing that he was there alone, he heaved a sigh as he crouched down. Despite the fact that he was in an extremely perilous scenario, he appeared to be unfazed. With the paper in his pocket, Jaerim took a glance at the information on the piece of paper.  [Deus ex Machina] He still has this cheat. He could just summon water to rain down or have the firemen arrive immediately to put off the fire. It's only that he's hesitant to put it to use. Barron had informed him that such an item is extremely uncommon and that he must utilize it prudently. He'd also given the second item to Noel, which further strengthened his resolve not to use it. Someone unexpectedly appeared near him as he was debating whether or not to use it. He couldn't see the person's face. Instead, he had only watched a pair of shiny shoes walk through the embers without a care in the world. It only took one look for him to recognize the guy next to him. “Are you not leaving?”  The voice of the white-haired grim reaper was heard from above. It was gentle and kind. As he slid the paper back into his pocket, Jaerim didn't even bother to raise his head. Barron smiled as he looked forward at the flames that seemed to consume the entire area but were unable to extinguish the events unfolding in front of him. The sea-blue eyes were captivated by the stunning scenery. Fire is not the only one burning in this place. There is also the desire of many people—the desire to break free from repetitive behavior, the desire to see the light at the end of the tunnel, the desire to be saved, and the desire to see their love one more time. The flames pale in comparison to the raging emotions that lingered in the hearts of those who had passed. Jaerim's eyes were brimming with tears. Smoke, heat, and glaring light make for an unwelcoming environment. It brought tears to his eyes. His vision is getting blurry because there are so many things going on around him at the same time. All he can do is wipe it off with his sleeves. Still, he displays a calm disposition. Barron couldn't find any signs of worry coming from the person who is the most susceptible in this situation. Among the desires that he could feel, the one who possessed the thickest amount belonged to this guy. Jaerim’s desire to live is enough to feed this world with enough determination. “How are they?” Jaerim stood up, patting his pants as if doing so would make a difference. After all, he was already dirty from running around. His face was even covered with soot and charcoal that almost made him look like he had rubbed himself in a chimney or something. Barron chuckled, taking out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and handing it to the youngster.  “Everything is okay,” he answered truthfully.  “Did they finally find peace?” Jaerim accepted the hanky and wiped the grime and dirt from his face.  Barron shifted his eyes to the pair of people who were standing in the middle of the stage. Yes, both of them are standing. One of them, wearing colorful and funny clothes, shakily kneeled in front of a pretty lady who seemed to have never looked old. The lady accepted whatever the funny-looking man asked and the two people started dancing the waltz in the middle of the burning stage.  They both looked happy and not bothered at all as they skillfully moved around the stage nimbly. Maybe, probably they are just hearing things, but music seems to be playing in the background. It is different from the Rondalla Jaerim had been sick of hearing in the past few days, or the lively tribal music of the other dance troupes. It’s a piece of opera music signifying the climax of the story.  It’s the end of their story.  Barron nodded his head.  The world is probably reaching its conclusion. Jaerim could feel the fire around him getting put off. Barron had walked away and he followed like a chick. Their direction is to the doors that have been widely opened since who knows when. Jaerim peaked out from the back of the grim reaper and found some of his companions already waiting on the other side of the door. A number of the grim reapers are also mixed in.  “Congratulations on passing your first world,” Barron said in a good mood. “Seems like you would be able to survive longer.” Jaerim hastened his steps so he could walk side by side. He looked straight ahead, and said with conviction in his voice, “Of course, that’s what I’m planning to do.” Barron chuckled in amusement. It seemed that he really had picked up an interesting fledgling. “Okay, I will support you then.” There was nothing else to watch here, so everyone just ended up at the train station where everything started. Jaerim was just walking around Silvester, Barron, and the unknown bespectacled shaking guy who was said to be a bomber when someone called him. He turned his head around just to catch the sight of Ken and his group waving their hands.  “Just follow up after you’re done,” Barron said as he headed first toward the train.  Jaerim nodded his head and waited for Ken to arrive. They are leaving using the same transport train, so there’s no need to wait.  “We will separate here,” Ken said as he patted Jaerim’s shoulder.  Ken had met a lot of young kids during the simulations, and it ached his heart to know that they were meant to die young. So, his group will always try to help these youngsters persist much longer. He didn’t know which faction Jaerim belonged to, but he nonetheless offered his assistance in the case they wanted to come together in a simulation.  Jaerim is surprised, “Is it allowed to come together as a group?” “Yeah?” Ken nodded. “The next simulations will become more challenging. In these situations, it’s difficult to trust just anyone, so it is advantageous to go with people you are familiar with.” “I see,” Jaerim accepted the card Ken handed out now. “This is?” “A locator. Just give it to your grim reaper and have him locate me or any of my people. As long as we are not inside the simulation, we could come and help you.” “Thanks,” Jaerim pocketed the gift. “I appreciate it.” Ken shook his head. “You guys were good. It’s not common to see people as calm as you. I hope we can see each other again.” “I hope so, too.” “Goodbye.” “Bye, sir.” The two exchanged a few more pleasantries before they went to their own cabins. Jaerim is about to return to his own cabin when he meets with Noel along the way. The guy, who is already old but still looked like a teenager, was obviously waiting for him. Jaerim only raised his head as a greeting without any intention of coming in contact with Noel.  Well, after all, this guy wants to kill him once.  “You really show your disgust in your face,” Noel commented as he started to approach Jaerim.  Jaerim looked at him warily. “What? You wanna fight again?” They really didn’t have a good start. Jaerim was only treating him well during the competition since teamwork is important and a fight between members would affect performance. Now that they were done, Jaerim didn’t want to pretend anymore.  “Who cares,” Noel rolled his eyes. He reached out to ruffle the hair of the shorter guy as he walked past him. “Let’s meet again.” Jaerim is about to say his curses but pauses after seeing Noel’s back. He watched as the person walked away, toward the first-class cabin, then scoffed. He doesn’t care anymore. As long as he lives, he will not care whom he will meet to become friends or enemies in the way. Jaerim’s goal is survival, and that will never change.  “How long will you stay standing there,” Barron’s voice called out.  He turned his head around and found the familiar cabin room. He heard Barron’s voice but the face peeking out from the door is Silvester. He hurried over and beckoned Silvester to move inside to free up some space. It wasn’t a large room after all. 
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