Chapter Three

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EDIN I am surrounded by familiar sounds. The sound of steel grinding on steel, of a thousand feet marching in tandem and the laborious breaths of my men. The air is clouded by the dust displaced into the air by our unforgiving march forward and each breath is filled with dust, grit and sweat. Of the five thousand-strong army that left the empire of Bynkars seven months ago, about one thousand and five hundred men are returning home, weary but victorious. It was a long, drawn-out battle. Despite our size, I and my men stayed upwind of the several precautionary lookouts of the kingdom of Olerinde. I sent in an elite team of twenty and they effectively ambushed and eliminated all the men that were posted in several strategic places to warn the kingdom in case of danger. The rulers of the Olerinde have however, never been accused of stupidity and despite our advantage of surprise, my army was too large to go unnoticed for too long. By the time the king of Olerinde noticed the danger creeping up on him from the West, he had two choices. He could have either met us in battle, sent his two thousand men-strong army to meet ours and hope that their home terrain would give them all of the advantage or he could have gone on a siege, hoping to starve us out, break our spirits and make us give up. He chose the latter. His last option would have been to use the time he bought by taking notice of us early to evacuate the weak and the royal family through the east into the mountains, but that would have divided their meager military force even more and constituted a risk for the evacuees. I would have chased them down and used them for leverage. Luckily for him, the most notable feature of the small kingdom, shoved as Far East as the mountains will allow, isolated from most of civilization and an eyesore in my opinion, is its walls. Other than the resources that the emperor is obviously interested in, the mountains of Olerinde create a natural foundation for them to build their impressive walls protecting them from the unpredictable environment and the rest of the world. It also helps that the kingdom is bordered by the natural divide from the west, which would normally be a deterrent to anyone looking to invade. I smirk as I remember the planning. Convincing the council that we should go from the east was a very tough one but I managed. If the war council had their way, we would have marched directly to their front step, crushed their meager army force and taken the kingdom, supposedly all with ease. But I know a little about the people of Olerinde, they are as tough and cunning as the environment they have made their home. Marching through their front door would have only given them ample time to react. Knowing them, the king would have evacuated his family and the weak immediately. He would have always chosen a siege because it would be pointless to throw men at a larger, more skilled army and it would have given him time to summon his allies. He would have gone an extra leg to ensure that me and my men do not last in their mountains and would be forced to turn back by having the entire forest poisoned. If we were lucky, it would be a poison that only killed the plants and animals. If we were very unlucky, it would be one that would burn through our numbers too, like fire to kindling. Even if he did not poison us directly, the dead plants and animals would be inedible. Without food, there is only so much even the strongest warrior can do before giving out and lying down to die. The people of Olerinde are underestimated only in a fatal mistake. Despite the suddenness of our attack, the king had several birds sent, a desperate bid for help from his allies. My men were already stationed, and each and every bird was shot down and their messages burnt. The war council eventually saw reason in my idea but commissioning the things I would need to safely guide my men across that divide in the east took an additional two months during which we risked word of our intentions getting to Olerinde before we have even started moving. I stayed on top of that too and it has all payed off. The siege lasted more five months. During this period, my men had abundant food and water hunted from the forest and while we ate heartily, the people trapped within Olerinde nibbled at their reserves of food and with each day, they grew hungrier and hungrier, more desperate. The timing couldn't have been planned better either. It was a b***h to travel in such cold weather but we are at the end of Winter. The Winter reserves have been burnt through and the people are all looking forward to a new season to replenish their food stores. Each night, they sent their representatives to demand we turn back and each night, I saw how much thinner they were, how much hollower their eyes were. At the end, it was not a tough battle at all. As I stared at their king on his knees, his head bowed in defeat, I did not know what he had done to cross the Emperor, how the Emperor had suddenly taken interest in the bounties of his kingdom and their forest, and I did not care. My job is and has always been to fight the battles my king tells me to and the reason behind it does not matter to me. On my horse, I glance around at the faces of the men around me. Their lips are set in grim lines and the exhaustion of marching day after day for weeks shows on their faces but their eyes gleam with satisfaction. We won. Upon our victory, I left three thousand men behind to secure Olerinde with my second-in-command, Vargra in charge. She will bring back order to the chaos we have rained on them and be ready to receive further orders from myself or the emperor regarding the kingdom. This is my life, protecting Bynkars against external threats, ensuring that we are always safe and ready for any invasions, sudden or planned , and also doing the bidding of my emperor. I am a forged sword, tempered through the wilderness and ready to cut wherever the emperor points. Despite being the youngest Commander in the history of Bynkars, it seems that I have spent more than half of my entire life fighting in the dirt for my people. I and my army trudge ever forward and as I look at their stained dirty faces, their equally dirty uniforms and armor, their eyes alight and the small proud grins on their faces, I think that this must be where I belong. "Farther ahead!" A man close to the front yells. "I see it. We are nearly there!" Cheers ring out among my men, passing like a ripple down the rows of men. They are right, we are finally home. ... "Edin!" Emperor Mormont's voice rings out through the hall, filled with genuine affection and delight. I drop to the ground on a knee, my head bowed as I lay my sword down in front of me. "Your Majesty." I say. The emperor rises from his throne on the dais and makes his way towards me. "Rise, my most able Commander. Rise, and give me news." He says, coming to a stop in front of me. I do as I have been bid, coming face to face with a grinning emperor. Emperor Mormont is a handsome man for his age. He is surely the type that songs were sang about his beauty in his youth and it still shows. His wavy blond hair, the proud distinct features of his face, the wide smile that always reaches his eyes, his great physique that he is adamant about keeping and his jovial personality makes him a winning character in everyone's books. What I personally admire most about him is the way he rules. He was surely born to rule as the oldest son of the late king but I do not think that there is a king alive that can rule as capably as he does. He is firm and yet merciful, just about his decisions and he genuinely cares about his people. "It was a victory." I say. Cheers go around the room, all the court members clapping their hands together enthusiastically to the news. Men and women garbed extravagantly and each looking as expensive as the last, line the length of the hall, sitting on their appointed seats. Their grins are genuine and their eyes gleam with happiness, the spoils of war and the additional kingdom added to Emperor Mormont's spreading reach makes them all the more richer. I raise my fist and extend it to the king, opening it up to reveal the signet ring of the Olerinde King. Emperor Mormont takes the ring from my fist, his keen eyes taking in the royal seal engraved on it. He raises the ring to the sky with a grin, and the cheers in the room become deafening. "Once again," He says and the hall quietens to listen to him. "You have brought honour to my name and to our empire. There is no man alive that has earned my trust and respect like you have, and the people are over themselves with joy to see your safe return. Go, rest. I assume you shall want the celebrations postponed till the morrow." I bow my head in respect. "If it is not too much to ask, yes Your Majesty." I say. I have returned from enough successful wars for everyone to know that I prefer the celebrations on the next day, after I and my men are fully rested. Of all the battles I have fought in the Emperor's name, there is not a single one where I have returned in shame. The Emperor slaps my shoulder heartily. "Go, take all the rest you want. You have made me a happy man, there is nothing you may ask that would be difficult for me to give." I take a step back and bow deeply. "Congratulations on your new Kingdom, Your Majesty." I say and turn around and walk out of the throne room. There are lots of people waiting outside to have a word with me, to congratulate me or just to see me. Court lords and ladies, guards and serving maids, emissaries and representatives, young, old, male and female all line the halls, bearing early gifts but my only acknowledgement of them is a short nod before my long legs are eating up the distance to where a fresh horse has been readied and is waiting for me. I climb the horse and the stable-hand bows in respect as he hands me the reins. I do not waste another second before I kick the horse into motion and we gallop away. The wind is in my hair and my body groans of the abuse after weeks of continuous riding but I push all of that to the back of my mind as I head forward. I race through the courtyard past the people bearing flowers and smiles, sending a silent prayer to the Saints that I am not too late. The gates are pulled up hurriedly and then I am outside the castle, racing down the cobbled streets. My manor is only about ten miles from the castle and a while later, I am pulling up in front of it. The gates are thrown open to admit me and joyous cries are called out from the staff who await me in a long queue with brilliant smiles on their faces. I slow my horse down into a trot until I stop fully in front of my manor. It is a huge sprawling thing, much bigger than one person can live in. I barely spend much time in it, so it might as well be a manor for my household but it has been passed down my generation of ancestors to me so I cannot easily get rid of it, nor do I want to. Simon, my stable-hand hurries forward to take the reins and I leap down. "Welcome home my Lord!" Hilda, my housekeeper says. "Welcome back, my Lord!" “Welcome!” The greetings are called out as the entirety of my household bows and curtsies. I stride forward to the woman at the front of the queue and bow. "Maren." I say, rising to meet my grandmother's eyes. She has made the trip all the way here to see me, I am truly honoured for she is a very busy woman. She beams, her midnight black eyes radiating pride and happiness. "Edin." She says. "Welcome home." She does not ask me about the battle, she never has. When I asked whether she was never curious about the outcome of my battles, she said that she knew I would always succeed. But whether I did or did not, all that she asks for is that I come back home. "It is good to be back." I say with a smile. She nods and her eyes try to hide the urgency hidden in their depths. She turns around and starts walking and I fall into step with her. "How is she?" I ask when we are deep into the house, beyond the hearing of the household gathered outside. Urgency and impatience has me walking fast but Maren does not stop me. "You came back in time." She says quietly. "I was afraid I would have to take extreme measures." "I told you what to do the first instance you feel it might be unsafe. I will not have you or Hilda taking any unnecessary risks." I say, my voice coming out harsher than I intended. "Trust me, I know better than to take such risks. You have always been so hot-tempered." She mutters. "If left to me, you would never even step foot in this manor at all." I say. "Hearing you, one would think you do not want me here." She says and I throw a glance back at her. She is smiling. "I know, I know, you are only concerned about me. Trust this old woman a little more, will you?" She says. "I will see her alone." I say shortly as I lift a latch to reveal a secret entrance. I climb down the stairs and soon, I come to a stop in front of a door. I take a deep breath before pushing it in. The chamber is dark, the better for her to endure. I stand as still as possible, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. It is so silent and eery in here, like the rest of the world has been crudely avulsed away from this little reality. My eyes have finally adjusted and I see the familiar pieces of furniture and personal items that I have arranged systematically on the walls all around the room. There are several paintings of her laughing and having fun, full of life, as well as daily items that she has gotten used to seeing over the years. I figured out that it helps her to see herself as less of a unknown creature and more of a human with as much life as the next person, it helps to remind her of herself. The sound of my heartbeat is the only sound in the room as I search the darkness until I see a small figure curled into herself on the floor. "Elentiya." I whisper and she uncurls. When she looks up, her green eyes glow faintly. She is holding on. At the times when she is close to losing control, those green eyes glow like lanterns, bright enough to illuminate her vicinity. "Edin." She says and rises. Her long gown trails behind her on the floor as she makes her way closer, and that was intentional. The better to hamper her if she suddenly loses control. Fiery red hair tumble down to her waist in waves, working with the pure white gown to paint her starkly even in the dimly lit room. Also intentional because her chances of creeping up on anyone diminishes with her garb. For all I know, she is unable to creep up on anyone due to the degree to which she loses control but I know little about her aliment and I always prefer to be better safe than sorry. She stops in front of me, her smile wide as her nose twitches delicately, definitely reacting to my scent. Elentiya is a heart-stoppingly beautiful woman. Pale and thin, her features rest delicately on a round face and her slim body looks so fragile and breakable. Poets used to pore over pages looking for words to glorify her with and she is something of a sensation among the gentry with her beauty. I have heard her described as so beautiful she could only be a dream. "You are back." She says, her fist curling beside her as her nostrils flare again, while she so obviously tries to hold herself back. As I watch, tendrils of inky blackness swirl tentatively over her collarbone, climbing up the base of her neck. Without wasting any more time, I grab a dagger from my waist and close my fist over it, jerking it out and making a cut across my hand in the process. Hunger washes over features and she swallows hard, eyes searching mine and the tendrils climb halfway up her neck. "Go ahead." I say, holding my bleeding hand up to her face. She does not need any more permission. She grabs my hand in a surprisingly strong grip and bends her mouth to it, her cold lips closing over the torn flesh and gulping greedily. My entire body goes rigid as it always does, and my whole being is repulsed at being fed from like prey. It has gotten easier to beat down the dominance and wait out the slowly dragging seconds until she lifts her lips from my hand. Three gulps later and she does so, rising and quickly wiping the stain of my blood from her lips. I wait for the colour to return back to her cheeks and for the tendrils to recede back into her chest. It takes a longer time than usual. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly when she looks like she has fully gotten control of herself. When she looks up at me, I see stars in her eyes. To her, I am biggest hero, her saviour. "I am now." She says with a smile that could stop wars. Guilt leaves a sour taste in my mouth and I turn away, unable to look at her one more second. ... "You have several correspondents and reports stacked up. I have had them all sorted out according to-" "Tomorrow." I tell my third-in-command, Vinel. "I'll attend to everything and everyone tomorrow." I tell him. It is customary for me to either leave him or my second-in-command behind before every battle. The scales fell to him for the battle with Olerinde. If the worst happens and both I and Vargra are lost, the army needs a capable and reliable hand to mobilize them. "Leave everything in my study." I tell him and pause. I turn back to him and he holds a fist to his chest in respect. Vinel is a giant of a man, standing well above seven foot. At first sight, most people assume that he must be all brawn and no brain but beneath that thick skin and heavy bones is a razor-sharp mind that is always eager to learn. His skills, his brain combined with his size ensures that many are ready to follow him into battle. "Relay my message to Hilda on your way out. I want no disturbance." I tell him. He takes his cue and bows before turning away and tracing his way back. Behind him is my squire who I also send off. I have lost most of my armor and can manage the rest on my own. Finally, I step into my chambers. It has already been aired and readied for my arrival. Stepping out of my travel and battle-worn clothes makes me feel about ten horses lighter. I fold and dump the clothes in a pile to burned later and make my way to my bath chamber where the bath has already been drawn. After the noise of the battle, of the march and of the welcoming people, the silence of my chambers is soothing to my ears. I step fully into my large tub, releasing a sigh and I finally feel like I am home. I finish washing up and continue to lay in the tub, closing my eyes and letting my weariness finally catch up to me. I must have dozed off because a while later, my eyes snap open with the realization that I am no longer alone. The bath chamber is still empty however and so I rise, rivers of water falling from my body back into the tub and grab a robe, pulling it over my shoulders. When I step out into my bedchamber, Prince Caerl, Emperor Mormont's younger brother has made himself comfortable on a high backed sofa. He turns to me as I step out and a short nod is the only sign of respect I give him as I glare at him. I believe I gave instructions not to be disturbed. Prince Caerl is identical to his older brother only with the same blond hair on his head. While the emperor is robust, the prince is slim and while the emperor radiates with genuineness and vitality, the prince reminds me of a snake. There would be no reason at all to compare the two different siblings, if it wasn't so obvious that the Prince craves for power and thirsts for his brother's status and accomplishments. If I dare say so myself, everybody including himself knows that he is extremely lacking in comparison to his older brother but Prince Caerl has nevertheless, chosen the hard path of antagonizing his brother behind his back. I have no tolerance for cowards like him and so, the prince and I have never gotten along well. He holds up a hand. "Do not fault your staff. You could say that I bullied them into letting me in, despite your wishes." He says. Knowing him, there is a message in his choice of words but I am too exhausted and short-tempered to analyze it. It is taking all of my concentration already not to lift the prince by his collar and throw him out like a stray dog. "I am afraid you have caught me at a bad time, Your Highness. Perhaps if you would be so considerate as to postpone this conversation until after I am well rested." I say and he rises. "Fear not, I have not come to take too much of your time." He says, stepping forward until he stops in front of me. His gaze travels down the expanse of my chest on display beneath my robe and I c**k my head curiously at him. The s****l orientation of the prince is no secret. He made some advances on me once and I effectively shut it down. If he is having runaway thoughts again, I will be glad to put them down. "Then why are you here?" I ask. "To personally welcome our most beloved commander." He says, his smile ever present. He takes another step closer and lowers his voice. "The people love you, do you know that?" He asks. I do not see the use in replying to that. "Do you know what they call you now? The King-maker." He whispers. He is crowding my space but I do not back down by stepping back, it is not in my nature to lose in any way. "A fancy name for someone who only does what his emperor tells him to do." I say, a warning ringing in my voice. He has keen ears so I am sure he heard it but Prince Caerl chooses to ignore my warning. Pitching his voice even lower, he continues. "You have more power than you can imagine, King-maker." He says. "You have the potential to attain the ultimate power; the power to rule yourself." I finally take a step back and look the prince in the eyes. "Your Highness, you must not be a very good judge of character if you have misunderstood me and my desires so drastically." I say. "You think so?" He asks, eyes gleaming. "But I believe I know more than you think." He says, eyes filled with sinister meaning. My eyes narrow at him. He has dared to dance around treason in my presence and now, he stoops to making vague threats in my own household? I take a menacing step forward and the prince straightens, his face slipping into its haughty mask of royalty once again but his throat bobs as he swallows hard. "If I were you, Your Highness, I would leave my presence because I do not know what I may be capable of mistakenly doing, in my exhaustion." I say. Prince Caerl smiles. "Always so serious when it comes to me, Edin. We were only having a light chat." He says and steps around me, heading for the door. At the door, he pauses and glances back. "Take all the rest you need, Commander Edin. And keep my words in mind." And then he is gone. My mind whirrs. Prince Caerl knows something, I am almost sure of it. But I have only one secret to keep. If he threatens it, even I do not know the lengths I will go to secure it. Casting thoughts of the prince from my mind, I approach my laid bed and drop into it. If I want my mind working at a hundred percent, I need to clear it all with good sleep. I fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow. ... Much much later, full night has fallen and it is pitch black outside. I jerk awake suddenly, and an unfamiliar wave of fear drenches my back. The wind carries the ominous sound of beating wings, my most dreaded sound. My heart pounds fast as I wait for it to pass. They are coming.
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