Fast Hands

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"I was about to leave." I said and Zeus stopped in front of me after getting out from the elevator. He was taller than me and I didn't let our height difference intimidate me. "Follow me." He said and I watched him passed me and walked ahead. I ran towards him and inside his office. "You service in my company will extend." He said as he turned around at his table and sat on his swivel chair like a king. I frowned. "What!?" He raised a brow at me and crossed his legs then leaned his back on the back rest. "Those snacks aren't free." He said and I was speechless. "What—" "Don't try to deny it." He cut me. "I'm not denying it but who would place a refrigerator inside his office?" I said. Well, I've seen offices with refrigerators but all the foods inside his fridge were my favorites. "So?" He sat properly and I watched him opened his laptop. "So, what am I suppose to do here?" I raised my arms and gave him a quizzical look. "You're fast with your hands?" "Fast, like—" I moved my hand like doing a hand job and Zeus laughed making me laugh too. I was surprised that he laughed. "I want you to encode something." He said and I nodded my head. Zeus turned his pc to me and an empty Word tab was facing me. He gave me a three pages of paper. "Can you finish this before I came back?" "Depends on how long you're away." Said and dramatically cracked my knuckles in one move. He smirked in amusement. "Okay." He stood and walked out of the room. I started typing and I was glad I am good with encoding. I finished the first page in seven minutes. I was still typing on the third page when the door opened and I could hear Zeus walking towards and he leaned and checked my work. "Still working." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm almost done." I said and it took me a few minutes more after I finished everything and I reviewed it if I misspelled something. I stretched my back and my neck and looked at Zeus who was drinking water. I was praying inside that he would choke then I heard my phone rang. It was Steve and I answered it. "Hey. Are you home?" He asked. "I just got out from work." "I'm on my way, like I'm inside the bus." I said and glanced at Zeus who was sitting at the couch and reading something. "Oh. I'll see you at home." "Yeah. Be safe." I said and hanged up. "Need to go." I stood up and grabbed my bag. Zeus looked at me and he stood up from the couch. "Okay." He just said and walked to his table. I exited his office and went home. Steve was there already, of course, and he was making dinner. I tried to be silent but the creaking of the front door didn't helped but I think he didn't hear it. I walked to my room and changed before I went to the kitchen and Steve was arranging the dishes he cooked. "So you immediately found a job? Is your first day today?" Steve asked. "Yeah." I went to grabbed our plates and utensils. I gave him his utensils. "Really? Where are you working?" I settled down on my chair. "Small editing company—sort of. I usually do the encoding." I lied. Steve nodded his head and started eating. I was glad Steve didn't pry anymore than that. ** Zeus was reading something inside a folder and sitting comfortably in his leather swivel chair as I stood in front of his table. "Encode this." He gave me the same piece of paper yesterday without even looking at me. I frowned. "I already did. Yesterday." I said and he glanced at me with an annoying look in his eyes. "Yes, but I forgot to save the document." He said and I gritted my teeth. I wanted to slap the papers in his face and walk out of the office but I sighed silently before I snatched the pc on his table and walked to the couch. "This motherfvcker." I muttered as I sat in the couch and set the pc on the table. I glared at Zeus when our eyes met but I didn't looked away. "Are you complaining?" He asked. I gave him a sarcastic smile. "No, not at all. You see, I love encoding that I'm so happy you give me this—" fvcking "—job." I stretched my lips even more and wore the most fake smile. Zeus nodded. "Good. Since you love it so much, I'm going to let you encode more documents. You've got fast hands, right?" He moved his hand like he was jerking his thing in the air like what I did when he asked me about fast hands. My cheeks were getting numb as I widened my fake smile. "Fvck you." I murmured but I made sure for Zeus to hear it. I didn't think I could last for a month in that office and I had to see his face every single day which was a torture for me already. ** ** ** ** ** **
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