Gripped with fear

1271 Words

"Why are you doing this?" I inquired from Harry Locke. I gloated deeply into his eyes and he returned the gesture while he placed his hands on the table. For seconds he said Nothing but just glared " And what is it that I am doing Alexis?" He said with a calm voice. His eyes were compelling and staring at him alone, one might think he was the one saying the truth whereas it was just all a sham. "You know what you are doing. Please I beg you, Just stop this as you are making me derail psychologically whenever I think about this. We both know we don't share any bond whatsoever together. I don't even know you. Please just stop it I beg of you, please" I said and firmly clapped my hands together. I was teary and sniffled with warm lips. He gaped and then got up from the chair slowly. He wa

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