Removing The Curse

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She was completely shocked to see that Rin had found out that she was the dragon. She had never revealed this to anyone else and the fact that she was ancestor meant that she should have been a human like how Ryuk was, then her being a dragon was quite confusing. Moreover, the fact that the secret was revealed itself was the biggest puzzle which Rin had posed right now. The girl as well as Ryuk were intensely staring at Rin because they wanted answer to the question. "..." Rin didn't know what to tell because all he did was state the truth. In reality, Rin was able to see the real form of the girl from the start which meant that her disguise or illusion magic didn't work on him. He didn't want to say something like that and thus all he did was kept his mouth shut. But their glares were pricking him intensely and thus he forcefully said, "Actually, I am probably immune to all sorts of illusion magic.." He said that in order to decrease the amount of shock they would receive. What he said was way better than saying that he could see the true form of dragon which meant that dragon magic had no effect on him. Regardless, he said it and was waiting for their reaction and thought that it would be quite simple, but the way they reacted was completely unexpected. "What!!!!" "No illusion spell works on you!!!" "Eh!? Are you even a human? How can you be immune to some magic?" Both of them placed their hands tightly in their heads and asked this in a loud voice. "Sigh, will you both stop it? It's not that bug of a deal...", Rin found it to be bothersome for them to shout in such a manner. They almost immediately shut their respective mouths as per Rin asked because in their eyes Rin looked like a freaking monster who could do anything at any moment. "That's more like it..." He smiled when he found that both were quiet. Now all he had to do was think of the next move that he had to make. He really did want some specific blessing from the dragon, but since the movement the dragon mentioned that he was stronger than her, his chest started to swell up with proudness. He started to consider himself as the best mage in the world despite not knowing the element which he was good at. "Anyway, now that we can't get any blessing from her, let's just leave..." Rin was being a bit impatient. He k=not only wanted to see if the ogres had reached a properly place, he also wanted to return to the kingdom in order to have revenge on the people who had threw him. Although he didn't have any clear memory about that, he could still remember the fact that he was indeed thrown there purposefully. 'I will definitely get back at them...', he had already thought about it and was determined to leave right away when all of a sudden the dragon stopped him. "P-please... wait..." Rin paused whatever he was saying and looked at the pretty girl that was standing right in front of him. "Yes...?" He didn't want to be rude so he asked politely, "Is something the matter?" "..." She hesitated for a bit and then said, "Will you take me with you too please?" "Huh?" Rin was shocked when he heard this. Ryuk flinched just by the thought of it. Having a dragon by your side would always be reassuring and thus it wasn't a bad idea to take her with him. However, Rin didn't want to attract much of the attention by bringing a dragon with him. He wanted to reject her but right before saying anything she started to tell her problem. "Actually, I have been cursed... due to which I have been trapped here since 600 years...", she said with a sad tone. "Huh?" The moment Rin heard that, he paused thinking about leaving her alone. He knew that she was a dragon but that didn't mean that he could actually leave her alone yet again. He now understood why she smiled when he and Ryuk had arrived here. It was probably because after many years or centuries she might have been able to speak with someone else. And probably that was why she wanted to come with them. However, since she was cursed she wouldn't be able to leave so Rin was confused as to why she would want to tell them that even when she was cursed. "So... Rin-sama, will you please lift the curse from me...", she said with a small smile while having a tear drop in one of her eyes which flew down under it's own weight. Rin was at a loss of words. He didn't know what to do right now because he was not some grandmaster or some holy mage or high tier priest who could lift curses. He wanted to reject her yet again, but just by looking at her crying and sorrow face, he decided to at least give it a try. "Alright, I'll try..." He said this and then walked towards her. She started to step back a bit by bit. "What are you doing? If you keep going back then how would I even lift the curse from your body?" "Ah! I'm sorry... I can't approach anyone under 10 meters... that's also the effect of curse...", she said this while lowering her head. "Sigh, how troublesome..." He then just raised his right hand forward and then closed his eyes. 'Think Rin... think carefully...' 'All you need to do is imagine and recite the right words...'[ He didn't necessarily enter any damn thinking mode. He was perfectly and calmly thinking while being conscious and stable right now. "Holy Magic... CURSE REMOVAL!" He said that loudly while imagining something. Right after that suddenly a large golden colored circle formed around the dragon which was shining with golden radiance so brightly that even the sun would fall inferior in front of it right now. "..." To be continued...

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