Chapter 4: Perfect Memory

1997 Words
Ruby Two days later… My phone alarm shrieked. I reached for the pesky device interrupting my blissful slumber and I let out a growl. Finally getting a grip on it, I was tempted to hurl it against the wall for disrupting the erotic vision I was having. But I couldn't afford a new phone, so I sighed, turned the alarm off and gently put the phone back down. With a huff, I threw the covers back over my head, wishing I could go back to sleep and pick up right where I left off in my wonderful dream. Before the alarm went off, Julian, the incredibly provocative, gorgeous man I'd met Friday night, was kissing his way down my body, moving dangerously close to where I craved his touch. I wished he had reached his goal before I woke up. After my night with the mysterious stranger, I hadn't stopped dreaming about him and I didn't want to. I wanted to keep the fantasy of him alive and as vivid as possible for as long as possible. The man had rocked my world, and I needed the memory of my perfect lover intact. It was only those memories of my one night of bliss that kept other troubling thoughts at bay. Thoughts that were slowly seeping in because I had no choice but to allow them in. The weekend was over, and time had run out. There was a decision to be made and as it stood, I didn't see where I'd win, no matter which path I took. It was time to face the music, and I knew just the person to help me prepare for my life-altering decision. With a heavy sigh and a heavier heart, I reluctantly slid out of bed. *** I smiled at the doorman and stepped inside the lobby of the apartment building. The place was impressive, and I couldn't help looking around with rounded eyes as I strolled to the elevator. My new friend was more loaded than I thought. The ding of the elevator announced my arrival, and I checked the text I'd received to make sure I was on the right floor. Just as I stepped out, a door just ahead flew open, and a raven-haired beauty stuck her head into the hallway and waved. Smiling, I hurried towards her. "Kenzie, hey." She grabbed me into a tight hug. "Ruby, I'm glad you made it. I'm so excited. I haven't had a girlfriend over in…ever." Amused by Kenzie's excitement, I stepped into the apartment. It was my first time at her place, but she'd been to mine plenty of times. I met McKenzie Brooks just five months before on campus when my piece of crap car had failed me. A sleek silver convertible had come to a screeching halt at my feet, and out jumped a curvaceous beauty with the most flawless golden-brown skin I'd ever seen. Kenzie had been dressed in designer garb, but she offered to help me with my car. She was also a student at the same university, so I accepted her help. Neither of us knew anything about cars and we'd laughed hysterically over how stupid we looked, just staring at the mess under the bonnet. We'd been tight ever since. I surveyed the sheer opulence of Kenzie's home. "Okay, how rich are you?" I asked with a grin. Kenzie rolled her eyes and snorted. "I'm not the rich one, honey. This is my brother's place. One of his many residences. He gave me free access when I started school, and I haven't found a place of my own yet." "Is your rich brother single? Asking for a friend." Kenzie chuckled. "Sorry, he's off the market." "Damn," I snapped my fingers and laughed along with Kenzie as she led me through the posh living room to a lavish kitchen with ultramodern appliances. I moved toward the massive electric smooth top stove and reverently ran a palm over it. Kenzie shook her head. "Of course, the stove would grab your attention. Look at you, you're practically drooling over the thing." She fiddled with a coffee machine and then turned it on. Smiling, I moved away from the appliance and plopped on a stool at the marble top island. Cooking had always been my passion. I appreciated cooking appliances. An air of sadness clouded my mood, reminding me why I needed Kenzie's help. Sighing, I asked her, "How have you been?" Kenzie lifted a brow. "Great, considering you ditched me for the weekend." We were still supposed to be in celebration mode even though we graduated a month ago. "I'm sorry," I began, "I had―" "I'm kidding. You said you weren't feeling well. How are you feeling today?" Heat consumed my face as I recalled the wild Friday night I had. It had been so incredible, I'd needed Saturday and Sunday to recover. Of course, I hadn't been at home sick, as I'd led Kenzie to believe. Groaning, I dropped my head into her hands. What had my life become? My entire world was spiraling so out of control that I was doing things I didn't normally do―like ditching friends to have hot s*x with a stranger. "What's wrong?" Kenzie stared at me, wide-eyed. "I'm just stressed. I wasn't too sick to hang out, Kenz," I confessed. "I lied." Her eyes narrowed. "Tell me you lied because you were with a man, and all will be forgiven." "Seriously?" She nodded. "Okay. Well, I was…sort of." "How were you sort of with a man, Ruby? I'm not following." "It wasn't a date. I ran into him…" I sighed. "You know what, coffee first, then I'll give you the details." Chin propped on my hand, I watched Kenzie move around the kitchen. "This is nice," she announced. "Having a friend over. I don't have many girlfriends who I can invite over." "Because you're gorgeous and rich and half of the female population is jealous of you?" I studied Kenzie in her designer jeans and wedge heels, then glanced down at myself. She looked more put together in her home than I did ever. I thought of the plain jeans dress and flip-flops I'd thrown on. I wasn't jealous of Kenzie's beauty and style because I've never been the type to put too much thought into my appearance, but I could imagine that other women were jealous of her. Kenzie snickered. "Again, I'm not rich and I just haven't had the time to make friends." "What do you mean you haven't had the time? You don't work." Kenzie was secretive mostly, but I knew that much about her. Sliding me a mug of coffee, she smirked. "You assume I don't work. But enough about me. You said you needed to talk, and you need my help. Is everything okay?" I took a few sips from my cup and gathered my thoughts. Nothing was okay right now. Rubbing my tired eyes, I began. "I'm losing my mind." Kenzie's perfectly plucked brows lifted in askance. "This isn't what I need help with, but I have to make this confession because it kind of relates to the whole situation." Blinking, Kenzie sipped and eyed me over her cup with bemusement. "How about you stop confusing me and tell me what's going on?" "I had a one-night stand with some mysterious stranger I met at a bar Friday night." Kenzie gasped as she was taking another sip of coffee and coughed uncontrollably. The hot beverage sloshed over the rim of her cup and spilled on her hand. Slamming the cup down, she hissed, "s**t, that's hot!" Flashing her fingers, her eyes swung to me. "Did you just say you had a one-night stand? Hell, I didn't even know you had sex." "Oh, come on." I threw my hands up in the air and glared. "What, do I have the word virgin stamped on my forehead?" "Kind of." Kenzie chuckled, and I directed a scowl at her. "I'm kidding, but you project a certain…innocent persona. Remember when I practically coerced you into going clubbing with me a few months back?" "Yeah." She shrugged. "I had to beg you to dance with a guy. You've never uttered a word about a boyfriend, either. I haven't known you that long, but I know you don't do hook-ups. At this point, I'm not sure if you do men at all." The speculative look Kenzie sent me made me roll her eyes. "I'm into men." I hadn't gotten much action with them before Friday night, though. Worrying my lower lip, I studied my fingernails. "I have another confession." Kenzie was wiping up her spilled coffee, and she paused. "Do tell." "I was kind of a virgin until the other night." "There's no such thing as 'kind of' either you are, or you aren't." "I've never had actual intercourse until Friday night. The furthest I ever went was heavy petting with… you know…" "Finger action?" Kenzie's chin rested on a palm, and her dark eyes were lit with amusement. "Yes." "Oh my God, your first time was with a stranger. A one-night stand. I don't know whether to be appalled or proud. Who knew you had such a wild side?" "I don't," I denied. Or at least, I didn't until Julian helped me discover it. Kenzie's tone dipped, and she leaned closer. "How was it?" Mind-blowing. Earth-shattering. I stared off into space, remembering Julian's touch, his kiss, his seductive baritone, his air of mystery. Everything about him had intrigued and overwhelmed me. Each time a memory of him surfaced, which was too often to be healthy, I swore I could still feel his hands on me and his mouth… He did incredible things with that mouth. It was almost tragic that I'd never see him again. "My God, it was that good? You can't even speak," Kenzie laughed. Blinking, I sighed. "It was too good, Kenzie. My first time wasn't supposed to be that amazing. Now, every other experience after Julian has already been ruined. All future s****l encounters with anyone else are bound to be major disappointments." Cackling, Kenzie shook her head. "You're being dramatic." "Nope." Shaking my head vigorously, I argued, "No other man will ever compare." Lifting a brow, Kenzie asked, "Are you sure it was just a one-time thing? You already sound half in love." "It was definitely one time. We didn't exchange any other information except first names. And how can I not be smitten? I orgasmed so many times during the night in that man's arms. I thought it was a myth to orgasm so many times in such quick succession." And Julian had been so kind. Talking with him had been so easy and he made me feel unlike the plain Jane I knew I was. I blended in with wallpaper. I was invisible in a crowd… except when I was with my handsome stranger. With him, I was a different woman. He made me feel desirable. "Magic d**k Julian," Kenzie murmured with a smirk. Sputtering, I barely avoided spitting my coffee across the room. I glared at Kenzie. "We are not calling him Magic d**k Julian." Although it had a ring to it, and it was very fitting. Kenzie laughed until her eyes watered. Wiping away a tear, she snickered, "Ruby, what in the hell would drive you to sleep with a stranger? I mean, how did it even happen?" Releasing a long tortured sigh, I shrugged. "I needed the distraction." "From what?" Suddenly agitated, I ran my fingers through her hair. "I'm in trouble, Kenz." All traces of amusement gone, Kenzie's brows drew together. "What kind of trouble?" "I'm in a little financial scrape…Okay, a major one." "s**t, Ruby, tell me what's going on." After a few seconds spent gathering my thoughts and sorting through the crazy situation I found myself in, I revealed, "I might have to go through with a marriage of convenience."  
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