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The next few weeks just seemed to get worse: The two oldest were treating me like a maid and cook, Greg wasn't home most nights, because of work, and my job search was getting harder. I'd gone to at least three other ad companies none of them were hiring. Then i thought about maybe i was going to have to go outside of my comfort zone a bit. Jessi, was getting awesome money as a personal assistant and I went to her house one day and asked her on one of the days off she had. "Yeah, but you really need to tell your future boss just how busy you can be with kids and a husband it can get a little tricky." "Meaning like what?" "Well, if I hadn't told my boss about my family then I would be living in her house, she's older so she doesn't mind the kids and she definitely will be retiring here in the next couple months, but her daughter still wants me to stay." "You think I could get a job as ..." "A personal asisstant , yeah, just put thing s you know what to do on a resume with how organized you are you'll get a job right away." Of course it wasn't that easy, most companies wanted younger people, and with no families. They were bigger companies but still they were ridiculous on how much time they wanted you to put into helping them.  In the mean time I kept working to keep things running smoothly at home, keeping things clean, having food always ready, and just staying out of everyone's way. Greg was hardly home and there were times when he did come home and he wouldn't kiss me, or hug me hi and when i tried to start a romantic night between us it ended in a fight, and he'd leave. Was he cheating on me...No, he might not touch me but that didn't mean....or did it. Whenever that happened I'd go down to our basement that we turned into a gym which I pretty much used and workout the frustrations of the night for an hour.Then I would shower and fall asleep.  Most of my nights my dreams went to the young man from before and he would beckoned me to him and I could feel a pull so strong between us, it was scary to me. His hands run over my body in a way Greg had never touched me, gentle and caring, his body asked me for more with just the slightest change of position or touch, his skin on mine was like a fire that made me burn and want him so much it was physically painful. His kiss was smooth and yet demanding but it gave me the choice to go further or...or what.  Before i could even think what I was back in my bed covered in sweat, and so aroused like every other night that i was dizzy. I could still feel his body against mine. Who was that man and why couldn't I forget him? "Girl, you haven't had proper s*x in twenty years and your body is finally letting you know just how bad you want it." "But it feels so real, in some dreams he's touching me and we're...and sometimes just his kiss has me all hot and bothered." "Like i said your mind is finally fighting back, anyway girl I gotta to go talk to you later." I hung up and got started with other things, I called Greg to see if he was coming home for dinner, and    he said yes so I needed to go get things to get dinner ready, today more then any day was important, it was our anniversary I made a dish I hadn't made in a long time, and remembered it had been one of Greg's favorites when we were younger. Putting the finishing touch on my out fit I went and got the candles ready, when I heard him come in and called out to me. "Maggie, are things ready?" "Yes, babe, come and sit...." "Okay good this dinner is very important." I smiled for once he actually acknowledged that today was an important day, I was happy until I heard the door bell. "They're here!" He whispered excitedly, and went to get the door. I heard two male voices, but only one caught my attention, so I followed Greg into the hallway. "Maggie this is Mr. Sean Dalton and this is Mr. Cruz." "Damien, please it's a pleasure to meet you, Maggie." My stomach did a flip as the man that had taken over my dreams, was standing in my house, and I finally have a name with the gorgeous face. He gave me a smile, that had me melting. As he shook my hand I felt a sudden warmth go up my arm. Like a kind of click, like a lock had just clicked. I looked away, took back my hand, and pretended I hadn't felt any of it. "Thank you, for hoisting us this evening, Mrs. Perez." said Mr. Dalton.That brought me crashing down, this was the important dinner, Greg had been refuring to? I gulped but played it cool. "It's no trouble at all, Mr. Dalton, the plesure is all mine." I said forcing a smile, "If you excuse me I'm going to check on the food." "Of course." I excused myself and walking into the kitchen, and took a deep breath, fortunately I had made extra for the kids who were out. So I had enough to give the guest, I was just turning off the stove, when Greg came in. "What did you make?" "Mole." I answered as I checked it for chunks. "You made that mexican food crap, I told you to make..." "You didn't tell me anything about this and I'm not throwing this away." "I'm not feeding that, s**t to these important men, I'm not going to risk getting them sick, with your garbage." he said as I sat there numb and on the verge of tears, I had hoped he liked my food, but I guess not. "Now, throw that away and call one of the high end places in the city, we need to give these men food that is up to their level." I was about pick up the pot of mole, when Mr.Cruz peeked inside the kitchen. "Maggie, is that mole I smell?" he asked coming to look at the pot. "Yes, But I didn't know you two had such delicate stomachs..." "Yes, I'm sorry, my wife didn't think before she so carelessly..." "I have not had a good, mole in a long time, it smells incredible." Mr. Cruz took a small spoon and dipped it into the pot and brought a little to his mouth, I couldn't help but watch his lips move over the spoon, my mind going in a very naughty direction, but when he let out a small moan, I was heating up. "That is perfect, and spicy just the way I like it." I couldn't help but smile, and felt my face turn bright red. "Thank you, Mr. Cruz I...." "ah!?" "I mean Damien, I'm glad you like it." With that he walked out and I all but forgot Greg was there with us and had watched the whole thing. "Sleep with him." "What?!" "If either of them is interested, sleep with them, this will  ensure I get that deal." "I'm not going to do that, Greg." I said indignified but he grabbed me by my hair and rammed my back into counter, and pulled my head up making me look up at him. "You will do as I say, because if I lose this deal, you'll wish you were never born, not that there's any difference either way, now get out there and seal that deal, got it!" "Yes." I whispered and he released me, fixed his tie and went back to the men out in our living room. I pulled myself together and served the plates. They joked and laughed, the only one trying to include me was Damien, asking questions about me, how I learned to cook so well, and what I did for work. Greg could be counted on the shoot me down, painting me a useless, stupid, and cold wife to the men. By the end of the night I was ready to walk away from them, but if I did Greg would make me regret it later. "Well, I think I have a pretty good idea, how our dealings will be going, you are a man with a lot of ambitions and I don't see why thing would not go well, so I will report back to my people and get back to you, thank you again Mrs. Perez." "Yes, thank you for coming." Greg walked with Mr. Dalton obveious trying to get Damien a shot at a night together. "Well. thank you for the warm welcome, Maggie, and hope the deal goes well, for your husband." "You're not part of the..." "No, I'm here just as a fiend to Sean, it's them who will be doing business together." "Well, thank you for coming and hope you enjoyed the food." "I thought I had made that clear, it was the best meal I've had in a while." He gave me a sexy smile, that brought a smile to my face, the silence between us was comfortable and warm, as I put out my hand to shake his, he gave me the side smile I saw at the mall, took my hand in his, and softly kissed it. I was breathless at how soft and gentle the kiss was, but the moment was cut short and he slowly released my hand and walked out the door.  After that day I hadn't heard if the deal had gone to Greg's liking, he never said but he wasn't nagging me either. So all I was left with was doubt. Life at home was getting worse and worse if Lacy wasn't fighting with Daniel, Daniel was going out not coming home until all hours of the night as was Lacy, the only one who seemed at all sane in the house was Johnny, who spent his time on his game. Most days asked the kids if they needed anything when they said no I left and would walk around or got things for dinner.This was usually my alone time, which was ironic I was always alone and feeling it too. One day as I thought through a few things, and was having lunch at a favorite spot. I suddenly felt watched, without being too obvious I looked around and found no one looked at me. However the feeling was still there, I laughed at myself and left a tip for my food and headed for the store.  As i decided between two different sauces, someone ran into my chart. I looked around and was face to face with  a beautiful young woman, she had big hazel eye, and long black hair in beach waves down her back.She looked so fragile but something about her was dangerous. "I'm sorry, the chart kind of got away from me, didn't mean to scare you." "No, I'm fine, taken by surprise a little." She came around and groaned. "You okay?" I asked also come around to look at her chart. "It was the last carton of eggs this size, and now their all busted." "Really, maybe you could ask..." "I did they said they won't get more until next week, everyone likes their eggs right." We both chuckled and I looked at my chart and handed her my small carton of eggs, I could get a bigger size. "Here." "No, you don't need to do that." "I can get a different size." She hesitated for a second then took it, with a shy nod. "Thank you." "It's not a problem." " oh by the way I'm Kasey." "Maggie, and it's not a problem at all." "There you are." came a familiar deep male voice behind me. "Hey, I was almost done." "Well, if you keep talking to everyone in the store you'll never get done." When he finally stood in front of me, i fought hard  to keep my mouth from dropping open. It was Damien, and again his presince was like a body slam. He was wearing normal clothes that clung to his fit body, making his muscles stand out, and now that we were in a more calm setting I started to notice he was medium height, and full of lean muscle, and those eyes still as mesmerizing as ever but now had a light yellow ting to them. "Maggie this is my brother..." "Actually we already met, remember that dinner I went to with Sean, that was Maggie's husband he was dealing with, but her food was amazing." I felt my cheeks warm up and cleared my throat. "Again, I'm glad you enjoyed it." "Well, sense you kind of know each other, we should hang out sometime and you can show me." "Um...sure." "Well, we should get going I need to get back, so nice seeing you again Maggie, I'll see ya around." He gave me a serious look, with a speck of mischief in his eyes, with that they left me and I finished my shopping and headed out.  All the way home my heart was racing and I couldn't get those eyes out of my head. I quickly got out and as soon as I went inside the house I wished I hadn't. It was a disaster they had things thrown everywhere and they were screaming and shouting at each other. "Give it back asshole!" "Why, can't live without it?" "What the hell happened in here?!" Lacy and Daniel turned to look at me for a second then continued fighting. I was getting a headache and i left them alone and went to the kitchen to get dinner started. I was just gonna get started when I realized I hadn't gotten everything that included the eggs I needed to make dinner. That's when Lacy came in. "Give me a ride to the mall, I need to buy this shirt I've been seeing there for a while." "Are you actually asking or demanding a ride to the mall?" "Whatever, I just need to get to the mall okay!" she raised her voice. "Fine, i need to get something anyways." Luckily there was a mini mart close to the mall, so while the kids went to the mall I went to the mini mart and bought what i needed. I was half way to the car when i noticed Lacy was talking to some guys and from what i could tell was smoking and drinking.  Her brothers were already in the car and I went over and yanked Lacy away. "Get off me!" "Hey hands off b***h!" Without thinking about it I slapped the guy in the face and he glared down at me, and i glared back. He was breathing heavy as i pulled Lacy away and she protested and fought me all the way I finally pushed her ahead, Then everything seemed to go in slow motion. I heard Johnny yell out and then a scream, something slammed into me and then pain. I was on the road with something big, hairy, and scary trying to rip me to pieces. I put my arms up and tried and tried to get away but couldn't find a way, I screamed as i felt the pain on my arms, from teeth  ripping into them, and once i couldn't keep my arms up, I felt the teeth rip into my neck. I could hear screaming and growls around me but i was drowning in my own blood and it was slowly getting cold and dark.  I had no idea what was going on I could hear flashes of lights, sierns, police and I barely remember the light at was shown into my eyes, I was being lifted up then I was hearing things monitors in and out of consiousness, until I just let the dark take me.
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