CHAPTER 2: Awful Memory

1038 Words
"You are this terrible huh?" I insult him and looked around with disgust. A girl for sacrifice? The poor little girls' eyes glance at me. Confuse, terrified, and stopping her tears. That's what I read in her face. She doesn't have any idea what's going on. Poor girl. Maverick just laughed. My glare bounces back to him. "What? Is this awful for you? Already?" I smirked. "You want a kid?" "I want the fresh blood," he didn't even bother to use some filter. Disgusting. "Let go of the child..." I cannot attack Maverick here. There is a lot of normal people. I tried so hard to call my father in mind. I need a backup. I know he told me to catch it, but he didn't mention that I should do it alone. Why did I just think of that right now? Tsk. Using my stares, I locked all the possible doors or way out of the weird room. The people stopped their weird chants and lose their composure. Scared, maybe. This is funny. They are so frightened of shutting some doors... but they are so wicked to be a monster and offer a child's body. Hypocrites. "Easton! You're scaring them..." The vampire is not even scared of what's going on. This is like a show for him. He's having so much fun, huh? "I don't care," I told him. "If you all wanted to live, then go here at my back." "You don't care?!" He gasped. Like I am the worst person ever. I was baffled for a moment when he immediately raised his fist and in a swift motion, he's already choking someone to death. When the body is already lifeless, he throws it to the wall. The group of people started to kneel and apologizing. "You all wanted a long life, right? All of you... Should stay here if you wanted to live!" The little girl started to cry louder. Maverick's eyes were already red in madness. Tsk. Why is there a lot of people here?! I don't have any choice but to turn into a wolf. I need to pin this vampire down before he kills more. My back ached as it cracks down. My black and white fur started to grow and the claw started to go out. The little girl was stunned while Maverick is grinning at me. I do not even finish transforming when he attack me already. His claw was about to smash my face when I got Maverick hands and stopped it. He is so fvcking strong! "Why are you always chasing after me?!" He hissed then smiled. "Don't you want your own life, dog? Why are the werewolves acting like the legal court of the royal vampire?!" "I guess, they cannot handle horrible vampires like you?" That's right. That is what my father offered the royal court of vampires. The wolves are responsible for getting, investigating, and stopping the crimes of vampires. In short, we clean up their mess. I hate it. "You think you can handle me?" When I got the chance, I immediately throw a kick on his stomach. That made him hit against the wall. I aggressively run towards him and grab his neck. "Of course, I can handle you," I smiled at him. "You cannot run here either, Maverick." Vampires are usually hot-headed. They are very emotional and that distracts them. He gritted his teeth and push me with his almighty. My feet heated up because of friction while stopping my movement. He is hella strong. I was so shocked when he started to attack all the people with black cloaks. I ran towards him and grab his neck. I throw him to the wall again and made a scratch on his stomach. And then after that, my father came. The pack came with him too and start grabbing Maverick's ass. "Good job... son," my father told me. "Can I go back to my normal life?" "You can go if you want," he nodded. "A promise is a promise." At last! The wolf set the fire in the basement. "What the hell?!" I hissed. There are all people! Yes, they deserve to die. But not on my watch! "Aston, leave them all behind... They are all weak because of Maverick's scratches." Another wolf nods his head. "And even if we save them, we do not have any antidote to heal them." I sighed. Damn it. I was about to exit when I heard a girl crying. Right! That little girl! Even the fire is eating the room out, I didn't mind and save the child's life. Her face was full of tears as I crack the chains down. I carried her small body and looked into her eyes. She looks very scared and confuses. "Don't be scared... It's alright," I assured him. "Don't be loud too." She is just staring at me while silently crying. I was about to get out when someone grabs my feet. "Help," a woman's voice asked. I looked down and kick it. Long live to hell, miss. We need to get out of here. I ran as fast as I can away from the old house. "M-My... Parents," the child utter. "Where are they?" I asked the child. "They are... Wearing black cape," she describes. "Oh... You mean, your parents are in that basement too?" I asked to make sure. She nods her head. So her parents offered her to the vampires? They deserve to be dead then! "They are dead." Offering their child in exchange for an immortal life?! "What?" I can feel that the child is tired. Soon, she will pass out. "M-My parents..." I stopped running when we are in the middle of the woods. I gently put her down and looked into her eyes. "What is your name?" "Thalia..." "Thalia," I called and put my hands to her shoulders. "Look at me." Her swollen brown eyes met mine. "You wouldn't remember that this day happened to you... That you had this kind of life and you have parents." "H-Huh?" She stuttered. Scared and alarmed. I glared at her eyes. Erasing all the awful memories that Thalia needs to forget to live peacefully on her own.
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