Struggle to Enter

1902 Words

"What did my mother tell you?" Callie asked, a little bit more eager to know about what the door said and that her mother had told them something about her. When talking about her mother, she was really becoming more eager, and she couldn't help but ask a little impatient as she keenly looked at the door. She even moved closer to it to hear it clearly. "Did she ask you to rely upon me to save her? How does she look? Is she okay? Did you hurt her, too?" "Calm down, Callie. Let the door speak," Free interjected and told her to calm down as she was obviously cutting the talking door from speaking and answering her questions. "Move back here so it can answer. Don't scare it. You look like you could eat it anytime." "It's my mother, the source of everything, the reason why I am here. If she n

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