Chapter Three

3190 Words
Anna's PoV "Table for two," My boss asked the waiter as we entered, and he guided us to the table. I couldn't believe myself. I don't know what I was exactly waiting for... the alarm to ring and wake me up? More like the ground to open and gobble me up.  "So, birthday girl..." he says once we sit across each other, and hands me the menu card. "Sir, you totally don't have to...," I let my voice trailing, pushing a loose hair strand behind my ear. I'm pretty sure this must be getting annoying now, but I still didn't know what the correct response to this situation was. "I thought we're over this?" He gives me a pointed look, "Order. Now." "Right," I mumble, instantly burying my head under the menu card. I could swear I almost saw him smile in amusement. Almost. "You're here for the first time, right?" He asked. "I am." "Let me order for you then," he offered. "I'd like that, yes," I agree, instantly. "Excuse me?" He calls up the waiter. "Do you like tacos?" He asks me while the waiter asks a colleague to take over. "I do," I agree. "Tacos or nachos?" He asks again. "Nachos," I reply, "They're like, the love of my life." "I got you," He flashed me a quick smile, and then looked up to the waitress. "Your order?" The waitress asked, flashing him a flirtatious smile. Zach raises his eyebrows awkwardly, because the smile was much less flirtatious now and much more take me behind the table, I'm trying to seduce you kind. I preferred looking away as Zach ordered a few things and two milkshakes when my eyes widened. "Isn't that too much?" I ask politely with a smile on my face. He chuckled, "Well, you're the birthday girl, I'm just treating you the way you deserve." I was more than surprised when his hand reached across the table and held mine. My eyes widened as he slowly caressed it and I knew why he was doing it. To send that waitress away. But he should have some, just some thought of all the butterflies in my stomach at the moment. "Alright, sir. Enjoy your date," the waitress looked so embarrassed as she turned around and left. "I am so sorry," he said instantly leaving my hand and my heart shamelessly wished it would be there for a while longer. "Some girls, they're so pathetic." "You can't blame her. She was just shooting her shot," I gave him a weak smile. "Well yeah, but that didn't really seem like just that," he raised his eyebrows, "And you gotta respect someone's privacy. Especially when I'm sitting with another girl." "She could've thought we are siblings?" I chuckle nervously. I should seriously shut up. And why the hell was I even defending that girl? I disliked her from the moment she walked upto our table. "Yeah right," he chuckled, sarcastically, "We look nothing alike." I just shrugged it off. "So, Miss. Collins, why don't you tell me about yourself?" He initiated conversation after a moment of silence. "I'm a pretty boring person, there's nothing to know about me," I shrug, biting my lower lip. "Still," He trailed, knitting his eyebrows, "Where are you from, again?" "Idaho," I reply, a small smile spreading across my face as I remember my home town, "Sun Vally, to be precise." "That is a beautiful city," he replied. "It is," I nod enthusiastically, "Have you been?" "No I haven't, but my nephew wanted to travel to that side, and Idaho was the first on his list," he replied. I nod, and he goes on, "If you don't mind me asking, why did you shift here all the way? I mean, Idaho and New York City are almost on two different corners." "I don't exactly know why, but umm... Idaho is a beautiful place. Most people own houses, have stable jobs, are retiring with a farm house or have already retired. Life's nice there, but slow. I just, really wanted to feel the hustle of a faster life, you know? I wanted more than to join my family business, I wanted to make use of my education, make my own name, work from the scratch... be more independent. I don't know, does that make sense?" "It does. It does," he instantly nods, "So, do you like it here?" "I do," I smile, "It's been two and a half years, and for not a day I have regretted shifting here. I miss home, my friends, my family, yes... but I like being here too. This work, this city, it makes me feel like I belong here." He nods, intently listening to what I said. I continue, "Do you like it here?" "Well, I don't have anywhere to compare to. I have been born and brought up here, with my mother in Queens and then I shifted to Brooklyn after my father died to take over this company," he shrugged, "Although, I would love to shift to a place like Idaho too. I mean, after living in the hustle bustle for so long, I would like a taste of slow life, to be able to sit in my own balcony and watch the sunset without worrying about the meetings on the next day for a change." "I don't think you'd–," I paused. Our conversation was interrupted when the waitress brought out food and spread it across the table, serving it in our plates. "You were saying?" He asked once the waitress had left and just made me a little happier to know that he was listening. "Right," I say, "I don't think you'd enjoy that life a lot. I mean, for some weeks, you'd love it... but I believe once you're used to this, and I quote from you 'hustle bustle', it's a little difficult to go from having no time to so much free time. You'd have no idea what to do with yourself." He starts eating and I follow his lead. "I think.. it's an opportunity to grow. Start something new. Do something for yourself, learn a new sport or catch a new hobby. Just educate yourself more, I guess? Learn the life there, see what people need and don't have, invest there, start a new business then and thrive." I chuckle silently, "Ofcourse you'd shift there for business." "You gotta do what you gotta do," he replies with a smug smile. "What is your family business, though?" He goes on. This food was yummy. I wondered why I never got here before, especially the nachos– every lover's heaven. "Mhmm," I gulp, "This food is awesome. Thank you for bringing me here. Seriously." "My pleasure," he smiles, "I've never seen anyone come to Monet's for the first time and get disappointed." "Mh-hmm," I nod, "I will be here a lot more times than you think." He chuckled under his breath. I go on, "My mother's family owned a ski-lodge which she inherited from them. My father has a wine factory." "And you wanted to work for neither?" He raised an eyebrow. "It's not that, it's just...," I lick my upper lip, taking a deep breath, "Things have been complicated after my parents separated. Being the only child, I inherit both of these things when I turn twenty-five. They're very cordial with each other always, but they've always been fighting over what I would over take since I won't be to handle two complex businesses together. That was partially the reason I wanted to move away and you know, do something for myself before doing what they want." He nods, "I see. I think it's pretty courageous of you, this whole step out and make your own name thing. Shows determination and hard-work. I'm glad Ivory Stars has you." I smile back from ear to ear, "I'm glad to be working under Ivory Stars too." "I don't think so," he teased. "Why?" I say, almost afraid. "If you were so fond of working under Ivory Stars, why would you skip two annual parties?" He playfully scolded me. I chuckle softly, "You won't let that go?" "Absolutely not." "I told you... I'm not a party girl," I say. "No one's not a party girl, Miss. Collins. You've probably just never pushed yourself enough," he says. "That's not true," I say sheepishly, looking away. "I'm sure it is. Tell me, when is the last time you've been to a party?" He asked. "My friends threw me a farewell party three years ago..." I let my voice trail. He laughed. He actually laughed. I swear to God, I've never seen him laugh. Was this a miracle? "If I tell Tara this, she's throwing you a grand birthday party just tomorrow," he teased. My eyes widen, "Please don't." "Only on one condition," he offered. "Accepted," I say, without thinking twice. "Uh-oh," am amused smile spreads across his face, "You have no idea what you just agreed to now, do you?" I give an exaggerated helpless sigh.  He continues, "You will come to the business party I'm throwing this weekend." That wasn't that bad. I was planning to go anyways; although I knew as the day came closer, I'd probably start finding reasons to stick home. I was just an introvert who wasn't very fond of the idea of partying because of a very specific reason. "Okay...," I let my voice trail. "And, to ensure that you won't fall sick–" I knew that he was teasing me, but I let him go on, "–you will come as my plus one." "What?" I almost shouted, choking on my drink. He had an amused expression as he leaned back on his chair. "You heard me," he said once I calmed down, repeating for me nonetheless, "I'd like you to come as my plus-one to the party, although it is at my house."  Oh, my poor heart. "Why would you want to do that?" I say in a helpless whisper. "I don't know, I just don't believe you aren't a party girl. My first impression of you was of a social extrovert who had way too many friends and loved partying ever occasion you got." "Not one of those are true," I nod in a daze. "So you're an introvert?" He asks. "I am," I nod. "But you're talking to me?" He asks. "Yeah but, it's like... I know you, right? I've worked under you for a long time, so you're not new to me. I'm usually shy around strangers," I explain. And except the fact that I may have a tiny winy crush on him, that is probably the reason why I speak things in front of him even without thinking twice. I'm a pretty calculative girl otherwise, atleast I'd like to think so. "I see. And like you said, you don't like partying. So you aren't social. What about friends? You don't have a lot of friends?" He leaned ahead. "I do have my fair share," I shrug, "But they're mostly back home. Not many friends here." "Why so?" "I don't know,"  I shrug again, "I never really got time from work to make friends. And perhaps, I knew I wasn't going to settle here. I knew I had to go home some day. So the less people you get attached to, the easier it is to move away." "Is that supposed to be deep, dark, an unknown side to your sad past...?" He teased. "No!" I giggle, "That's just something my Mom always told me." He nodded. We were done with food by then. "You ready to leave?" He asked. "Yeah... yes," I nod, wiping the corner of my mouth with a tissue, "I see why you liked the food here so much." "Not just the food, I even love the place," he says, and I look around. It was a normal café, but with a bit of an antique touch. I let him explain. "I just really like the vibe, I guess. Different people from all walks of life, some having a date, some giving an interview, some working on a presentation, some friends meeting after a long time, it's just nice sometimes, to forget your life for a few hours and get an insight into someone else's." "But isn't that the case for every café or joint?" I ask. "I don't know," he says, "I don't know everything. I just know there's something about this place I love. And not to forget, the food. I can die for it." "I see why now," I smile and he gives a final nod before calling for the waitress. "Yes, sir?" She asks again. This time, her eyes were on her notepad and her smile to herself. "I'd like to call for the bill," Zach says, rather platonically. "Anything more? Perhaps dessert?" She asks. Zach looks at me and I nod negatively with slightly wide eyes. If I even eat a bite more, I'd actually puke.  "No, we're good. The bill will be all." He says and she nods, disappearing for a minute before appearing with the bill. He grabbed the bill before I could get my hands on it. "Sir, it's my birthday," I say. "Exactly," he cuts me off, "Your birthday, my treat. That was the deal, remember?" "No let it be me, please," I request again. "Not happening," he takes a quick glance before placing his card inside. "Let's split it atleast then? I wouldn't like you paying for me," I insist. He glared at me, "A gentleman would never let the lady pay. Especially when I asked you here. This is no argument." "But–" I started. "Shush," He cuts me off with a pointed glare. I do remain silent this time and the waitress returns back. He signs the bill, completes the transaction and tips the table before getting up. I follow his lead as we move outside. It had stopped raining and the sky was clear, again. "You said you live around?" He asks. "Yes just the next street, by the corner," I say. "Alright, hope unto the car," he points as we reach his car. "Oh no!" I say, "It's just a minute. Barely even a minute. I'll walk." He looks at me, as if trying to decipher something. "Are you serious?" I finally speaks. "Yes!" I reply. "I'll walk you back, then," he proposed. "You don't have to, sir, please. What you've done is more than enough. Thank you, really, but I'd manage," I insist. "Are you sure?" "One hundred percent, yes," I nod. "Okay, then," he nods back. "Thank you so much for today, it... it means a lot, really. It's the best birthday I've had in the past two years," I say sincerely. "You do need to improve the quality of best in your dictionary then," he chuckled, "But I'm glad. And it's the least I can do after making you work all day." You could see he was still a little guilty about what happened. "You don't have to. It was my fault anyway. Thank you again," I say, partingly. Should I say bye? Or maybe a handshake? Or would that be weird? If it were a friend, I'd probably give him a hug or a cheek kiss, but I was sure that would make things awkward. "Take a day off tomorrow," he says, as if after a lot of thinking. "What?" I say. "Yeah," he nods, "I may not come to the office tomorrow because we have to practice... the band, I mean. And you've completed more work than you should. I think you deserve a break. Go shopping or whatever you like to do, for a birthday compensation, I mean." "Thank you," I say. I did deserve a cheat day. I don't remember the last time I had been off from work, and I mostly even carried files for work back home even on weekends. He nods. "You didn't answer though?" He asked expectantly. "Answer what?" I take another step behind. "The party. Would you be there?"  A smile spreads across my face, "As your plus one? I don't see a way out here. So yes, I think I would be there." "Don't ditch me,"  he teased. "Can't jeopardise my job, can I?" I tease back. He chuckled. "I'll see you at the party I guess? Day after tomorrow then?" I say, another step back. "Day after tomorrow, it is," he agrees as we part. I smile before turning behind and walking away. I heard his car's engine start and tires move, and then the sound of the car was just a small whimper before it disappeared as I walked further away. What even was today? As I got back home and opened my apartment with my keys, I couldn't help but keep getting lost in thoughts of what just happened. I have never had any actual conversation except work with Zach before today. It felt dreamy. I didn't know if I should convince myself if this was a dream and I have to forget about it when I wake up or that this just happened and that I should be accepting I would be his plus one in the party day after. Which reminded me, I needed an outfit. If I was alone going to this party as myself, I wouldn't have bothered much about what I wear, but now I was going with Zach. I knew he probably just kept the offer to make me come, but hey, it has to count for something right? And now, I have to make sure I look good enough to be his plus one. What a responsibility. I mean, no one would possibly care about this right? But he's always been only snapped with models and actresses and I was just plain old me. I could only hope no body cared enough to ask him if he has a plus one. Even if someone did, he wouldn't probably introduce me to them, right? Like, he just said it. To make me come. That's all it means to him and that's all it probably will. So I need to stop overthinking this and spoil it for me before it even began. I was just putting my bag on the couch when the lights were switched on before I could do that. My heart skipped a beat and I, in shock, turned around with fear in my eyes to my roommate and only actual friend in this city with a cake in her hand and a giddy grin. "SURPRISE!" She shouted. "Oh my God, Nish?" I say, shoving the cake away as I hug her tight. "I thought you wouldn't be here until Sunday?" I almost shout. "And miss your birthday? Not for the world," she said, as I left her, "But you're late missy." "I know, I know, I'm sorry. You could've dropped me a hint? I'd have hurried up home," I say. "Yeah, I should probably put you back to nursery school because you do not know the meaning of surprise," Nish said, crossing her hands across her chest. I chuckle, "I missed you though." "I missed you too," she melted, "And did you being late have anything to do with the guy in the café.." Her voice trailed. "Maybe?" I mumble, "Are you spying on me?" "Hey!" She shoved me shoulder playfully, "My sleep deprived ass just needed some coffee. If you want to keep it secret, go to a better place." "I'm kidding you know?" I say, throwing myself on the couch, taking the cake and admiring it. "So, was it a date?" She smirked, sitting next to me. "Did you bake the cake yourself?" I ask her, sheepishly licking away some cream from the corner. She laughs, "I did. Truffle chocolate with extra chocolate chips, just how you like it." "Ah, what am I going to do with you?" I say dreamily. "A lot of things, but...," her voice becomes amused, "Don't deflect, missy. Who was that hot gentleman and was it a date?" "He was from my work, and yeah, it was a date. Totally a date." I mean, it's not a complete lie right?
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