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After a very long and thankfully busy day, the dreaded moment has come. I was very nervous about going out with Aidan. I had no idea where we were going and I hoped that it was not so crowded. I go to open my door and almost bump into a hard chest.”What...oh, I didn’t see you. Um.. sorry” Why was I becoming shy all of a sudden? “Shall we go? I was just coming to get you. Where do you want to go Ms Peterson?” Formal again. That kind of bothered me and since we are going to work together I really should make him feel part of the group.”Yes and please call me Jasmine. We don’t really call each other so formally around here.” I decided to add the last part to not let him think too much of it. I put my jacket on because it was starting to become a bit chilly at this time of the year.  My neck was a bit exposed but it was ok. I started going to the elevator and all I could hear in the hallway were my heels clicking on the marble floor. I hear him clearing his throat behind me and when I turn around his eyes were on the floor. Weird. We step inside the elevator and an awkward silence fills it. His eyes still down so I took my sweet time staring at him from head to toe. I tried to be subtle about it but when I raised my eyes to his face he caught my sight and a blush came to my face.  “Blossom, don’t look at me like that or I will have to take you now and here,” he said with a smirk in his face. I blushed even more if it was possible. Arghhh… I hate my body when it betrays me like that. “ I was not staring, love. I was going to tell you that there is a nice place near here and we should go there.” I said trying to avoid what he said, but he had caught something else. “Oh, baby girl stop calling me love. You know how much that affects me and I am reeeally trying to be a good boy here,” he said and I wanted for the ground to open and swallow me down right this moment. “I am ok with wherever you want to go, Jasmine. I don’t really know the city and I would love to have a guide to the nicest places around here. Having you accompany me is a bonus, of course.” he winked. I was really grateful for his change of topic because I don’t know what I would have done if he went on teasing me. So, we went to this place I recommended. It was a rooftop bar, kind of a lounge place with the restaurant inside. It was not very crowdy at the moment, just like I liked it. We decided to grab a drink before dinner. We directed ourselves at the counter. I took a seat and he sat next to me. I ordered a glass of chardonnay, my favourite, and he did the same. I was kind of nervous at the beginning but then I decided to enjoy the night. There was nothing wrong with having dinner with a co-worker, and we were definitely talking business here. “So, tell me Blossom,” said Aidan, “ are you from Boston?” I didn’t expect a personal question but it was not that personal so I decided to answer. “Yes, I was born and raised near here, but I always wanted to explore more places, cities, countries,” I said. “You see, I never got to do it, because I started working right after college, and I was happy with it. I still am, even though I know that in the future I would like to travel.” I finished. He was looking at me surprised but didn’t say anything. We kept chit-chatting for a little while until the waiter came to announce that our table is ready for us. We directed ourselves to our table and immediately started ordering.  “I would like a shrimp pasta and another glass of this wine, “ he ordered. “ I would like the veggie pasta, please. And another glass of the wine as well.” I added. He raised an eyebrow on me. “ You didn’t strike me as a vegetarian, Love” he said. “Your rebellious character made me think of you as a man-eater” he added with a chuckle. I knew what he was referring to but chose not to. “Well I do not eat meat, and it’s been a while now. And definitely, do not eat any man. Maximum I make them eat me…” I snapped, but as soon as I finished the sentence I wanted to facepalm me. That was embarrassing and definitely not professional. How could I work with him, for him when I couldn’t control myself around him. I saw a smirk in his face and he said ”Well, Blossom, I would be more than happy to have another taste of you, but you never called, so you’re not interested” I wanted for the earth to open and swallow me at the moment. I saw his playful side and the professional one mixed with something that looked like hurt, but it couldn’t be it, right? I felt a bit guilty, but I didn’t want to put any of those thoughts in my head. This had to be professional, and so it will be. Our dinner came and we started to eat, quietly. My plate was amazing with all the different veggies mixed to fusilli pasta. There was a rainbow of colours and flavours that got into me. I like it so much that when I put the first bite in my mouth I started moaning without realising. I was enjoying my dish when I saw Aidan shift in his seat and cough a bit. “Are you ok?’ I asked coming from my trace. “ Hem… Yes, baby girl, but you definitely are not making it any easier for me.”Said Aidan before sipping on his wine. I caught on what he was referring to and felt really embarrassed. I should be more careful. To get out of this awkward situation I decided to divert the topic and started talking about our philosophy of work at our company. He seemed to understand our point of view and only interrupted me to ask more specific questions. It was good to finally have the conversation flowing without any teasing and what else. I was feeling my confident self again and it felt amazing. I finally saw his professional self and let me tell you, it was amazing. He had so many other ideas that could go really well with our company, and I couldn’t wait to put them in place.  After dinner, I insisted to pay for my part, but he argued saying that he was happy to pay for the company and the tour (if you want to call a tour going to a barestaurant and going back home). I did not argue more and let him do. When we went back I waved for a cab and as soon as I got one, he entered after me. I was a bit surprised and wanted to argue, but like he was reading my mind he said:” Blossom, you don’t mind sharing a cab, right?” I was kind of uncomfortable but didn’t say anything just nodded. He gave the driver my home address and we headed my way. I was shocked. “ You remember my address?” I asked and he nodded. Silence. It was not very far from my apartment so it didn’t take long to get there. “Hmm…” I started. “ Good night, Jasmine.” He said and I stopped. “See you tomorrow morning in the office” he finished and I nodded. “Good night, Aidan,” I said and entered my building. I could finally breathe, but what was this feeling I had in me now? Could it be “disappointment”?
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